Eastern mythology system

Chapter 439 Excited

Chapter 439 Excited

The Elf King, the First Elder, and the Second Elder stood together and finished the glyph.Surrounded by them is a high platform with a simple shape, like an altar.

The high platform was slightly shorter than a normal adult, and its material was neither iron nor stone, and it was covered with ancient and mysterious patterns.If you look closely, you can find that the textures are a bit like the textures of trees, but denser and more complicated.

In fact, this high platform was formed naturally by the extension of the ancient elf tree behind it.

In the middle of the high platform, there is a hollow, and in that hollow, there is a longbow lying quietly.

The appearance of the longbow is plain and unpretentious, as if a piece of wood was carelessly made into the shape of a bow, without much polishing, let alone any decoration.

Only under the moonlight, a layer of faint green light appeared on its surface, showing that this longbow was not as simple as it seemed.

Of course it is not simple, just look at the fanatical and reverent eyes of the elves below, you can know the extraordinary significance that this longbow represents.

Because it is an artifact, an artifact left to the elves before the goddess of the moon fell!
"Sigh of the Luna"!
According to legend, this is a supreme artifact that can shoot and kill gods.

It's just that this artifact is extremely powerful, and its requirements for users are also extremely high.Not only can non-elfs not be able to use it, but the realm of martial arts must reach a considerable height.

How high this condition is, even the Elf King doesn't know.Anyway, with his holy-level elementary strength, he also couldn't drive this "Moon God's Sigh".

The two great artifacts of the elves, the ancient elf tree can communicate with the gods, but because the god they believed in, the "Goddess of the Moon", has long since fallen, this sacred tree has completely lost its use.

"Moon God's Sigh" is extremely powerful, suitable for killing and retreating the enemy, but because the threshold is too high, it can only be seen and cannot be used.

The elves have two great artifacts, but they can only look at them and sigh, which is quite depressing.

However, although the artifacts have lost their original function, they are still of great significance to the entire elves.The Elf King and all the elders chose this time to solemnly hold the prayer ceremony, and even invited the "Moon God's Sigh" out, obviously it would not be idle.

The three saint-level powerhouses gathered around the altar, raised their hands, and chanted in a low voice.The content they sang was obscure and difficult to understand. It was not the current common language of the elves, but the ancient elves.

The elves below had already knelt down at this time, with wild eyes, feeling the rising aura of the elf king and the other three beside the altar, feeling proud.And peace of mind.

Our elves have these three extremely strong men in command, no matter how many abyssal creatures come, there is nothing to be afraid of.

It's just that they didn't notice that the expressions of the three people beside the altar were slightly dull.And in the eyes of the Elf King and the others, occasionally a red light flashed, which was weird and cold.

As the singing voice gradually turned from low to high, not only the Elf King and other three holy-level powerhouses, but even the elves who were kneeling on the ground below gave birth to a faint green light like the artifact "Moon God's Sigh" gosh.

And the "Sigh of the Moon God" placed on the altar had left the hollow at some point and slowly rose up.

The light it emits is also getting brighter and brighter, as if a second moon appeared out of thin air.

Outside the ceremony of the elves, Cardinal Rossi of the Holy See of Light and other high-level officials stood quietly, watching the ceremony closely with curiosity and nervousness.

That young man with respected status and unfathomable strength is also impressively listed.

"It looks like it's about to succeed."

"It turns out that this is the prayer ceremony of the elves, and it doesn't look very good. Compared with our Holy See, it is much inferior in terms of the number of people and the scene."

The two red-clothed archbishops looked at the other side, and communicated in a low voice.

"After all, the elves are in decline...but as a once glorious and prominent race in the mainland, there are still merits in it."

"That's true, where is the background. Moreover, the ancient elf tree and the sigh of the moon god, two ancient artifacts, can only be activated by the elves. If there is no such obstacle, with the super strength of our Guangming Holy See, we can directly crush them. It’s fine to press it over, so there’s no need to use such a tortuous method.”

One of the archbishops in red rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"However, if there is no such episode, how can we see the extraordinary means of adults?"

The other person who was talking to him was not stupid. He glanced to the side, and his train of thought immediately followed.

"That's right. As soon as my lord made a move, the three giants of the elves immediately obeyed and obediently. At the beginning, I said that I would change the plan and speed up the progress. I was still worried about it. I didn't expect that the lord had a plan in mind. I was just worrying."

"Of course, my lord's wisdom and ability are beyond what you and I can guess."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

As he talked, the building became crooked, and he walked farther and farther in the direction of flattery.

The young man who was praised didn't change his expression, as if he was flattered or humiliated.

Cardinal Rossi looked a little embarrassed.

After all, he was solely responsible for the formulation and execution of the previous plan. Although the two of them didn't mean to belittle him, they praised the young man so hard, which naturally reflected his incompetence and inaction all the more.

The two talked lively, and the others were not pedantic, and would interject a few sentences from time to time until the young man opened his mouth to speak.

"Okay, don't talk about it yet, just pay attention to me. This is a major matter that the great Supreme God has entrusted, and there is no room for mistakes or omissions. As long as we are not done, we can't relax for a moment."

Everyone looked terrified, and nodded quickly.

On the other side of the prayer ceremony, it seemed that a critical moment had come.

I saw that simple and even simple longbow "Moon's Sigh" rose into the air, and the light green fluorescence became more and more intense, like a smaller green moon appeared in the sky.

This new "moon" swayed light and fell on the kneeling elves below, as if adding fuel to the fire of the sparks. They also bloomed with light one by one, like people of light.

As the elves were "lit up" one by one, the huge magic circle arranged with them as nodes was finally triggered.A storm composed of magic elements was born out of thin air and swept in, exerting the power of the magic circle to the extreme.

At this moment, the Guangming Holy See and others who were outside the formation could clearly feel that an ancient and vast, as if eternal and ancient atmosphere filled the entire space.Ascending into the air and penetrating into the earth, the flowers, plants, trees, birds and animals in the forest seem to be attracted by it and echo with it.

Another artifact of the elves, the huge ancient elf tree, has also undergone changes.

Every branch, every leaf stretches freely in the night sky, breathing greedily.Its root system has penetrated deeper into the soil, and its canopy is growing towards the sky, wanting to keep rising and rising.

And the whole huge ancient elf tree, no matter the trunk or branches, no matter the branches, leaves or flowers and fruits, began to emit crystal brilliance.

The light became brighter and thicker, as if faintly echoing the "Sigh of the Moon God" floating in the air.And the magical longbow seems to be inspired, and it seems to be attracted by the ancient tree of elves. While emitting green light, it approaches the ancient tree.

Finally, the two artifacts of the elves touched together.

A thick ray of light is like a substance, soaring into the sky, shooting into the night sky with lightning speed, piercing the sky, and throwing it into an unknown distant place.

(End of this chapter)

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