Take the game to the city

Chapter 170 Let You Be Nervous First

Chapter 170 Let You Be Nervous First
Their hometown is in XL County, which belongs to the countryside.

The taxi travels on uneven country roads.

Yang Keke silently looked out the window, clenched her little hands unconsciously.

Yang Fan held his younger sister's hand, and when he saw his younger sister turned around, he gave her a warm smile.

They came back this time to worship their parents.

Of course, Yang Fan's purpose is not limited to this one!
The taxi stopped in front of a small country house.

This small western-style building looked dilapidated, as if it hadn't been lived in for a long time.

There was a seal on the door.

Yang Keke looked at this small western-style building in a depressed mood. This is where they lived at the beginning!

Yang Fan also looked at Xiaoyanglou silently, and all the warm and beautiful pictures flashed in his mind!

Nothing can go back...

Afterwards, Yang Fan squinted his eyes, remembering the results of the investigation that Yang Sihai had asked before.


Yang Fan and his sister each placed bouquets in front of the tombstone.

Yang Keke stared blankly at the photos of her parents, and couldn't stop crying at noon!

Yang Fan rubbed the tombstone silently, thinking silently why a person can be so despicable for a little profit!

Then, a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Beast, are you ready?

I'm here to collect debts!


Yang Fan and his sister walked leisurely.

Yang Keke kept looking at the surrounding scenery with nostalgia in his eyes.

This is the only way for the brother and sister to go to the same high school.

Snack bar, internet bar, canteen...

Nothing seems to have changed!

What really becomes is just the human heart.

"elder brother……"

Yang Keke looked at Yang Fan sadly.

Yang Fan smiled, and lightly touched the top of his sister's head.

"Let's go."

Yang Fan said

Yang Keke nodded.

At noon, Yang Fan found a better hotel for his sister to rest.

Then he walked out by himself.

When I came back this time, I nominally brought Yang Keke back to have a look, but actually Yang Fan came here to ask for trouble!

Thinking of the results of Yang Sihai's investigation, Yang Fan narrowed his eyes dangerously.

In fact, many people knew about the secret of Yang Fan's parents' car accident!
Working together, this time, I won't let any of you run away!
Yang Fan said secretly.

Then, he took out an elderly mobile phone that could only make calls and send text messages, and dialed a number.

"let's start!"

Yang Fan said calmly into the phone.

Since the monitoring incident, Yang Fan has paid special attention to the use of communication equipment.

The mobile phone card used for this call is a "black card", which is anonymous.

Only the managers of "Wang Ting", that is, Yang Fan's war slaves, know the number.

His call was to Yang Sihai.

This time, he wants the enemies to live in tension and fear every day!
Soon, within a few hours, some rumors began to spread in the XL area.

"Hey, have you heard that the Yangzhou couple were killed on purpose by someone!"

"Of course I've heard of it! It's being circulated now! I also heard that this is their relative's attempt to seize the Yangzhou couple's property!"

"Which relative?"

someone asked.

"I don't know, it's just a relative anyway!"


Rumors spread everywhere, and in one afternoon, it seemed that everyone knew about the car accident of the couple in Yangzhou.

Uncle Yang Fan's house.

"Countless, why are you talking about that incident outside? I really don't know who is reversing the old score!"

Yang Fan's uncle smoked silently, and then slowly said, "Who else, Xiao Fan is back!"

"Who?! That little guy?"

The woman said in surprise.

"Heh! He still dares to come back! If Yang Xing hadn't been merciful back then, the two brothers and sisters would have long ago..."

"Li Qin!"

Uncle Yang Fan yelled fiercely, interrupting Li Qin's words.

The woman was startled!
"Hmph! I only know how to be cruel to me! If you weren't so cowardly back then, how could our family be like this? Now my daughter has to find someone to borrow her tuition!"

The woman complained.


Uncle Yang Fan's house...

Aunt Yang Fan's house...

All of Yang Fan's relatives became nervous. After all, although they were not directly involved in the matter, they were also charged for hush money. They were considered accomplices!
Yang Xing is Yang Fan's uncle and the mastermind behind this incident.


Yang Xing slapped the table fiercely, and shouted at the assistant in front of him angrily: "Check! Check it out for me! I want to see who dares to turn over the old account!"

"Also, get the car ready, I'm going to the county magistrate!"

The assistant leaves.

Yang Xing sat on the chair, squinting his eyes.

It's been so long since what happened back then, to be honest, he's no longer afraid of others turning over old accounts, because so much time has passed, and he has basically wiped out all the traces of that year!
What makes him unhappy is who dares to provoke Yang Xing here!
Who in XL County doesn't know how extensive Yang Xing's contacts are?
In the past, those who dared to provoke him without knowing their life and death would disappear inexplicably the next day, or some kind of "accident!"

And soon, Yang Xing also knew the news of Yang Fan's arrival.

"Things who don't know how to live or die, I didn't expect that letting you go back then would leave a disaster behind!"

Yang Xing gloomily took a drag on his cigarette.

When the news came out, he suspected that it was Yang Fan who did it!
Then, he made a phone call: "Hey, contact me Brother Ma and ask him to do something..."

Yang Fan, who made many people nervous with just one sentence, did not look very happy at this time.

These are inevitable in his view, and this is his purpose!
"Now you are just nervous, and then you will taste the taste of fear!"

Yang Fan sat in a coffee shop, took a sip of coffee, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

At night, the lights are bright, girls in sexy clothes come and go to the bar, and many young people go to the night market, swaying their youth.

I don't know when it started, but instant gratification seems to have become the life criterion of many people.

Yang Fan and Yang Keke walked in the night market, feeling the familiar and unfamiliar atmosphere.

"Brother, I want to eat that restaurant's noodles!"

Yang Keke took Yang Fan's hand, pointed to a noodle restaurant not far away, and said playfully.

After an afternoon, Yang Keke's mood improved significantly.

"it is good!"

Yang Fan agreed softly.

The house that Coco was referring to was the place where the siblings used to go when they were in high school.

I remember that this noodle shop was not open at night, but I didn't expect it to be a night stall now.

Coming to sit down at the stall outside the noodle shop, Yang Fan ordered two bowls of beef noodles.

After taking a bite, it still seems to have the same taste as before.

While the brothers and sisters were eating noodles, a man with a short cut and earrings came over, sat casually on the empty seat next to Yang Fan, and stared at Yang Fan with an inexplicable smile.

At the same time, another obscene-looking man came over and sat on the seat next to Yang Keke, with a mean smile on his face. Yang Keke looked very uncomfortable, and leaned towards Yang Fan involuntarily.

"Hey, don't be so far away, she looks so beautiful, let my brother take a good look..."

Still smiling cheaply, the wretched man naturally reached out to grab Yang Keke's shoulder!


However, as soon as his hand reached into the air, it was opened by another hand that appeared suddenly!

 I finally looked forward to the weekend, but I didn't expect that there would be more things, but none of them are the reasons for me to stop updating!
  The second one is here!
(End of this chapter)

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