Eastern mythology system

Chapter 490 Wrong choice

Chapter 490 Wrong choice

What is destiny?
This is a mysterious, seemingly simple but extremely complex proposition.

It is simple because even people living at the bottom of society often talk about fate.

It is said to be complicated because no matter how high and high a person is, he cannot figure out the direction of his own destiny.

Anthony even suspected that even the Daoist Buddha, who was at the top of the pyramid in another world, could not completely control his fate in his own hands.

No matter how talented he is, today's Anthony is naturally far inferior to Daoist Buddha.

But he also has his own views on the proposition of fate.

Putting aside some mysteries and mysteries that are difficult to touch and grasp, and simplify it as much as possible, then the so-called destiny is actually the law of the operation of all things in the world.

It's like a young man who is ignorant and does all kinds of stealthy activities. From this, people conclude that he will have little success in the future.

This is the result deduced from the law.

It may not be accurate, but I have to say that the possibility of guessing is not small.

If we list his family background, personality traits, range of communication, etc. one by one, and after detailed and rigorous calculations, the calculated "fate" will be more accurate.

Of course, this is just a simplistic statement.The magic and mystery of fate is not limited to this.

The most critical point is that destiny also has the characteristics of self-correction.

For example, the three people including Liu Yulong rescued by Anthony in Gaozhou City, and the big man who was specially reminded in Lincang City, they still failed to escape their original bad luck and died in the end.

This is fate's self-correction.

Perhaps for one reason or another, some individuals will accidentally deviate from the original trajectory.However, they will soon be pulled back by the powerful inertia of fate.

Of course, this is not without exceptions.

For example, Anthony, who has practiced counting chips, is such an exception.

It's just that compared to Anthony, the power of fate is still unrivaled.All he can do is to slightly change the direction of one or two small tributaries while spying on the fate.

It is a real change that is not affected by the inertia of fate!

This is the result of Anthony's ten years of hard training, plus the combination of the thing obtained from the depths of the soul of the God of Darkness.

Even though a breakthrough has been made, Anthony's power is still weak in the face of the powerful force of fate.

What he can really change is the fate of some little people.

It seems that the king of a country is destined to die. If Anthony wants to change his destiny for him, he must stay by his side all the time, take action day and night, resolve all kinds of dangers for him, and deceive the sky.

Even so, Anthony can't say whether Nen can save his life, and he is not sure how long it will last.

As for being big enough to change the entire world pattern, the power of Anthony's level is obviously not enough.

Fortunately, Anthony thought of a way to save the country with a curve.

Changing the fate of a small person is undoubtedly insignificant or even negligible for major events in the world.

However, if this change occurs at a very "coincidental" timing, and multiple coincidences are combined, coupled with Anthony's overall arrangements, the final result may not be simple.

What's even better is that this change generally obeys the laws of fate, and the results obtained from this will not be rejected by the inertia of fate.

In other words, as long as Anthony can push a little bit at a specific time, a specific place, and a specific person, he can definitely achieve the effect of four or two.

The only difficult part is that you can find that specific "spot"!
And Anthony, who was in a hopeless predicament, searched hard and calculated hard, and finally let him find this critical "point".

To be precise, it is three "points"!
Today, the first "point" has been completed.

——Although that boy named William, Anthony has never even seen his appearance.


A tiny butterfly flapping its wings may cause a storm on the other side of the ocean.

Of course, this is a very rare and very occasional special case.

But for some little people, just a gust of wind is enough to make them break their wings and crash.

The burly young man in the Dragon Knight Caravan is such a small person.

However, the sudden turn of the caravan's fate caused more than just a breeze.

Leaving the desert kingdom and stepping into the territory of the Southern Federation, the burly young man felt relieved.

Finally back, and with a great reward!
He reached into his arms and touched the warm purse, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

The only pity is that Jessica didn't come back with her.And after that unexpected change, it is estimated that it is completely impossible for the two of them.

Even if the Dragon Knight Caravan will continue to have his place in the future, it is still unknown.

However, these are not important.With my own ability, I can't find a job anywhere.His departure is the loss of the Dragon Knight Caravan.

The burly young man walked briskly, while thinking about whether he should save the money for later use, or take out part of it first and enjoy it.

Although the timid coachman was a round older than him, he was obviously mainly a strong young man.Followed behind, looking around from time to time, as if an enemy would jump out at any time.

Suddenly, the driver's eyes froze, showing a look of panic in his eyes.

On their left and right sides, two tall, sturdy and able-bodied men suddenly turned out and surrounded them.

The burly young man was also alert and stopped in his tracks.

The two men dressed in strong clothes came to the front, and said in a cold tone, condescendingly.

"Two, come with us!"

The burly young man's heart skipped a beat.

It really came for me!

"What do you want to do? I don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, the man on the left stretched out his left hand, and pointed like a knife, slashed out like lightning, and accurately slashed on the outside of the burly young man's neck.

The burly young man possessed the strength of the first level of black iron, but he didn't react at all, and fell to the ground in response.

The middle-aged coachman was not strong enough to be timid, but his brain was not broken. Just by looking at his posture, he knew that something was wrong.

But with his strength, so what if he sees it?

Within a few breaths, two well-dressed men appeared calmly, and led them away calmly, leaving no trace of struggle or struggle.

Everything is as if it never happened.

But for the strong young man and the timid coachman, their lives have ushered in the darkest moment.

Until now, they have not figured it out.When Anthony asked them to choose, it was actually the most important choice concerning life and death.

They didn't choose a way out, so naturally they could only walk towards death step by step.

If they could see it early, they would definitely make a completely different decision without hesitation.

But how many people can see through the torrent of fate, how many are there in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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