Eastern mythology system

Chapter 507 Grievance

Chapter 507 Grievance

The Elf King stretched out his hand, like pulling out a weed, and pulled out the long arrow.

For a moment, blood gushed out from his left shoulder like a fountain, his flesh turned out, and he was seriously injured.

While looking at the crude arrow made of bamboo, the Elven King reached out and stopped the Elven archer Daniel who wanted to rush out to take revenge.

"Daniel, forget it. This arrow is what I should have received."

The Elf King spoke calmly, calmly, as if it wasn't his shoulder that was bleeding.

Daniel froze with an angry face, not understanding why the Elf King was willing to accept the arrow.

But looking at his calm face, Daniel was obedient and didn't say much. He just took a step back, but silently stood by the Elf King's side.

Sure enough, the choice of elf shooter makes a lot of sense.The arrows shot from the woods didn't stop, they flew towards Anthony and the group intermittently but not densely.

With Daniel on the side, these long arrows that could barely touch the threshold of professionals no longer threatened the Elf King.

He secretly observed the Elf King's face, seeing that he was not angry or objecting to his help, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Daniel was also worried that the Elf King was so determined to be "abused" that he was determined to be a target.

As for the others, they also dealt with the incoming arrows with ease, but it was obvious that the Elf King had a lot to do with the attackers, and they just brushed aside the arrows and did not fight back.

The path to the village was not long, and everyone was welcomed by Jian Yu, and slowly walked into the simple Li village.

The Elf King didn't pay attention to the injury on his shoulder, and just let the blood flow down, leaving little red marks on the road.

However, he is a saint-level powerhouse with strong qi and blood and strong physical body. Even if he doesn't need to be treated and bandaged, there will be no major problems.

After entering the village, Arrow Rain finally stopped unwillingly.Daniel turned his head bitterly and glanced at the dense forest.

The Elf King acted as if nothing had happened, strode forward, passed other companions, and walked deep into the village.

He could feel that someone was waiting for him there.

Daniel was afraid that he would be attacked again, so he hurriedly followed him.

Anthony and the others fell behind and walked along the straight road in the middle of the village.

The village is not big. In the center of the village, there is a house slightly larger than the surrounding ones. It is also simple and simple, without any extra decorations.

The door of the house was open, and the Elf King walked in without stopping, looking up and looking around.

The furnishings in the house are in line with the style of the whole village, they are all the same simple and rough.It's just that the selection and placement of objects here is obviously different from that of ordinary residents' families. It is more solemn and solemn, a bit like offering sacrifices to ancestors.

Inside the house, there was indeed a big altar.There is an ancient incense burner on it, and incense candles are burning, and the smoke is lingering.

In addition, there are also sacrifices such as fruits and three animals, which are of various types and have everything that one expects to find.

On the other side of the altar, a tall and majestic man walked around the altar and came towards him.

I haven't spoken this year, but Daniel behind has already questioned angrily.

"You are the Moore patriarch of the Li tribe, right? Our elves, looking at Mr. Anthony's face, disregarded the previous grievances, and settled the past grievances with your tribe. I didn't expect to be attacked when I first came to your territory. Could it be that this is you Your way of hospitality? Is this your sincerity?"

Elf Sagittarius is mild-tempered, but it also depends on the time.The king of the elves was injured in a sneak attack, and Daniel was of course frightened and angry, and immediately went into a rage.

Moore is the patriarch of the Li clan, and he has advanced to the holy rank, equal to the elf king.Being scolded by a little silver fighter, he was not angry.

"I'm very sorry for the surprise attack outside the village. But this incident has nothing to do with my Li Clan. I believe the Elven King understands this."

He is a saint-level powerhouse, and the entrance to the village is not far from here. Of course, the scene that happened just now cannot escape his perception.

Daniel only thought that he was shirking responsibility, and he was filled with righteous indignation, but the Elven King stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Clan Chief Moore is right. The bow and arrow attack outside was indeed not the arrangement of the Li Clan."

He looked up at Moore on the opposite side, and there seemed to be invisible power in his eyes.

"It's just about the grievances between our two clans. I want to hear what Patriarch Moore has to say."

York and the others who followed behind heard that they knew that the business was about to start, they all held their breath, and dutifully became the melon-eating crowd.

After receiving Anthony's notice, Moore returned to Li Village early and made relevant arrangements, waiting for the arrival of the elves.He was fully prepared for the elf king's questioning at this time.

At this time, I saw him sigh and said with emotion.

"What the Elf King blames is that the grievances between our two clans have been tens of thousands of years. It is indeed my Li clan who did something wrong. Here, on behalf of my clan, I, Moore, sincerely apologize to the friends of the elves! I'm sorry!"

He admitted his mistake straightforwardly, and bowed deeply towards the Elf King.

The Elf King stood proudly, accepting it calmly.

"Because of your treachery from the Li family, my elves have suffered great losses and suffered heavy casualties. Patriarch Moore just said sorry lightly and wanted to cancel all grievances. This calculation is too smart."

Following the gunpowder-flavored dialogue between the two, the scene of the battle of the gods hidden in the fog of history thousands of years ago has lifted a mysterious veil in front of York and others.

It turns out that in the battle of the gods, the Li clan and the Elf clan are the closest comrades-in-arms.One of them is strong and powerful, and is good at melee combat; the other is nimble and agile, with sharp eyesight, and his bow and arrows shoot without fail.

Combining far and near, they cooperate seamlessly. They are an extremely important military force in the alien coalition.

It is also a thorn in the side of the human army headed by the God of Light, who desperately wants to get rid of it.

However, the rise of mankind is irreversible, and at the end of the Great War of the Gods, the defeat of the alien coalition has already appeared.Both the enemy and us are very clear that the defeat and weakness of the alien race is a foregone conclusion.

No matter how strong the fighting power of the combination of the elves and the Li clan is, it will not be able to change the general situation.

The big ship of the alien race was about to sink, and some hidden thoughts inevitably emerged.

Thus, in an extremely important battle, the gods of the Li clan declared their surrender.

In the human world, no matter what the patriarch of the Li clan thought at the time, he could only obey the will of God and bowed his head to the mortal enemy, the Holy See of Light.

All of a sudden, the elves who fought side by side with them were miserable.

Because the two sides have been cooperating too tacitly, the Li clan suddenly withdrew from the battlefield, making them unable to react at all.

Although it was not against each other, it also indirectly exposed the back of the elves to the enemy.Under the circumstances that the strength and general situation are not dominant, the tragic end of the elves can be imagined.

The Holy See of Light also hated them very much. Not only massacred the elves, but also used sorcery to blacken a group of elves who fought bravely and were responsible for the end, into wild beasts that only acted on instinct.

And the Li people who surrendered before the battle did not get any benefits. The God of Light, who pursued the doctrine of "If you are not my race, your heart must be different", broke his promise and crossed the river and demolished the bridge.Not only the gods of the Li clan were beheaded, but the Li clan people in the human world were also massacred.

This time, the Li family lost their wives and lost their soldiers. They took the scapegoat of treachery in vain, but the consequences were just as tragic.

A group of elves that had been blackened back then, although they lost all their memory, only the instinct of a beast remained.The hatred for Li Clan is deeply rooted in his bone marrow, and he relentlessly hunts down and kills him until now.

(End of this chapter)

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