Eastern mythology system

Chapter 509 Purification

Chapter 509 Purification

Of course, although these "monsters" looked a bit uglier, they did not go crazy for a piece of rotten meat that had been dried for an unknown number of years.

Now, no matter how dull people are, they can understand that these "monsters" are exactly the blackened elves that the Elf King and the Patriarch Moore said.It was the elf army that fought bravely and was determined to die for the defeated elf clan.

No wonder the Elf King was willing to accept that arrow, because this was his responsibility as the king of the Elf clan.

It's no wonder that the Li clan has been attacked and killed by these "monsters" for generations, but they just defended passively, and never thought of counterattacking and retaliating back, because this is what their clan owes each other.

The blackened elves came continuously from the forest, screaming, and the strange black color on their bodies seemed to be activated, glowing faintly.

As they rushed inside, they kept shooting arrows.Rough wooden arrows flew all over the sky, covering the sky.

Although they are all ordinary archers who have not stepped into the professional threshold, the terrifying amount is more than enough to make up for it.Even York and the others at the silver fighter level would not be able to escape the end of death if they were besieged alone.

Of course, with Anthony by their side, they don't need to worry about it.

The blackened elves gathered more and more, and when the number stopped increasing, there were about two to three thousand people.Compared with the Elven Royal Court, the scale is almost the same.

It seems that the elves after being blackened, although their sanity has degenerated, are almost beasts.However, the speed of reproduction has increased, at least compared to the appallingly low birth rate of the elves, it is an earth-shaking change.

Looking at the densely packed blackened elves around them, York and the others couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Patriarch Moore's weary voice came: "I can only do so much, and then I will leave it to you, Mr. Anthony."

Anthony nodded without speaking, his feet lifted off the ground, and his figure slowly rose to the top of the heart exuding the aura of a god.

I saw him stretch out his left hand, gently covering his heart.

The heart seemed to be injected with infinite energy, beating powerfully and rapidly, as if it was still in its original owner's body, sending out fresh and powerful blood.

However, it is just a single heart after all!

There is no blood inside it, and what is left is only a trace of sacred aura left by the original owner.

And Anthony's movements squeezed out all this little bit of energy.

The blackened elves on the third and outer floors of the ground were restless, and their bodies were becoming more and more black, as if a layer of black mist had formed outside their bodies.

"It's now!"

Anthony yelled violently, his hands had already left the heart, and he raised them high above his head.

Between his hands, a small heart-shaped stone appeared.

"Heart of the Earth!"

The God of Darkness, the Elven King, and Moore exclaimed, obviously they are all people who know the goods.

The invisible fluctuations passed by, like a breeze blowing on the face, and it seemed like nothing happened, if there was nothing.

But the blackened elves in the underground seemed to have been severely hit collectively, holding their heads in their hands, rolling to the ground in pain, screaming.

The thick black energy on their bodies gradually separated from their bodies and rose into the air.

But before reaching high altitude, it dissipated without a trace like a drop of water in a scorching flame.

The blackness on the blackened elves' bodies became lighter and lighter, and their original skin colors were gradually revealed.

Anthony in the air breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the matter was settled.

"Thanks to the heart provided by Patriarch Moore, I can lure out the power of the dark curse hidden deep in the body of the blackened elves. Otherwise, it would be far from easy to help them get rid of and recover."


He looked at the mysterious heart that was still floating.

After evaporating all the energy, the heart seemed to have completed its final mission, and it burst open soundlessly, turning into tiny imperceptible particles, and blending into the air.

As resolute as the patriarch Moore, even if he broke his arm, he would not change his face.But seeing the heart dissipate into the air, even though he was mentally prepared, there was still an unconcealable sadness on his face.

Anthony stood still in the air, his eyes flashed.

At that moment, a mysterious idea, or a piece of information with rich connotations, directly entered his mind.

This is of course the result of what he had expected and let go of his own defense.Otherwise, with his current level of cultivation and his special emphasis on spiritual and soul training, who can break through his protection and directly enter the mind.

And as the Li clan believed in the gods and finally left Anthony with a gift as a thank-you gift for saving the blackened elves, Anthony's purpose of this trip has also been achieved.

His eyes flickered, and he mentally digested and fused the massive information he had just obtained, and continued to calculate and deduce it.

At this time, Anthony was standing in the air, his body exuding golden divine light, like a god descending into the world.

At his feet was a blackened elf who fell unconscious on the ground.

When they wake up, all the curses planted on their bodies should be lifted and cleaned up.

It seemed that everything was preordained in the dark, even Anthony did not expect that the good relationship with the Li clan that seemed to be inadvertently formed at the beginning turned out to be an indispensable and important part of his plan in the end.

Is this fate?

Fate or not, Anthony's mind's gigantic jigsaw puzzle finally had its final piece filled in.It was time for his heaven-defying plan to be officially launched.

Well, before that, there is one more "trivia" to deal with first.


The trees in Hengling are lush, tall and dense, covering the sky and covering the earth, providing an ideal habitat for countless birds and beasts.

This is the largest and most complete forest in the entire Oscontinent.

Although everyone knows that there are many kinds of monsters in Hengling, if you catch and kill any of them, you can exchange for the living expenses of an ordinary family for a year.However, only some individuals or mercenary teams came here to "scavenge treasures". No major power at the national level has ever formally dispatched troops to harvest this great treasure.

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't.

According to legend, in the center of Hengling, there are some demonic beasts that have become spirits.Not only can they transform into human forms, but they are also powerful, not inferior to the top martial arts experts in the human kingdom.

Fighting against a mysterious strongman in the forest, the enemy's home field, for the mere materials of the monsters, is a loss-making business no matter what.Therefore, no country is interested in it.

So for many years, this place has been a paradise for Warcraft to live and multiply.Even if they had to deal with the mercenaries who came here to explore and hunt all year round, generally speaking, in the forest of Hengling, the monsters still had an absolute advantage.

The number of mercenaries who die in the Hengling jungle every year is no less than the number of monsters hunted and killed.

But today, Hengling Great Forest welcomed a special guest.

A young man like the boy next door.

(End of this chapter)

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