Eastern mythology system

Chapter 511 Optimus Prime

Chapter 511 Optimus Prime

When a huge building that was as thick as an Optimus Pillar and a tower that reached the sky appeared in front of him, Anthony knew that he had finally arrived.

He turned over and jumped to the ground with incomparable lightness.

Turning over the palm, a few pills filled with strange fragrance suddenly appeared in the palm.

Anthony didn't even look at it, he stretched out his hand and threw it back casually.

A few pills flew through the air, and accurately fell into the mouth of Moon-Watching Rhinoceros who had already opened his bloody mouth behind him, salivating endlessly.

The pills melted at the entrance, and turned into insignificant streams, flowing into the belly of the moon-watching rhinoceros.

The size of the pill is almost negligible compared to the monster, but it seems to contain unimaginably huge energy.Mochizuki roared in pain, but there was endless joy and longing in his voice.

It retracted its four hooves, crawled on the ground, and curled up its huge body as much as possible, like a round mountain of meat.

Almost in an instant, streaks of light cyan fluorescence overflowed from its body surface, becoming thicker and denser, slowly wrapping its entire body, forming a cyan cocoon.

A figure under Optimus Prime looked over with surprise, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

With his eyesight and familiarity with monsters, he naturally understood that this moon-watching rhinoceros was breaking through.

As long as the energy accumulated in the body of any monster reaches a critical point, it is possible to achieve a breakthrough.As long as one enters the realm of a super monster, it is like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate, shedding the animal body and transforming into a human form.

But it's only possible.

Accumulating energy is one aspect, and the type and aptitude of Warcraft are also an important factor in determining whether they can break through the bottleneck.

The strength of this moon-watching rhinoceros is quite good, and it has already met the requirements for a breakthrough.However, the wisdom of the Mochizuki race is still a bit weak after all, that is, there is a lack of qualifications, so they are stuck at this hurdle. Seeing that the breakthrough is not far away, it is difficult to move forward.

This is no longer a matter of accumulating energy.

It was also because of this that the figure was surprised and surprised when he saw that the few pills thrown by Anthony could make Mochizuki enter the breakthrough state immediately.

This young man, as expected in the legend, is a mysterious figure full of miracles and inconceivables.

Anthony sent out the pill, but stopped paying attention to Mochizuki behind him, and stepped forward, walking towards the Optimus Pillar.

"Under Anthony, take the liberty to come here and pay a visit to the beast king here!"

The figure under Optimus Prime didn't dare to be too big, and took the initiative to meet him.

"Mr. Anthony is famous all over the world. It is an honor for this king and the Hengling Great Forest to come to this rough and simple place like this king."

The figure was of medium build, dressed as a middle-aged scribe.

He has a gentle and elegant demeanor, full of book breath.A quaint paper fan was shaking gently in his hand.The manner is generous and decent, in line with etiquette.Anyone who reads it will think that he is a great talent and a bachelor who has read poetry and books.

If it wasn't for the nine fluffy white tails trailing behind it.

Coupled with his self-proclaimed title of Beastmaster, it is obvious that this middle-aged scribe is not a human being, but a transformed monster.

A super monster.

The strange thing is that once a monster enters a super-order, it can completely transform into a human form.At least on the surface, there is no trace of the beast anymore.

Only when the breakthrough has just been made and the realm is not yet stable, for example, the moon-watching rhinoceros in the green cocoon. When it breaks out of the cocoon, although it can also transform into a human form, it may not be complete, and there will be some tails and horns left behind. and the like.

But since the middle-aged scribe on the opposite side is called the Beast King and controls all the monsters in the Hengling Great Forest, it is absolutely impossible for him to stay at the point where he has just broken through to a super level.But it still retains a white beast tail, which is somewhat puzzling.

Anthony didn't have much doubt about it.

The strength of this Beastmaster is clear in his eyes, it is absolutely genuine, no deception.As for the tail, there may be another reason, but it is a side matter, so there is no need to delve into it.

Anthony cupped his hands and saluted politely.

"It seems that although the Beastmaster lives in the Hengling Great Forest, he is quite well informed about the information on the mainland. If so, then the purpose of this trip must be known to the Beastmaster."

The Beastmaster nodded, stretched out his hand and pointed behind him, and said, "If my guess is correct, Mr. Anthony should have come here to destroy this Optimus Pillar, right?"

"Exactly!" Anthony said with certainty.

The Beastmaster frowned slightly, and said in deliberation: "I know, in order to prevent the plan of the Holy See of Light and the God of Light, Mr. wants to destroy the five space anchor points of the human world. And the Optimus Pillar behind me is exactly one of them. one."

Having said that, the Beastmaster paused for a while, and his tone became low.

"But, does Mr. Anthony know what this Optimus Pillar, the space anchor point in Mr.'s eyes, means to the monsters in my Hengling Great Forest?"

Anthony shook his head, stretched out his right hand, and said, "I would like to hear more about it."

The Beastmaster let out a long sigh with a faint tone.

"Humans on the Oscontinent know that the Hengling Great Forest is the largest primeval forest on the mainland, and it is also the habitat with the most complete types and the largest number of monsters. But they probably don't know the reason for attracting all these monsters. It is this pillar of optimism."

He turned around, stretched out his right hand, and gently stroked the thick and tall Optimus Prime.The movements are extremely gentle, as if facing the woman he loves the most.

"It has been passed down from mouth to mouth by successive beast kings. I don't know who built this pillar of the sky. It has existed since ancient times. Its long history is earlier than the appearance of the Holy See of Light or the God of Light. Around it, the heaven and earth are full of aura. , the magic element is active and beating, which is several times higher than that of the outside world. It is because of its existence that the plants here can grow so lush and prosperous, and the monsters and beasts are also extraordinarily strong and strong, and it is easier to break through the realm than the same kind elsewhere .”

The Beastmaster withdrew his arm, turned around again, and looked at Anthony with fixed eyes, like a raging flame.

"As soon as Mr. Anthony comes, he will overthrow and destroy Optimus Prime, who is the most important thing in the hearts of all creatures in the Hengling Great Forest. If you were to take the position of the king, how would you choose?"

Anthony was silent.

If the Beastmaster started to attack as soon as he came up, it would be easier for Anthony, as long as he pushed all obstacles with his strong strength.

But the other party's well-organized explanation, stating the benefits of this space anchor point to all creatures in the Hengling Great Forest, put Anthony in a disadvantageous position.

Who said that these monsters have well-developed limbs and simple minds?

At the very least, this Nine-Tailed Fox King of Warcraft put on a theoretical stance, with the air of a "gentleman who speaks but doesn't do anything".

In this confusing and upside-down... who is a man and who is a beast?
(End of this chapter)

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