Eastern mythology system

Chapter 465 Old Resentment

Chapter 465 Old Resentment

The Elf King exchanged glances with the First Elder and the Second Elder, and they both saw joyful smiles on each other's faces.

These abyssal creatures that came out of nowhere are the confidant of the entire elf clan, seriously threatening the safety of the elf court.

Although the Elf King and other three giants intend to destroy these abyssal creatures, at least drive them out of the deep forest.

However, as soon as the two sides fought, the Elf King found that they could not do it.

The Elven King's Court was basically beaten and beaten by the opponent, retreating steadily, and the outer guard and defense positions were lost one by one.In the end, the abyssal creatures had come to the city, blocking the entire elves in the elves' royal court.

destroy them?Drive them out of the forest?

Don't be ridiculous, let's save your own life first.

"In terms of average combat power, or the strength of the top experts on both sides, our elves are better than each other. But there are too many of them, and they have strong vitality. No matter how seriously injured they are, they will continue to move forward crazily. Chong. Even in the forest, the home of the elves, we can't take any advantage."

The Elven King explained, with a deep bitterness on his face.

The Great Elder also had lingering fears, frowned and recalled: "I found that something was wrong. I wanted to go to find the source of the abyssal creatures. I wondered if I could go straight to the Yellow Dragon and take their lair away. But I followed their path to find out." , After walking about fifty kilometers away, I couldn’t go any further. Because a large fog unique to the abyss covered the entire area, even I couldn’t see the details inside. In addition, high-level abyssal creatures were rampant, and the trade If I rushed in rashly, I am not sure that I will be able to come out alive."

The elder looked up and looked at Anthony seriously.

"According to my guess, there are so many monsters in the abyssal creature whose strength is equivalent to the peak of the golden fighter, and they are still living in peace and not attacking each other. There must be a stronger existence suppressing them, so it is possible to be so obedient. "

The others listened quietly, their expressions already changing.

The Great Elder could not have said this more clearly, the abyssal monster that can overwhelm the peak strength of the golden fighter is obviously only a saint-level powerhouse.

It's no wonder that with the strength of the Great Elder's mid-level Dharma Saint, he didn't dare to go deep into the stronghold of the abyssal creatures.

The thief York couldn't help asking: "Have the creatures from the abyss been attacking the Elven King's Court for so long, and there have been no saint-level powerhouses?"

The Elf King shook his head and said, "No."

The second elder added: "Even if there are no saint-level powerhouses, we can't deal with these abyssal creatures. Because there are too many high-level gold-level monsters, it is hard to kill three or five today, and tomorrow they will be able to easily Add five or six. The number of slightly inferior middle-level monsters is even more desperate. Our elves have a small population, and if one fights ten of them, we will lose in the end."

The second elder said helplessly, the Linghu Mercenary Group and others looked at each other in dismay.

Saint-level powerhouses have an overwhelming advantage against gold fighters, especially when there are mid-level magic saints like the Great Elder sitting in charge.

But there was no saint-level powerhouse on the opposite side, and the three giants of the elves came out together, and they could only maintain the battle without collapsing.From this we can see how powerful and difficult these abyssal creatures are.

The Elf King observed Anthony's expression, and asked cautiously: "Mr. Anthony, look..."

They tried their best to bring out what they knew, so that Anthony could have the most detailed understanding. Naturally, they hoped that he could help the elves solve the abyssal creatures.

The Great Elder wanted to go straight to Huanglong, but he couldn't get it by implementing beheading tactics.But if it was Anthony, let alone taking away their old den, even if all the creatures of the abyss were smashed together, they wouldn't be surprised at all.

Because the young man on the opposite side is a legend in the mainland, No. 1 in the world standing at the pinnacle of the human world.He alone is more than worth all the combat power of a military power.

Anthony's fingers rested on the table, tapping lightly and rhythmically.

"I understand. Please rest assured, the Elf King and the two elders. Leave these abyssal creatures to me."

His tone was flat, as if he was picking some fruits while going to the forest.

But the strong self-confidence and undisguised domineering aura were unconsciously revealed from the plain tone.

The three giants of the elves standing at the top of the mainland pyramid were deeply shocked and impressed.

Anthony ignored it, and flipped through the abyssal creatures just like flipping through a book.

"The last thing is about the grievances between the elves and another race in the battle of the gods."

The Elf King was stunned, not knowing why.

The big elder's snow-white eyebrows twitched and his lips moved, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Anthony glanced at him, noticing the slight change in expression.

"The grievances between the Elf Clan and the Li Clan have been going on for tens of thousands of years since the Great War of the Gods, and it's time to end it. Please forgive me for being overwhelmed. I want to abandon the old grievances and reconciliation for the two clans. A peacemaker."


Almost as soon as the words were finished, the Great Elder suddenly stood up and refused loudly.

He was firm and decisive, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Big elder?"

The young Princess Alice was at a loss, wondering why the Great Elder suddenly turned into a raging lion.

Turning his head to look at his father and the second elder, they both looked serious and remained silent.

The Linghu Mercenary Corps and others look at me and I look at you, but they don't know what happened.

Do the elves have unresolved grievances with the Li clan?They really don't know this.

Anthony, as a legend in the mainland, is truly No.1 in the world.Even the cardinals and cardinals of the Vatican of Light treated him politely and in awe, not daring to overstep him in the slightest, for fear of angering Anthony and causing brutal killings.

But Anthony is kind to the elves, and the elder is so unceremonious, almost scolding, which is really incomprehensible.

However, Princess Alice's words were still effective. The anger in the Great Elder's chest rose and disappeared quickly.Almost in the next instant, he realized his mistake.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Anthony, the old man is not angry with you."

The great elder with white beard and eyebrows said apologetically.

"However, the grievances and hatred between my elves and the Li people are difficult to understand deeply if I am not in it. We appreciate your kindness, sir."

The Great Elder apologized for his attitude, but Anthony still politely refused to be a peacemaker.

Anthony was neither angry nor disappointed, as if he had expected the scene before him.

He just waved his hand lightly, and said indifferently: "I probably understand the love and hatred between the two clans. It has been 5 years, and right and wrong are right and wrong. For the people of the two clans now Is it still that important? People always have to look forward. Almost all intelligent creatures in the human world are facing a major crisis. At this time, if you don’t let go of the past grievances, we will work together to overcome the difficulties. Wait until everyone is gone , The entire genocide, the so-called grievances and hatreds have not disappeared in the same way."

The Great Elder sat down slowly, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Anthony went on to say: "What's more, you elves still have a branch of compatriots who are still living in dire straits, waiting for you to rescue them."

This time the Great Elder finally couldn't sit still. He leaned forward and asked anxiously, "Mr. Anthony, are you talking about..."

Anthony nodded affirmatively and said, "That's right, it's exactly what you think."

However, he did not continue on this topic, but stood up and glanced at the three giants of the elves in turn.

"Let's talk about this slowly, anyway, the place is not close to here. I will go to the abyssal creature first, and it will not be too late to discuss it when I come back."

(End of this chapter)

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