Take the game to the city

Chapter 141 Arrogance

Chapter 141 Arrogance
Yang Fan keenly felt that this incident was not simple!
Now because of the Beauty Pill, the momentum of Zhonglin Health Care can be said to be in full swing. Just because the bald head has such boldness to make trouble?

Furthermore, according to Xue Long's description, although the bald head is cunning, he can never do things to such an impeccable level!
Most importantly, the police.

No matter how courageous a bald man is, he would never dare to confront the police, but now he just did it!

Yang Fan narrowed his eyes.

I want to see what monsters and monsters are behind it!
No matter who it is, I will make you pay the price if you dare to play Beauty Pill's idea!

Afterwards, Yang Fan asked Xue Long to call the bald head, and pretended to be helpless to make an appointment with the other party to find a place to discuss.

The other party also agreed, and he was quite proud to hear the other party's tone.

Yang Fan's idea is very simple, as long as he controls the bald head, he will have a way to blow up the manipulators behind the scenes one by one!
The agreed time was the next morning.

In the evening, Yang Fan prepared for the meeting the next day.

With the cunning of the bald head and the person behind it, there will never be no backup, so the danger of meeting tomorrow is self-evident.

But that was only for Xue Long and the others.

So Yang Fan bought and exchanged some eighth-rank Xuan-level talismans in the game.

His current level in the game is not good.

No matter everything in the game is divided into ten grades, the first grade is the most, and the tenth grade is the second.

And Yang Fan has not been rated by the game yet.In other words, Yang Fan's current strength at level 19 can only be regarded as a novice.

He didn't know if it could be divided according to the level in the game in reality. To be on the safe side, it's better to buy amulets with higher levels.

After all, although it is said that first-class masters can catch bullets empty-handed, no one has ever seen it.

Yang Fan couldn't find a chance to experiment either.

Most of the talismans are defensive. Even if an accident happens, I believe they can still protect Xue Long and the others.

Although Yang Fan also thought about going alone, but this time it was to investigate the situation, so he gave up this idea.

the next day.

Yang Fan, Xue Long and the others came to an abandoned warehouse agreed with the bald head.

According to what Yang Fan said, Xue brought two people, both of whom are retired special forces, and their strength is basically at the level of second-rate masters.

Now Xue Long's security company recruits all retired soldiers, and they only recruit special forces.

Now the overall strength can be said to be very strong, so the security company's reputation is gradually spreading in the upper class.

When they arrived at the location, the bald head and the others were already waiting there.

As soon as Yang Fan got out of the car, he began to observe the surroundings secretly, and found that there were no other people around. You must know that Yang Fan's six senses are very keen now, and anyone would be able to spot it immediately.

The bald man seemed very confident, but he didn't even plan to back up.

Yang Fan looked at the bald men.

Two cars parked behind them.

The bald head is a tall man with a pair of triangular eyes that make him look very sinister.

There are five people behind him.

Two of them caught Yang Fan's attention.

One is a middle-aged man in his thirties on the left hand side of his bald head. He is powerful and looks like a so-called first-class warrior.

The other, next to the middle-aged man, seemed to be younger than the middle-aged first-class warrior. Although he hid it well, Yang Fan could tell that his aura was stronger than this first-class warrior.

Is this the confidence of being bald?

Yang Fan looked at himself.

Indeed, the general situation is that first-rate warriors can completely abuse themselves, let alone someone who is stronger than this first-rate warrior, and it is normal for people to have self-confidence.

Yang Fan has been in contact with first-rate warriors, and knows that this level can even use the legendary "external internal force" move. It is overbearing and fierce, and it is definitely not something that some second-rate warriors can resist.

"Xue Long, you dare to bring only these two or three kittens when you meet with Laozi, I admire your courage! Well, since you are so sincere, Laozi is not a heartless person, as long as you hand over the formula of the beauty pill, and then leave by yourself Province H, labor and capital will not embarrass you, how about it!"

The bald man took the cigarette offered by the younger brother next to him, lit it, took a puff, and said casually.

Anger flashed across Xue Long's face, but seeing that Yang Fan hadn't given instructions, he held back and said, "Baldhead, what do you mean, you think it's time to pay your wages?"

"Haha! Isn't it? Labor and management even dare to beat the police now, how dare you!"

"Do you think that labor and management are really willing to discuss with you? You are lying! If you are sensible, hand over the formula quickly, or you will not see the sun tomorrow!"

The bald head said arrogantly.

If it wasn't for Xue Long being forced to destroy the formula, he wouldn't have been in ink with the other party for so long!

 Thank you for the "evil and awe-inspiring: Young Master Tang" for your reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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