Eastern mythology system

Chapter 515 Golden giant palm

Chapter 515 Golden giant palm
Following the declaration of the doomsday judgment, the clouds in the sky suddenly parted, revealing a huge gap.

The dense dark clouds receded, but what was revealed was not the original blue sky, but a dark and deep endless black hole.

In that black hole, suddenly stretched out a palm!
That palm was shining golden, I don't know how huge it is, as soon as it appeared, it covered the sky and the earth, and the billowing dark clouds in the sky seemed to be dispelled a lot.

Looking up from the ground, even from a long distance, the palm prints on the palms are all fine and clear.

But soon, all the generals and soldiers in Tang Feng's army lost interest in watching the spectacle.

Because the huge golden palm was like a boundless mountain, carrying the sound of howling wind, and the huge coercion, it smashed down like Mount Tai pressing down on the top!

All those who witnessed this scene had no doubt that if the palms were really pressed, all the Tang Feng army's barracks would be turned into ashes, and no one could escape.

In fact, looking at the overwhelming coverage of the golden palm, even if you escape at the fastest speed, you may not be able to escape its killing radius.

The only way out is to carry it hard.

But, who can withstand this blow like a divine punishment?
Just when everyone stood there blankly, looking up at the sky, waiting for the result with fear and helplessness, a sudden mutation occurred.

In the eastern sky, a magic wand, surrounded by colorful brilliance and condensed from the purest magic elements, was born out of thin air, and rushed towards the giant golden palm at a speed that broke through the sound.

Almost at the same time, a huge long sword suddenly appeared in the western sky.The long sword was radiant, emitting a milky white halo, exuding the most intense dou qi coercion, and also struck the giant palm that was pressing down with lightning speed.

The same mutation also occurred in the south, as if a long river was moved into the sky by a great mysterious power.The long river twists and turns, full of ancient and mysterious atmosphere.It is long and ancient, and it seems to be related to the information of every living being.

It's like fate.

It was too late and then it was too fast, the giant golden palm pressed down extremely fiercely, but the magic staff, long sword of fighting spirit, and river of fate rushed forward without hesitation.

Finally, in mid-air, the two sides faced each other head-on like meteorites colliding.

An unimaginable loud noise came from the air, shaking the officers and soldiers in the barracks almost deaf.

Even the entire ground under his feet seemed to be hiding a restless dragon, trying hard to turn over.

A mysterious force emanated from various places in the barracks, like nails, nailed to the most critical parts, suppressing the restless earth dragon.

All the military facilities in the huge and strong barracks were hardly damaged except for the slight tremor at the beginning.

But after the loud noise, the most thrilling struggle in the sky has been decided.

The three intercepted forces, the magic wand, the long sword, and the river of fate let out a mournful cry, and then they were shattered inch by inch under the unpredictable blow, turning into the most basic magic elements, battle energy, and aura of heaven and earth, floating between the sky and the earth .

That giant golden palm seemed to be a victorious king, defeated and dispersed the three interceptors, and continued to press down on Tang Feng's barracks with an indomitable momentum.

It's just that anyone can see that the golden giant palm defeated the three interceptors including the magic wand, and it paid a big price itself.

The dazzling golden light before had obviously dimmed, and the real and incomparably clear palm had also become a little illusory and fuzzy, no longer solid as it had appeared at the beginning.

Obviously, the power of the giant golden palm like the doomsday judgment has been weakened a lot.

But looking at the overwhelming posture, pressing down like a mountain, Tang Feng's barracks still could not escape the fate of destruction.

General Tang Feng, who had already walked outside, looked up at the sky with a grim expression on his face.Only those radiant eyes showed that he still had cards he hadn't thrown yet, and that he hadn't yet reached the point of despair.

Sure enough, when the giant golden palm fell three hundred feet above the head of Tang Feng's barracks, a nearly transparent energy shield appeared out of thin air like a switch being touched, blocking the path of the giant golden palm.

That energy shield doesn't have a dazzling appearance, it's extremely plain, and its defensive power seems insignificant.

However, the menacing golden giant palm slapped on the translucent energy cover, and the speed of pressing down immediately weakened.Slower and slower, and finally stopped.

The energy shield seemed to be compressed to the extreme, accumulating maximum power.As soon as the momentum of the giant golden palm stopped, it was immediately met with a huge counterattack.

The collapsed energy shield tenaciously returned to its original shape, and at the same time, pushed the giant golden palm away.

The giant golden palm seemed to have its own spirituality, and it was pushed back by the inconspicuous energy shield, like a king whose dignity was offended, and flew into a rage.The originally dim golden light flourished again and suppressed again.

The transparent energy cover is a thin layer, which looks extremely fragile, but it is full of toughness.The giant golden palm attacked violently, and immediately collapsed downwards, but it looked like a giant trapped in a quagmire, with its hands tied and its feet bound, unable to exert its full strength.

However, this golden giant palm is the God of Light's great power to break through the barriers between the two worlds and cast it on the human world, so it's not easy.

Although the castration slowed down, the golden giant palm did not stop, but continued to exert infinite pressure on the energy shield.

Finally, when the power broke through a certain limit, the transparent energy shield burst like a bubble and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, a dragon's chant resounded through the heaven and earth, and with a rage that seemed to be overwhelming, the huge figure of the prehistoric beast rose from the barracks and flew into the sky.

Accompanied by it is a group of extremely densely colored jet-black clouds, like a terrifying monster, devouring everything in the world.

The giant dragon has a huge body, only compared to ordinary humans.In front of the giant golden palm, it was just a small black dot.

But when it roared, the sky suddenly surged with wind and clouds, as if the dark clouds that were afraid of the giant golden palm and made way for it suddenly seemed to have a backbone, and obeyed the order, rolling and surging.

All of a sudden, the clouds were dense, the wind howled, the lightning flashed and thundered, and the wind and rain intersected.

Under the cover of the giant dragon, the black clouds are like a fish in water, shuttling and hiding among the dark clouds, looming, like an assassin.

The loud noise of a series of collisions reached the ears of the officers and soldiers on the ground, which was thrilling and shocking.

It's a pity that due to the cover of the dark clouds, no matter how wide-eyed everyone was, they couldn't see the fighting situation above.

It's like the ice is shattering, and it's like fine porcelain being broken.

Two black dots tumbled down from the air, and finally stopped when they came ten feet above the barracks.

One of them is only the size of a puppy, but looks like a ferocious dragon. It looks quite cute.

The other one was a man in black with a cold face and a dangerous light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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