Eastern mythology system

Chapter 449 Wild words

Chapter 449 Wild words
This is real teleportation!

The red-clothed archbishops and cardinals of the Bright Vatican looked at Anthony in the middle of the field, and they didn't know what to think.

No one was surprised that Anthony was able to teleport.

He can fight against the entire Holy See of Light with one person, kill the angels who came down from the God Realm, defeat the projection of the God of Light, and even escape from the God of Light who personally shot him. The teleportation of space magic is a very important means.

Zico's body was full of golden battle energy, and he tried his best to withdraw the long sword with all his strength.

But the mighty young man in front of him, who was younger than himself, only held the tip of the sword lightly with two fingers, but it was suppressed like a mountain, making the long sword motionless.

The girl Katie glared fiercely at Zico, who was right in front of her eyes, and said unwillingly: "Teacher, why should we admit defeat? Even if his sword can hit me, the 'Vulcan Purgatory' released by my magic scroll will surely kill me." I can take him to be buried with him."

"Vulcan Purgatory?!"

The Guangming Holy See and others heard it from a distance, and their faces changed wildly, feeling waves of fear.

If the magic scroll in the girl's hand is really "Vulcan Purgatory", then not to mention the two people who are fighting in the arena, even the onlookers like them standing in the distance will be affected by this terrifying magic.

The thief York saw the violent reaction of the people on the side of the Holy See, and he was both puzzled and curious.

He stretched out his finger, poked the leader who also opened his mouth wide beside him, and asked in a low voice: "Head, what is 'Vulcan Purgatory'?"

Franco, who was in shock, didn't even pay attention to his thieves, but after all, he came back to his senses, which is quite an explanation for being out of his wits.

"You don't need to know what 'Vulcan Purgatory' is, you just need to know that this is a kind of fire magic, a super-level fire magic!"

"What!? Ultra-ultra-level magic?!"

York stammered, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Now he finally understood why everyone reacted in such a way.

Franco was right, he didn't need to understand this magic in detail, just the two keywords "fire" and "ultra-order" could give him enough associations.

If the magic was really released just now, with the position I am standing at now, then maybe...

No, not possible, yes for sure.

I will definitely be enveloped by this super-level fire magic!

With such a small body, how can I handle a super-level magic!
"Katie, little girl, when did she become so violent? It wasn't like this before."

York was both scared and puzzled.

It's like a father who doesn't understand why his child suddenly failed in school.

The onlookers were like this, and the fear in Zico's heart in the middle of the storm can be imagined.

Although he had expected it in his heart, this magic scroll, which was used by the girl as a trump card, was definitely not trivial.

But he still never imagined that this is actually a super magic, it is "Vulcan Purgatory"!
Even if all the spells released by the girl in the battle just now are added up, the damage is far inferior to this super magic.

Moreover, the "Vulcan Purgatory" erupted fiercely and had a wide range.Unless the golden fighter has mastered real teleportation, he must not be spared.

Zico felt guilty for a while.

At this moment, Anthony let go of the fingers holding the long sword. Zico didn't pay attention for a while, stepped back a few steps, and sat down on the ground.

"The magic scrolls I gave you are not for you to die with others. You are so impulsive, it doesn't matter if you wasted a scroll, but you lost my only apprentice. Don't you think it's too bad for this account? gone."

Katie saw that Anthony didn't care about the immeasurably valuable magic scroll, but was very concerned about his own safety, and somehow felt a little sweet in her heart.

But she was still unconvinced.

"That stupid big guy can't do anything to me. From the very beginning of the battle, he fell into my rhythm. If it wasn't for the reminder from the Holy See off the court, he wouldn't even be able to catch my shadow, let alone force me to show up. stature."

At the end, Katie glanced over there and said indignantly.

"They're cheating!"

Zico, who fell to the ground, fell silent, his face flushed with embarrassment.

Being despised by a little girl whose realm is far inferior to his own made him feel ashamed and unbearable.However, what others say is the truth, and I can't refute it even if I want to refute it.

When Rossi and the others on the sidelines were glanced at by the girl, they also blushed in embarrassment.

Anthony patted his apprentice on the shoulder, and said softly: "Okay, they are just reminding you that the battle depends on the Golden Warrior himself after all. If you are serious, the equipment and medicine on your body are all far superior to ordinary people. level, wouldn’t that be cheating.”

Katie quit.

"Equipping props, these are also part of strength, how can it be considered cheating..."

"Okay, okay, if you say it doesn't count, then it doesn't count."

While speaking, Anthony took the girl's hand and walked off the court.

Katie was still unwilling.

Originally, there was a great opportunity, but he almost won.

"Teacher, the competition this time..."

If he can win the second game and win two out of three games, the teacher will be able to win the final victory.But now, too many variables have been born out of thin air.

Anthony didn't look back, and said in a rambling voice.

"Don't worry, just leave the rest of the matter to other people. Anyway, the final winner must belong to us."

Katie relaxed a little.


"Of course it is true!" Anthony said with certainty.

Anthony took Katie's hand and walked back to his camp.The girl inadvertently noticed that Princess Yalena was looking over her, and she suddenly realized that she let out a soft "ah" and quickly withdrew her little hand.

Katie looked as if she had been caught doing something bad, and her face was as red as an overripe apple.She secretly raised her eyes to look at Yalena again, only to find that she was still looking at her with crooked eyebrows and a smile?

The girl quickly lowered her head again, and the blush on her face became more intense.

Katie was thinking wildly, thinking for a while whether she had done something wrong just now, and for a while worrying whether Sister Yalena was angry.

But looking at her just now, she seemed not only not angry, but rather relieved.

But how is this possible?
The girl in Huaichun was entangled in her heart, and she didn't have the mind to take care of other things at all.

Until a loud but cold voice sounded.

"Birdman from the God Realm, don't hide, come out. Even if you are far away, I can smell the hypocrisy on you. Don't waste time, get on the stage quickly. There are so many people present in the Holy See of Light Only you can barely be my opponent."

Katie looked up in surprise.

Sure enough, as she had expected, the one who stood in the middle of the field and uttered wild words was the young man in black who, except for Anthony, was ignored by everyone in the world.

Seeing people's hatred, there is really no one left!
(End of this chapter)

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