Eastern mythology system

Chapter 57 Dilemma

Chapter 57 Dilemma
Dusk, Edinburgh City.

In the conference hall of the noble and elegant residence of Marquis Socrates, His Excellency the Marquis and his second brother Justian sat on the same small round table with a long history.

"What happened to the third brother?" Marquis Socrates asked.

Just replied: "It's a little trouble, but it's been resolved. The news came yesterday that the third brother killed a group of people by himself. Now things are basically all right. After the situation stabilizes in a few days, The third brother will set off and return."

Marquis Socrates nodded: "Send a message to the third brother, asking him to get things done properly and not to leave any hidden dangers. The northwest side is an important foundation and source of funds for our Fontaine family, and there is no room for loss. Especially at this moment, the business war with the Hilton family requires a lot of funds to operate, not to mention the support from there."

"Yes!" Just replied.

"By the way, have you checked the situation of the two viscount families clearly?" Lord Marquis asked again.

Just looked through a stack of documents in his hand: "I am going to report this to my eldest brother. After our investigation, the two families spent a lot of money in this joint operation against the Hilton family, and the capital chain is indeed somewhat Nervous. However, it is far from the level that the two patriarchs complained to us. I guess they are just pretending to be pitiful, hoping to reduce the tasks assigned to them."

Marquis Socrates snorted coldly: "Hmph! Seeing the benefits, everyone is scrambling to move forward. When it comes time to contribute money and effort, one by one will retreat. Three old guys came to me yesterday, This is what I was talking about again. After being scolded by me, I left with a resentful expression on my face."

Just said disapprovingly: "This time, we joined forces with more than half of the nobles in Edinburgh to suppress the Hilton family. In fact, in the final analysis, we are hurting people with our own base, and we are fighting for the financial resources of both parties. Although the Hilton family has strong financial resources, but It is absolutely impossible to be our opponent. The patriarchs of these families are all old foxes, and it is impossible not to see this. It is just their own little calculation, hoping that others will pay more, and I can pay less."

Lord Marquis laughed and cursed: "Want to take advantage but don't want to contribute, how can there be such a good thing. You tell them that when you brought down the Hilton family and divided up the benefits, we will judge them according to their contribution."

"After they eat these fragrant baits, they will board our boat and never get off again. Hahahaha!" Just said.

Marquis Socrates also laughed.

With the help of two powerful brothers, one literary and one military, Mr. Marquis stands out in the cruel family struggle and sits on the patriarch of the Fontaine family.After several years of hard work, now he has completely stabilized his position, holding the entire family firmly in his hands.

After stabilizing the interior, the ambitious Marquis Socrates began to develop outward.

However, there are many nobles and nobles in Edinburgh, and all kinds of interests have been divided.The sphere of influence among the nobles, the structural framework is very stable.Although the Fontaine family is a marquis family and one of the few tycoons in Edinburgh, they dare not break the power map that has been recognized by all the nobles at will.

Therefore, they had no choice but to manage carefully, accumulate strength silently, and wait for the opportunity.

The time will come soon.

A little-known small family——Hilton suddenly emerged, brutally and unreasonably entered Edinburgh's power territory, knocking the old power structure to the ground.

The three Marquis Socrates brothers did not take advantage of this rare opportunity to completely tear up the old territory by joining forces or with the help of the Hilton family.Instead, he stood on the opposite side of it, and together with other veteran nobles, became a staunch guardian of the old forces.

However, the Fontaine family was in bad luck. In the battle with the Hilton family, several times at the most critical moment, they were "coincidentally" lost due to various accidents.Not only did his own family suffer heavy losses, but it also damaged the interests of other noble allies.

The Hilton family was victorious and finally gained a firm foothold in Edinburgh.

However, many veteran nobles who have repeatedly "contributed" to the rise of the Hilton family naturally hate them.As the biggest sufferer among them, the Fontaine family with the highest title also logically became the leader of the anti-Hilton family alliance.

An alliance of more than half of the nobles in Edinburgh, what a powerful force this is!

The business war against the Hilton family, from alliance, launch, war, victory, to the final distribution of benefits, cannot be completed in just a few months.During this period, the division of labor and cooperation between the various families will deepen the relationship between each other's interests.Therefore, electing an alliance leader became inevitable.

Who is most qualified to be the leader of this powerful alliance?Who else but the Fontaines, Marquis Socrates?
This is a game that the Fontaine family set up early on, taking advantage of the rise of the Hilton family.A huge game that wiped out more than half of the nobles in Edinburgh.

And this plan came from Just, the "brain" of the three Fontaine brothers.

Now, the plan is about to close the net.


Compared with the residence of Marquis Socrates, the atmosphere in the core conference hall of the Hilton family is much more oppressive and heavy.

Count Silvio sat at the head, busy checking the reports sent by the various stewards, making analysis and judgment on the reports, and instructing the next work plan.

Opposite him, there are more than a dozen core members of the family, who are doing similar things to Earl Silvio.But what they do is more detailed and trivial.

Since these days, the Hilton family's business has declined severely.Many shops can't even recover their costs, and are already operating at a loss.

Fortunately, the family manager has a keen sense of smell, so he noticed something bad early, sold the inventory in the warehouse at a low price, and recovered a large amount of working capital.Otherwise, with so many businesses in the family, I am afraid they will not be able to sustain themselves.

Of course, Earl Silvio can also choose to end these shops, or transfer them to others.But in this way, it is tantamount to announcing that the Hilton family has withdrawn from this hard-working territory.If you want to come back in the future, the price you pay may be calculated ten times or even a hundred times.

The title of the "upstart" of the Hilton family is really not bragging. If it was another family, facing such a situation, they would have raised their hands and surrendered.But they persevered. Knowing that they were throwing money every day, they still insisted on opening all stores as normal.

But everyone knows that if things go on like this, even mountains of gold and silver will be hollowed out one day.If there are no other variables, the Hilton family will still lose big sooner or later.

Where is this variable that carries the hopes of the entire Hilton family?

(End of this chapter)

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