Eastern mythology system

Chapter 451 Fierce Battle

Chapter 451 Fierce Battle

"You only have a remnant soul left, how dare you be so arrogant! If you are in good condition, I might still be afraid of you. Now that your body is dead and your soul is broken, how can you be my opponent!"

While the young man was talking, the aura that had already reached its peak was raised again.Dots of holy light emanated from his body, getting brighter and brighter, and slowly gathered together, forming two pairs of white stretched wings, which stopped behind him.

Four-winged angel!

The young man finally revealed his true identity.

The body of darkness didn't move at all, it was deep and calm, like a thousand-year-old deep ancient pool, without waves.

Only in his eyes could he see the dangerous and turbulent undercurrent.

Like the young man across the street, the angels whom he jokingly called birdmen, the human world worships them with great respect.But to the God of Darkness, who once dominated the world and was at the pinnacle of the entire God Realm, he was just an ant-like existence, and he could sweep away a large area with just a single palm.

When will they dare to be arrogant and domineering in front of themselves, and challenge them bluntly!
Not to mention, it is all thanks to the God of Light behind them that the God of Darkness ended up in such a field today.

For birdmen like them, the God of Darkness would have liked to see them wipe out one by one, not to mention that he took the initiative to come up to seek death.

It's a long story, but it's really just a few breaths.

The young man exerted force from his feet, and he jumped high into the air. With two pairs of wings flapping, he rushed down towards the God of Darkness with a thunderous momentum.

Before the person arrived, a lightsaber purely composed of holy light suddenly took shape in his hand, surrounded by lightning, and was pointing at the young man in black below.


The God of Darkness shouted angrily.

Omega used to be a high god, even though he is desolate now, but after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

The young man had never been in contact with him before, so he took a fierce offensive as soon as he came up, without even the slightest intention of probing.

The God of Darkness burst into anger, without using any weapons, he just clenched his palms into fists and swung forward.

A bang.

The wind blows.

A shock wave centered on the impact of the two people and spread to all directions.

The sand and gravel on the ground, dead branches and leaves, and even the emerald green grass with mud were all blown up and thrown into the air.

The people watching the battle on both sides had to use their own means, or grudges, or magic, to prop up their defenses and resist the aftermath of the battle.

Cardinal Rossi watched the two fight fiercely, as if they were evenly matched, and his heart couldn't help but hang.

The reason why he proposed two wins in three rounds was that except for the first round against Anthony, the rest of the two rounds would be sure to win.

In order not to make Anthony feel unacceptable when he lost, and blatantly regretted it, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself in the first game.In the second round, many saint-level powerhouses were not called, but only Zico, the peak gold fighter, was sent.

Unexpectedly, Zico's fight against a junior magister is full of situations, and it is very difficult and thrilling to win.

Now it's the turn of the strongest part on his side to attack. Apart from the legend of Anthony, there is actually someone who can compete with that lord from the God Realm!
If he lost this match, he would really be shooting himself in the foot.

Rossi secretly glanced at the straight and thick beam of light on the other side, and only hoped that the battle in the field could be dragged on for as long as possible.

The four-winged angel naturally knew that the most important thing was to complete the task of the Supreme God, otherwise, he would not have been holding back and not challenging Anthony.

However, as soon as he got into hands with the Remnant Soul, the God of Darkness who he didn't pay attention to at all, he couldn't care about other things anymore.

This ancient evil god is very strong, and he even faintly shows signs of being invincible.

Didn't he fall 5 years ago, losing all his godhead, priesthood, and godly body, and even his soul is incomplete?How to make a shot is still so powerful, it almost puts myself at a disadvantage.

The four-winged angel screamed, with anger in his voice.

The two pairs of wings on the back were shining brightly, and some holy light spots broke away and turned into dense meteors, whistling towards the opposite side.

The God of Darkness was unafraid, waving his iron fist, and he didn't know how many times he punched in an instant.

Those meteor-like points of light rushed like thunder, and when they collided with the fist of the God of Darkness, there was another deafening explosion.

The four-winged angel who ascended to the sky did not sit and watch the result. The lightsaber surrounded by lightning flew like a windmill in his hand, and light blades containing terrifying energy burst out of the air, slashing downwards.

Almost immediately after the two sides played against each other, the real fire started.The battle escalated again and again, reaching a climax in an instant.

One of the two is a four-winged angel under the God of Light, and the other is an ancient god who was once famous. Now they are full of firepower, and the momentum of the fight is more intense than Anthony's just now.

It is true that everyone believes that Anthony's strength is higher than theirs.But Cardinal Rossi's high-level saint-level realm is too weak in comparison.Anthony just slapped him casually, there was no need to make any special moves, Rossi had to obediently admit defeat.

Unlike these two now, their strength has already exceeded the highest level of the holy level, and they are evenly matched.Just the aftermath of their battle, just a little bit of contact can cause serious injuries to the people watching the battle on both sides.

The spirit fox mercenary group, Princess Alice and other elves are the weakest group.Those light spots and light blades flying around are fatal to them.

With a wave of Anthony's hand, a huge light curtain rose out of thin air, turned backwards on the ground, and covered the two fiercely fighting people in the field.

As soon as he made such a move, Franco and the others, who were on the verge of a formidable enemy, breathed a sigh of relief.

Even watching the battle from a distance is life-threatening. They really feel the gap between themselves and the four-winged angels and the dark gods.

As for Anthony, who is above the two, he has completely lost the meaning of comparison with them.

In the arena within the huge mask, the battle has reached a fever pitch, and the winner is soon decided.

Although the four-winged angel transformed into a lightsaber in his hand, he used it more as a staff.Its fighting style should also be more inclined to the legal profession.

He has been flying in the air, using his light wings and lightsaber to launch various attacks, attacking the God of Darkness on the ground from a distance.

The God of Darkness has no weapons and only meets the enemy with his fists.

But when their strength has reached their level, unless they have magical weapons, it doesn't make much difference whether they have weapons or not.

His fists are swift as the wind, strong and powerful.Not only did it neutralize all the attacks of the four-winged angels, but it also shot out black fist shadows to attack the four-winged angels in the air.

However, the flying angel flapped its wings lightly and dodged easily.

On the surface, the condescending four-winged angel has taken the initiative in the battle situation, and even if he can't help the God of Darkness for the time being, he is already in an invincible position.

It's a pity that the inertia of fighting made him forget, how could he not fly when his strength reached their level?
(End of this chapter)

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