Take the game to the city

Chapter 164 Wang Ting

Chapter 164 Wang Ting (seeking the first decision!!)

Next, Yang Fan accompanied Ouyang Peng to Xue Long's office in Zhonglin Health Care. Xue Long told Ouyang Peng some things to pay attention to.

"that's it?"

Seeing that Xue Long didn't speak any more, Ouyang Peng was stunned for a moment, feeling a little unbelievable!

It's really unbelievable, in the process described by Xue Long, Ouyang Peng basically doesn't need to do anything, it can even be said that he can just watch from the sidelines!

"That's right, we'll take care of the integration, you don't need to do anything!"

Xue Long glanced at Ouyang Peng, as if he knew what he was worried about.

Then he said: "The 20 billion will be placed in your account. At that time, you will apply for how much money you need at each stage. After all, you are the master of these industries, and the integration process will be transparent to you, so that you can understand our integration to the greatest extent. process!"

Ouyang Peng was speechless, did he really just regard himself as the master of those industries?
How come there is a feeling that Xue Long is also working for himself!
Yang Fan smiled next to him and said, "Fatty, don't worry, you can't be a puppet, the main reason is that you have relatively little experience, this operation is for you to learn more!"

Ouyang Peng rolled his eyes and said, "I know it's impossible to lie to me, otherwise why would you drag me here! It's just too unexpected!"

Then, the fat man fell into extreme busyness!

Although most of the things are arranged by Zhonglin Health Care, Ouyang Peng is obviously not willing to be an idler, so it is normal for many things to be done by himself.

Because of this, he made rapid progress!

For this reason, Xue Long and others praised Ouyang Peng a lot!
After all, sometimes talent is indeed an advantage, but people who work very hard on this basis are very valuable!
City Z.

In a luxurious five-star hotel, a meeting room is full of people.

If someone is here, they will find that these people include the bosses of the major gangs in the entire H province!

Sitting at the conference table are the bosses of the five major gangs in H province, and none of them will be left behind!
Of course, five grandmasters were also included!
At this time, the first seat was vacant, but these gangsters who would usually shake the whole province of H were waiting for someone!

And none of them were impatient!

Who is this guy?
To make so many big bosses wait willingly!
Yang Fan came late wearing a "psychedelic mask", so he sat down at the first place without hesitation.

The bosses of the five major gangs and the five masters got up at the same time, and greeted Yang Fan respectfully.

"Congratulations, master!"

Yang Fan glanced at the people present, and said softly, "Sit."

Seeing so many people, Yang Fan was really relieved.

Why do you have the confidence to accept the stalls left by the three major families?
This is the bottom line!
The energy of the five big gangs is no weaker than the four big families!

At this time, the leaders of the various small gangs sitting around and listening to the seats were a little uneasy!
The reason why they came today is because of the invitation of the five major gangs!
But now they saw that the boss who was so powerful in their eyes greeted a mysterious young man who couldn't see his face clearly, and even called the other party's master!
What's the matter? !

Have we been lied to?Aren't these real bosses?
Yang Fan keenly noticed the uneasiness of these people. He stood up, put his hands behind his back, and gently activated his skills.



For a moment, everyone felt as if there was a loud noise in their ears!
And this young man with a vague and mysterious face became extremely tall in their eyes, and the heavy aura exuding from his body made them breathless!

"Submit, or die!"

Yang Fan said indifferently.

As Yang Fan spoke, everyone was shocked!

They looked at Yang Fan in awe, got up from their seats at the same time, and knelt on the ground.

"I'm waiting to surrender!"

Yang Fan glanced at all the people present, and found that all the war slaves also knelt down. The difference was that there was not only awe but also fanaticism in their eyes!

It seems that this skill seems to have a bonus effect on Zhannu!

Seeing that everyone surrendered, Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction, and then canceled the skill.

At this time, everyone was awakened from a dream, and still looked at Yang Fan in awe. Although the opponent no longer had the fearful and awe-inspiring atmosphere before, the powerful feeling before had already formed a brand in their hearts!
Sitting down again, Yang Fan began to introduce himself.

"You don't need to know my name, you can call me in the future..."

A mischievous smile appeared on the corner of Yang Fan's mouth, and he uttered a word lightly.


Everyone looked at Yang Fan in awe, he deserved to be called "King" with such strength!
"You are all influential gang leaders in H province. My purpose this time is to integrate you together so that you are no longer a mess. Are you willing?"

Yang Fan said lightly.

"I will follow the king's instructions!"

All gang leaders responded in unison!
"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll announce my plan!"

All the gang leaders silently looked at Yang Fan without saying a word.

I saw Yang Fan continue to say: "From today onwards, all gangs will be disbanded and the "Wang Ting" will be established. All of you will be included in the Wang Ting, and all properties under your name will also be included in the Wang Ting!"

They are all people with unclean foundations, and even their property is not very clean. Yang Fan accepts these without any psychological pressure.

"That... the king..."

Sitting in the gallery, a small gang leader weakly raised his hand.

Yang Fan glanced at him.


"Uh, Wang, may I ask if "Wang Ting" is a company or..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone started to look at Yang Fan, obviously the doubts in other people's minds.

Yang Fan looked at this man like a fool.

The man looked at Yang Fan nervously. Although he couldn't see Yang Fan's face clearly, he always felt that he was staring at him.

It wasn't until he started to break out in a cold sweat that Yang Fan opened his mouth slowly.

"Naturally the company!"


The man sat down slowly and heaved a sigh of relief. He only felt that the "Wang" was too imposing, and he felt breathless just looking at him!
Looking around, Yang Fan went on to say: "Divide into five major regions and set up five major branch companies, each of which will be managed by five of you!"

Yang Fan lifted his chin lightly and gestured towards the five former gang leaders on the conference table.

"Yes! Master!"

The five stood up at the same time and answered loudly.

The integration and division of management areas of the entire gang in Province H was completed in this simple manner. Of course, it was also related to Yang Fan's laziness in subdivision. Other details, including the distribution of lower-level management personnel, were naturally handled by these five people.

"Next, I will give you the first mission!"

Yang Fan tapped his finger on the table.

Everyone listened with bated breath.

"First, all your properties must be included in the "Wang Ting" within one month; second, a security company must be established, and all your younger brothers will be included in the security company, and the security company will be directly managed by the Wang Ting. Of course, it depends on the situation." You can continue watching the scene, but in the name of the security company under Wang Ting!"

After everyone listened, they didn't say anything, and of course they didn't dare to express their thoughts.

 The protagonist's first organization is officially established, Sahua~~
  Ask for the first order of the new book and ask for a ticket! !
(End of this chapter)

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