Eastern mythology system

Chapter 513 Surprise

Chapter 513 Surprise
In the territory of the Holy Empire, an unknown town.

But now, this town has fallen into the hands of Tang Fengjun.They even made a big effort to build this small town into an extremely strong war fortress.

If the Holy Empire didn't send out a large army and spend a lot of energy and money, they wouldn't be able to take this town back easily.

In the barracks, in a heavily guarded huge tent, the important generals and counselors of Tang Feng's army gathered together.

Sitting above the commander-in-chief is of course the army coach Tang Feng.

This young general, who was unknown before, was recognized by Anthony's insight. Once he was promoted, he immediately burst into dazzling light.

Up to now, with his solid and outstanding military talents, unpredictable command, and a series of victories, Tang Feng has already won the unanimous affirmation and love of the army.Even without Anthony's relationship, he has completely secured his position as the coach of the army.

In two rows to the left and right of Tang Feng's seat, the senior generals in the army were lined up one by one, stretching continuously according to their authority and position.

But unlike in the past, the ranks of senior generals have undergone a huge change today.

On the left side of General Tang Feng was a delicate, pretty girl.She was wearing the clothes that an ordinary girl should have, neither looking luxurious and high-profile, nor deliberately pretending to be plain and low-key.

However, against the background of the generals in military uniforms around them, this ordinary outfit appeared particularly eye-catching when it appeared in a serious military meeting.

What is more eye-catching is the position of the girl.

Her seat is actually on the same level as General Tang Feng!
Sit on an equal footing!

On the other side is a man in black.The same youth, but gives people a feeling of vicissitudes.He had a cold face, even colder than General Tang Feng, who was known for his cold face. When people saw him, they couldn't help but shiver.

Like the girl, the man in black is also seated on the same level.

Who are these two people?

The officers and generals in the ground couldn't help moving their heads closer to each other, whispering to each other.

Instead, a middle-aged elf sat among them, occupying the same high position abruptly, but it seemed less conspicuous.

"Be quiet!"

Tang Feng coughed lightly and spoke.

Immediately, all the noises in the military hall disappeared immediately, and it was so quiet that ants could be heard crawling over.

It is not a fluke that the elite of Tang Feng's army is famous all over the world, as can be seen from the military discipline alone.

"First, let me introduce you."

General Tang Feng turned to the left, facing the girl respectfully.

"I believe some generals have already recognized it. Yes, this is the eldest princess of my glorious empire, Her Highness Yalina!"

Most of the newly promoted generals in the past ten years were present, and none of them had ever met Princess Yalena.Or it has been seen from afar, but the memory has long been vague.

Hearing General Tang Feng's announcement suddenly at this moment, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Immediately, there were cheers that almost toppled the roof!
Princess Yalena stood up, greeted everyone with a smile, and her attitude was as kind as it was ten years ago.

"Generals, long time no see. I'm back!"

It was like a wanderer who had traveled far and finally returned, again attracting cheers from the generals.

Although Her Royal Highness's martial arts cultivation is not worth mentioning, nor does she have the outstanding talent to lead an army in battle.However, her status as the eldest princess of the empire alone was enough to make the generals present rejoice and cheer up.

Especially at the moment when His Majesty King Andre abdicated, it is even more precious.

Because Princess Yalena herself represents the righteousness and is synonymous with the orthodox legal system.

You know, in the past ten years since Anthony and Yalena disappeared, everyone in Tang Fengjun's heart inevitably felt a little panic.

Prince Andrew ascended the throne and was crowned king, causing criticism from all over the empire.However, Tang Feng's army was on an expedition, refused to obey the orders of the imperial capital, and did not listen to the instructions or announcements, but it was even more unknown.

The fault was that King Andre himself was in a lot of troubles, so he didn't dare to confront Tang Fengjun head-on.As long as there is a decree, declaring Tang Feng's army as rebellious, it is not surprising that the army can be panicked, and it will immediately fall apart.

At this time, Princess Yalena, the only remaining member of the royal family with the best reputation, came to the army. Of course, it could calm people's hearts and increase the cohesion of the army.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the combat effectiveness of the army will be improved immediately.

What's more, the arrival of Princess Yalena also represents other meanings...

"Excuse me, Your Highness, has the general returned to our army?"

A young general couldn't bear it anymore, and asked with a frantic face.

There was no sound in the hall immediately, and everyone's eyes were on Yalina, waiting for his answer.

It's like a group of lost children, looking forward to the arrival of their parents.

"No, Anthony has other things to do." Yalena shook her head.

Disappointment inevitably appeared on everyone's faces.

Regarding the performance of his generals, General Tang Feng did not feel any jealousy or dissatisfaction.Even if it was him, why didn't he look forward to the return of the great general who was both a teacher and a friend.

Even if he had to give up the command of the army because of this, it would be no pity, and he would be willing to do so.

"This one is the God of Darkness, Lord Omega!" General Tang Feng turned to the right and continued to introduce the man in black.

With his current status, adding "Adult" as a suffix at the end shows that it is a grand event.

But the man in black just nodded slightly, neither stood up, nor did he mean to say hello at all, it could be said that he was extremely arrogant.

However, the generals below did not have any dissatisfaction or resentment.

They were all stunned by the identity of the man in black.

God of darkness!

A living god just appeared in front of them!

There is no need for any explanation, nor a more detailed explanation, just the word "God" is enough to shock people.

This is true for one's own people, and the same is true for enemies.

It is conceivable that even if the God of Darkness does nothing but stand in front of the enemy army, it can destroy the morale of the army, and its power is comparable to a forbidden curse.

Such a great god appeared in Tang Feng's army with Princess Yalena.There is no need to guess, it must be the handwriting of their omnipotent general.

Although after ten years of separation, after Anthony entrusted the army to General Tang Feng, he never returned to the army, and seemed to be indifferent to everyone.

However, he traveled around in the continental countries outside, but he never forgot everyone.

For example, such a big help that makes everyone overjoyed; another example is the continuous supply of all kinds of heaven-defying pills for the army; there is also a powerful design blueprint for super-era weapons, and so on.

Relatively speaking, when General Tang Feng introduced the newly joined elf king and the elf family he represented, the reactions of the generals in the army became much more flat.

Fortunately, the Elf King didn't come out of the mountain to fight for power and profit, but he didn't care about it and didn't take it to heart.

However, the surprises were not over yet.

"Report to the commander, the Great Demon King of Abyss Hell is visiting!"

(End of this chapter)

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