Take the game to the city

Chapter 127 Treasure Hunt

Chapter 127 Treasure Hunt
On the screen of the mobile phone, Yang Fan's game characters and Huahua came to the Land of God's Fall.

Yang Fan adjusted his angle of view to observe the rumored mysterious and terrifying place of death of gods.

The entire land of the gods is a mountain peak, where there are many high mountains, and Yang Fan saw that the highest mountains seemed to have inserted into the sky!
You can imagine how magnificent it must have been a long time ago.

But at this time, the mountain has become a barren land.

There is no grass, jagged rocks, and the whole mountain is shrouded in a faint blue mist, which looks strange and unpredictable.

"Hua Hua, where is the place to find the treasure?"

Yang Fan asked.

"Hey, right there!"

Huahua pointed with his little hand, and Yang Fan looked in the direction Huahua pointed, his eyes flashed.

It was a valley. Looking from here, the white mist in the valley was churning, and the scene inside could not be seen clearly, and it seemed mysterious.

And at the mouth of the valley, there was a vortex shining with silver light!
Obviously, that is a portal, the real entrance to the land of God's Fall!
"The land of the gods is mysterious and unpredictable, and various laws are chaotically intertwined. No matter where you try to enter, you will be torn apart by the power of chaotic laws, and finally the soul will be destroyed! Later, a peerless powerhouse opened up here with supreme divine power A portal for adventurers to enter safely!"

Huahua's crisp voice explained next to Yang Fan.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go!"

Yang Fan nodded without hesitation, and walked towards the door with Hua Hua.

The portal looks small from a distance, but after arriving at the gate, I realized that it is very huge, and the characters in Yang Fan's game appear very small in front of it!
The silver vortex circulated slowly, exuding a mysterious light.

Yang Fan paused here, and controlled the characters in the game to walk directly into the vortex with Huahua.

There seemed to be faint ripples in the air, and the moment the game characters entered the vortex, the screen of the mobile phone in front of Yang Fan was instantly white!
However, this only lasted less than a second, and when the screen reappeared, the scenery on the screen was completely different!
Yang Fan saw through the screen that there was indeed a valley inside, with a huge space at the door, and the space became smaller as he went in, and there was even only a narrow light at the end of Yang Fan's viewing angle in the game.

"Alright host, let's find it here!"

Huahua fluttered her small wings, flashing lights, and her big nimble eyes looked around with curiosity.

"Huahua, what's the difference here?"

Yang Fan also curiously touched the screen to move the angle of view, and found that although this place is large, with an area of ​​at least two football fields, there is no grass and no shelter, and you can basically see the end at a glance.

And as far as he could see, there were no ferocious beasts, but he saw many large and small caves beside the wall!

Yang Fan's heart moved, could it be in these holes?
"Well, host, it's really different here!"

Huahua nodded her head vigorously and said affirmatively.

"There are eight entrances like this in the entire Land of God's Fall, and there are many fierce beasts in each place, but here is the least fierce beast, and only this entrance has treasures!"

At the end, Huahua's eyes shone with excitement.

"There is an ancient palace here, which is forbidden to hide. These caves are the hiding places of the guardian beasts of the palace. Once someone tries to break through the ban, the beasts in the cave will be alarmed, and finally come out in full force!"

Yang Fan observed these caves, at least over a hundred!
Then he made sure that once these ferocious beasts came out, he would be wheeled by these ferocious beasts before he even had a chance to run.

That taste is exciting even thinking about it.

Yang Fan twitched the corner of his mouth.

But he just complained in his heart, believing that Huahua must have a solution.

Sure enough, Huahua came up with the solution the next moment.


Hearing what Huahua said, Yang Fan blinked his eyes, feeling like he said nothing.

Huahua's plan is to immediately enter the palace after Yang Fan breaks the restriction. Even if the beasts come out, they dare not enter the palace.

After breaking the restriction, he will not enter immediately,

Do you want to talk to these fierce beasts outside?

However, he also knew that if Huahua didn't have the method to break the restriction, if he touched the restriction and couldn't enter the palace, he would be punished by these beasts immediately.

This is also the reason why many predecessors were unable to obtain the treasures in this palace.

After the plan was made, Huahua began to look for the location of the palace.

I saw her take out a small jade talisman, standing quietly in the air, with a solemn expression, and her little hands tied with mysterious spells.

Then, with the jade talisman as the center, faint ripples began to radiate to the surroundings, and then not far from the right hand of Yang Fan's game character, a palace exuding a simple and mysterious atmosphere quietly appeared!
In the gray light that shrouded the entire palace.

Yang Fan was certain in his heart that this gray light was the so-called restriction!

Immediately afterwards, Huahua looked at the palace, pointed with her little hand, and the jade talisman instantly emitted white light, rushing towards the palace with a long stream of light!

After the jade talisman collided with the gray light around the palace, a gray energy shield instantly appeared in the palace!
However, the shield was shattered by the jade talisman just as soon as it appeared, turning into gray stars and falling down!
Then, the ancient gate of the palace opened slowly and automatically!
The moment the palace gate opened, Yang Fan and Huahua rushed towards the palace at an extremely fast speed!


At this moment, there seemed to be countless roars of beasts, and the sound shook the entire valley...

(End of this chapter)

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