Take the game to the city

Chapter 101 Colored Diamond

Chapter 101 Colored Diamond
At this time, the scene was a little lively, and the crowd was in a commotion!
Only a girl exclaimed: "Look! What a beautiful ruby!"

"I don't know, it's obviously a red diamond!"

"Red diamonds are considered to be the most concentrated wealth in the world, and they are the rarest, most precious and most valuable diamonds among colored diamonds!"

Someone started popular science.

"It looks like this color is not as pure as a real natural red diamond, but it is definitely worth a lot!"

"I've seen this diamond necklace before, and it was the one that was sold at Christie's auction for as high as 5000 million RMB!"

"5000 million!"

Many people around were a little shocked when they heard the price!

All the people present were rich people, but they were reluctant to pay 5000 million for a diamond. No one's money came from the wind, and it was unnecessary to buy a dead thing that could only be seen.

And this price also made many women present cover their mouths and stare at the diamond necklace!
No woman can resist the allure of such a beautiful diamond.

At the same time, he looked at Zhang Fang, who was holding a diamond necklace in both hands, with uncontrollable charm and certain longing in his eyes.

The heroic man who is willing to spend a lot of money for women is the most loved by women.

They looked at Zhu Ling with jealousy in their eyes!

Sure enough, young, beautiful and wealthy women are the most favored by men!
"Young Master Zhang is still generous, this time for Miss Zhu Ling, I really have a heart!"

"That's right, if I can let First Young Master Zhang treat me like this, it would be worth dying in his arms!"

Zhang Fang is not useless, he only knows that the domineering second generation ancestor, he did not enter the system like his father, but chose to engage in real estate, which also made a lot of money.

A young and rich man from a rich family can always seduce many women fatally!

Holding the diamond necklace in both hands, Zhang Fang looked at Zhu Ling affectionately.

Not long ago, he met Zhu Ling by chance, and he was immediately shocked!
Later, when he learned of Zhu Ling's terrifying family background, he was even more determined to get this woman!
At that moment, he forgot the difference in status between them and Zhu Ling's indifference.Forgot many, many things, and only thought that only he could be Zhu Ling's lifelong partner!
Therefore, he made great efforts to bid for this colored diamond necklace at Christie's auction. He believed that no woman could resist the temptation of diamonds!
Although this also made him extremely heartbroken, as long as the goal can be achieved, everything is worth it!
However, Zhang Fang, who was overwhelmed by his own blind self-confidence and hormones, forgot, what is Zhu Ling's identity?What haven't you seen? !
Yang Fan watched Zhang Fang's movements coldly.

Looking at this guy in heat, could it be that he wants to pick on Zhu Ling?

It's no wonder that Zhu Ling can take a fancy to him just because he's so frustrated!
The most important thing is, what is the gift?It's only tens of millions of things. According to the Zhu family's wealth, which is almost as rich as an enemy country, it's no wonder that Bingshan beauty can see it!
Besides, this woman has a cold appearance all day long, and she seems to have nothing else but good looks, let alone any other desires!
Not even Zhu Yi is cute!

This product can't tell the taste is quite heavy!

Looking at Zhu Ling, seeing that she was still expressionless, ignoring the things in Zhang Fang's hands and even herself, Yang Fan smiled secretly.

poor child!

Seemingly aware that Yang Fan was looking at her, Zhu Lingqing turned her head and looked directly at Yang Fan.

Looking at Zhu Ling, Yang Fan looked away.

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Zhu Ling's eyes!
This bastard, am I just annoying him like that?

Don't even want to look at me!
(End of this chapter)

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