Take the game to the city

Chapter 159 Unifying 1 Provincial Gang

Chapter 159 Unifying the Provincial Gangs
Zhang Qiang couldn't escape after all, Yang Fan decided to solve another matter first.

Yang Fan has always acted on the principle that people will not offend me, and I will not offend others. He has never thought of controlling those black organizations in H Province.

But now these organizations are restless and want to touch his "beauty pill", so they can't stay!
You have to do what you say, Yang Fan has always agreed with this sentence!

When I said I was going to kill them, I had to kill them!
"Hungry Wolf Gang".

Although the leader of the Hungry Wolf Gang was still sitting, his bloodless face revealed his emotions.

His "Hungry Wolf Gang" has been established for so long, and he has never seen such a perverted person!
One pick five, but beat five people to the ground, like beating a dog!
But among those five people, there are four first-rate fighters, one grand master!

If he didn't know the details, he would even think he was acting!

Especially that guru.

The majestic master master was knocked out without even sending out any moves!

And the other little brothers were beaten by another person without any power to fight back!

Where did these two people come from?

I wish I had never offended such a perverted person, right?

The leader's face collapsed.

In a blink of an eye, apart from those two people and the gang leader, there was no one who could stand still!
The wailing sounded everywhere, and the leader's nerves trembled when he heard it.


Before the leader could finish speaking, Zhong Ding punched him unconscious.

This gang leader is no more than a third-rate martial artist, Zhong Ding, as a grand master, is no easier than eating to knock him out.

Yang Fan now uses the "Battle Instinct" skill more deeply, and it is easier to fight against the Grandmaster.

And Zhong Ding was transformed into a war slave by him.

Transform the leader of the "Hungry Wolf Gang" into a warrior slave, and then wake him up.

Yang Fan learned that the "Hungry Wolf Gang" and even the other three major gangs are just pawns, and there are mysterious people behind them manipulating them!

Turning the remaining five people into war slaves, Yang Fan ordered them to clean up the mess and left.

Turning these first-class and even grand master warriors into war slaves will strengthen the defense force of his industry in the future, so that he will not have to appear in person in any event.

Next, Yang Fan took the two master warriors and the four first-rate warriors to the second destination, "Golden Rooster Gang."

The five major gangs basically know each other well. Unless there are special circumstances, they know each other in the places where their bosses often go.

Now Yang Fan is invincible at the master level and below. With the super defense and battery life of the "devil king's body", plus "combat instinct" and several other skills that are rare but extremely lethal when used properly, there is no Grandmaster is his single enemy!
Not to mention the addition of two great masters, the remaining few gangs will collapse at the touch of a button!

Every time Yang Fan controls the master warriors and first-class warriors while controlling their bosses, and after successful control, he will quickly recruit people and strictly control the flow of information.

Therefore, although several major gangs were wiped out one by one, no one came out with news.

"Black Scorpions"

"Sun Gang"


In this way, Yang Fan brought more and more masters and first-class fighters to various urban areas in H province, conquering and controlling the four major gangs one after another!

Originally, Yang Fan planned to eliminate these gangs, but he thought that even if these gangs were eliminated, there would still be other gangs to replace them.

This will cause some confusion on the contrary, and it will be ordinary people who will be injured in the end!

Coupled with the possible troubles caused by the upcoming elixir, Yang Fan felt that it would be better to have some influence of his own.

So far, together with the "Tiansha Gang" that has been under control for a long time, Yang Fan can be said to have dominated the gangs in Province H!
Of course, after taking control of these gang bosses, the first thing Yang Fan did was to ask them to cleanse his influence!
"Underworld" is not the right way after all!
Of course, Yang Fan also hates this kind of black organization!
(End of this chapter)

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