Eastern mythology system

Chapter 472 1 trick

Chapter 472 One Trick

The bearded man was burning with anger, as if his whole body was about to burn.

Listen to that tone, look at that demeanor, as long as you are not an idiot, everyone understands that the God of Darkness hides his strength, pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and treats him like a monkey.

Big Beard is one of the most powerful men in the abyss hell. Even the Great Demon King values ​​him very much. Others have always only respected and feared him. He has never been teased and humiliated like this.

He let out a roar, and his originally stout body swelled out of thin air. The aura in his body was endless, surging like a flood, and his aura was firmly locked on the hateful black-clothed youth opposite him.

The gigantic scythe with a strange shape in his hand suddenly shone brightly, like a small sun, containing terrifying power inside.

The rage was overwhelming, and the bearded man had no reservations, and was about to attack with all his strength.

The God of Darkness moved one step faster than him.

With a wave of his right hand, he fanned a gust of wind out of thin air.What followed was a dark scene all over the sky.

The black mist that descended to the ground like a dark cloud blocked the line of sight and cut off the perception, making the bearded man lose his target in an instant.

The bearded man's face changed slightly.

However, the effect of those black mist is not as simple as cutting off perception.

The black mist rolled and surged, quickly spreading forward.There were whistling bursts from inside, like howling wolves, like crying ghosts, and it was breathtaking.

Facing the attack of the black mist, the bearded man who had experienced many battles did not panic at all.

He waved his arms, and the radiant sickle hovered up and down in his hand, and pieces of energy blades flew out of it, like dense raindrops, forming an impenetrable wall, facing the black smoke tit for tat.

There was no violent collision, no roaring explosion, not even the sound of the blade cutting across the sky.Those light blades plunged into the black smoke, like a stone sinking into a bottomless quagmire, disappearing instantly, but there was not even a little wave.

The stocky bearded man finally changed his expression drastically.

He made this move with hatred just now, and he has already used [-]% of his strength without any reservations.

Each of those dense light blades looks very small, but their power is huge, far beyond imagination.Even a saint-level powerhouse must be very energetic when dealing with a piece of light blade, otherwise he will be enraged on the spot every minute.

The bearded death scythe was driven to swing, emitting hundreds of light blades, forming a terrifying array of blades.Even if there is a mountain in front, it will be cut and bombed into powder by them.

Such a shocking ultimate move, falling into the enemy's black smoke, can't even see any effect?
how can that be!

No matter how much the bearded man can't believe it, he doesn't want to believe it, the truth is still cruelly unfolded in front of him.

Before he could launch the second move, the black smoke rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed like a gust of wind and a tsunami, drowning his figure.

The bearded man only had time to quickly swing the sickle, forming an impenetrable light curtain, protecting his whole body.

The masters of Abyss Hell watching the battle in the rear were terrified, their eyebrows twitched, and they were very nervous.

Anyone can see that the situation is not good for the short and thick beard who can be ranked in the top five in the entire Abyss Hell.

The dark scene is churning and surging, like boiling water.Everyone couldn't see clearly the condition of the bearded man inside the black mist, but only heard bursts of roars coming from inside, full of energy, like thunder.

But slowly, the roar turned into a scream, and the scream turned into a moan.The sound also became smaller and smaller, lower and lower, almost inaudible.

Finally, everything is calm.

The God of Darkness made a move with his right hand, and the black smoke, like a spiritual creature, retreated obediently, surrounded him, and finally retracted into his body.

Everyone present could feel that the aura of the God of Darkness suddenly swelled, and it was obvious that his strength had once again been greatly improved.

The powerhouses of Abyss Hell withdrew their eyes from him and looked at the original position of the thick bearded man.

There, there was only a huge scythe with an odd shape but no light.

As for its owner, it has long disappeared.

Even though they had expected it in their hearts, when the result was laid bare in front of them, the powerhouses of Abyss Hell couldn't help but gasp in unison.

With one move, the young man in black only made one move from beginning to end.The powerful bearded man, who ranked at least in the top five in the abyss hell, was wiped out and devoured without any resistance, and turned into energy nourishment for the enemy.

Of all of them out there, who could do this?
Even the strongest in Abyss Hell, the invincible Great Demon King, would easily defeat the bearded man.But if you want to solve the battle with one move, I'm afraid it's also powerless.

Doesn't that mean that this young man in black, who doesn't seem to be the rightful master, is even more powerful than the Great Demon King?
Thinking of this, the strong man in the abyss couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and quietly turned his head to look at the Great Demon King.

Then they were horrified and inexplicably discovered that the big demon king who was being relied on as a backer stood up at some point, with a look of panic on his face no less than theirs.

At this time, the Great Demon King no longer had the calm posture to control everything. He looked at the young man in black fixedly, and stuttered when he spoke.

"You, you are, you are Omega! You are the God of Darkness Omega?! Didn't you fall 5 years ago?"

Although I just had a "big meal", I am in a good mood.The God of Darkness still pouted contemptuously, and said:
"It's only now that I see that your eyes are just for decoration? It's true that one generation is worse than the next. Florian has a descendant like you, so he probably won't rest in peace when he dies."

Ding Ding Deng ~
The Great Demon King seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, and he took a few steps back, but there was no doubt in his heart.

Among those strong men in the abyss hell who knew about that period of history, their faces changed dramatically, and they looked at the black-clothed youth in disbelief.

Florian was once the Great Demon King of Abyss Hell. He is amazingly talented and talented. Among the previous Great Demon Kings in history, he is recognized as the strongest.

He fought countless fierce battles in his life, and he did not know how many geniuses and strong men he had beheaded.Invincible in the entire Abyss Continent, there is no opponent.

However, when the strength of the Great Demon King Florian was at its peak, an uninvited guest from the surface brazenly broke into the abyss of hell.

Abyssal creatures are fierce and violent, and they have always been the only ones who have invaded the surface world. No surface creature has ever dared to break into the abyss hell in reverse.

What's more, the visitor is alone, it is like a naked challenge, how can the strong in the abyss hell bear it.

However, when they went to intercept and kill the comer, they discovered to their horror that the opponent's strength was extremely strong, and they were definitely not something they could compete with.

The most frightening thing is that that person can drive a kind of strange black smoke, which can not only attack and kill the enemy, but also swallow the energy of the enemy's essence and blood to strengthen himself.

The powerhouses from the abyss and hell continued to besiege and kill that person, not only failed to achieve any results, but seemed to take the initiative to send him natural treasures, panaceas, and panacea to help him strengthen his strength.

When Abyss Hell finds out that something is wrong and stops this stupid behavior of sending death, the number of top powerhouses in Abyss Hell has shrunk by half.

Other sub-first-class masters and geniuses with talent and potential have lost countless lives and injuries, which are difficult to count.

The powerhouses were helpless, so they could only ask the Great Demon King Florian to take action.

But it is a pity that the Great Demon King Florian, who has always been invincible and has never lost, ushered in his first and only defeat.

Since then, a name has been written into the history of Abyss Hell along with Great Demon King Florian.

That man's name is Omega!
That is, the later God of Darkness!

(End of this chapter)

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