Eastern mythology system

Chapter 444 Scene 2

Chapter 444 The Second Scene

Magical girl Katie finally stood on the battlefield.

Compared with just now, there is no confusion on her face.Instead, there was firmness.

A determination to see death as home.

Obviously, the teacher Anthony's words played their due role.

The cardinal who had just lost a game frowned and lowered his head in thought for a moment.

Finally, he turned around and whispered to Zico beside him.

"This second match is up to you!"

The golden fighter, who had been in panic from the beginning, was uneasy when he heard his name suddenly, and didn't react immediately.

"My lord, are you calling me?"

Seeing his appearance, Rossi was so angry that he wished to kick him over.

"I don't call you who! Is there a second person named Zico here!"

Zico realized that he had asked a stupid question and said quickly, "No."

Then he said: "My lord, please tell me."

This junior, who was quite admired in the past, is not pleasing to the eyes of Rossi today.

He stretched out his hand and tugged hard, pulled Zico to his side, put it close to his ear, and said in a low voice: "You saw that young magician, Anthony also said just now, that is his apprentice. Wait a minute You must be careful when you go up and fight hard, understand?"

Unprepared, Zico was staggered by the holy old man and almost fell to the ground.But the strength and status are far inferior to the other party. Not only did he not dare to complain, but he had to wait carefully.

"I understand what the adults mean. When I get on the stage, I will go all out and try to beat that little girl to the ground as quickly as possible."

When he thought about it, the Cardinal had just lost cleanly, losing both face and face.Now that Anthony's apprentice is on the stage, he will naturally retaliate and regain the lost face of the cardinal.

The golden fighter patted his chest to express his opinion, but the Cardinal almost couldn't help but slap the pig's head to death.

"It's also clear, what kind of big-headed ghost do you understand! If you want to win beautifully, you can simply win. I still have a lot of holy-level powerhouses here. Do I need to send you a golden fighter?"

The up-and-coming star of the Holy See of Guangming was completely fooled: "This..."

His father next to him pondered for a while, and understood what Rossi meant.

"My lord's meaning is to let you deal with that young magician slowly. Although you will win in the end no matter what, you must control the strength of your shots and don't let her lose too ugly."

He turned his head again and asked Rossi respectfully: "My lord, is that so?"

"No." Rossi nodded.

Fortunately, this Lao Tzu still has some brains.

"The most important thing is that you can't hurt the other party."

Zico quickly responded, turned around and went up.

Although he still didn't understand why, at least he knew what he should do.

Only then did Rossi put away her anger, and her face gradually calmed down.

"Hmph! What's the shame of losing to Anthony? After counting the entire human world, who dares to say that he won't lose in the face of him, and you need to find face from his apprentice? That's the real embarrassment, okay? "

Starting from his proposal to solve the problem with two wins in three games, Rossi was fine with losing one game against Anthony.

This is impossible, even if the adult hidden behind is allowed to play, his chances of winning will not exceed [-]%.

Rossi is the second expert on the side of the Holy See of Light, second only to that adult.In the face of Anthony's inevitable defeat, the most reasonable approach is to send anyone up at random, in order to retain a master like Rossi.

However, the cardinal thought very clearly that even if he won the two-in-three contest, the dilemma faced by the Holy See may not be resolved.

What if Anthony becomes angry and unwilling to abide by the agreement?

If he was like ten years ago, going all out to kill the Quartet, who would be able to resist?
Because of this, Rossi took the initiative to "sacrifice" himself.

In the second scene, Anthony sent his apprentice, a young magician who had just stepped into the third realm, and Rossi gave up the safer archbishops in red and let Zico, who was just a golden fighter, appear on the stage.And carefully told him to take more care of the girl.

All he did was to make Anthony lose more face and make the scene more beautiful, so as not to irritate this fierce god.

Both Anthony and Rossi retreated, and the field was replaced by the girl magister Katie and the golden fighter Zico.

The two stood opposite each other, sizing up each other silently, and did not make a move immediately.

Several archbishops in red peeked at Anthony's face from time to time, and couldn't help but chuckle in their hearts.

In the current situation, the longer the time drags on, the better it will be for the Holy See of Light.

The son of Cardinal Juan still has some brains, and he is not as bad as Lord Rossi said.

In fact, they were wrong.

The golden fighter on the field stood quietly, looking extremely dignified, but in fact he was still a little confused.

He wasn't thinking of delaying time, but he didn't think of taking the initiative at all.

Because he dare not!

If it was another occasion, another opponent, Zico would have slashed at him with a sword, knocking the opponent to the ground.

A mere junior magister, dare to be right with himself?I really don't know how to live or die!

But this pretty girl in front of her is no good. Lord Rossi personally told her to fight hard and be careful not to let her lose ugly, let alone get hurt.

If someone beat someone to death with too much force, Zico had no doubt that he would be buried with him by the enraged cardinal himself.

Is this still a competition? This damn thing is just to accompany the prince to practice, okay?
Fortunately, I am the pinnacle of the golden fighter, a junior mage in the girl's district, and my strength is far behind, so I can still survive.

If the opponent is stronger, Zico really doubts whether he can complete the task.

No matter how sad he felt, Zico could only bite the bullet and go on.

The girl Katie looked calm.

She didn't have as many selfish thoughts as the golden fighter opposite her. At this moment, all she was thinking about was Anthony's teachings during this period of time.

At the peak of the golden fighter, this level of strength is certainly much stronger than Katie.But it is absolutely impossible to scare the girl just by the name alone.

Since meeting Anthony, Katie has seen many golden fighters.As long as it was done with Anthony and the Linghu Mercenary Group, none of them could take advantage of it.

On the contrary, with the support of Anthony, Franco and other teammates wearing the ultimate madness technique even had the feat of chasing the golden fighter around.

Isn't that the golden fighter?The girl has seen a lot.

Even if it is the peak of the golden fighter, you have to fight it first.

Learning from a legend-level powerhouse like Anthony, not to mention the increase in strength and ability, at least the mentality of the strong man, the magical girl has quietly erected without knowing it.

Finally, Katie raised her staff and chanted obscure magic spells with a crisp voice.

(End of this chapter)

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