Chapter 175
In front of the computer, Yang Xing moved the mouse with trembling hands.

What happened before him was what happened in XL County in the past!
One by one, clear and detailed, what scares him the most is the many detailed evidence listed above, so true that it is difficult for anyone to doubt it!
Although Yang Xing was not explicitly mentioned above, only he knew that he had participated in all these things!

"Impossible... Impossible! How could they find out that I was so secretive back then! No, someone must have betrayed me! Someone has betrayed me!"

Yang Xing angrily picked up the mouse and slammed it at the computer screen!


The mouse was smashed a hole.

"I must find out, I must find out! No, it's useless to find out, the evidence is so clear, they will find me soon... Hahaha... they will find me soon!"

Yang Xing suddenly laughed energetically.

He was panting heavily, his eyes fixed on the computer screen, and his eyeballs were covered with red blood.

"Yang Fan, it must be that little bastard Yang Fan! You should have been buried alive in the first place!"

Yang Xing growled like a wounded beast.

Thinking of the fact that Nuoda's family business, which he worked so hard to build up, would be destroyed, his body suddenly went limp and he fell to the ground.

"It's over... it's over..."

Yang Xing stared blankly at the ceiling and muttered to himself.

With Xia Rou's secret efforts, coupled with Yang Fan's efforts to fuel the flames, one thing about XL County was exposed, and in an instant, it caused a national shock!

"Made! A friend of mine went missing in XL County last year, and I haven't found it now. There are so many gangsters there!"

"The slaughterer in XL County is very famous in the local area, and it's only now being exposed. Hey, it's really..."

XL County is next to a relatively famous ancient town, so there are always many tourists coming here.

"Haha, evil comes with evil, and the group of cannibals in XL County should be punished now!"


The so-called wall fell down and everyone pushed it. Before being controlled by the local powerful forces, many people dared not speak out, and many things were tightly blocked. Now some things have been revealed, and those people who have been oppressed finally stood up and condemned angrily. Local Powers!

On the Internet, new incidents and evidence are constantly being uncovered, and the netizens who read one by one are shocked!

forcing women...

Threatening the weak...

Strong buy and strong sell...

wantonly hurt...

Intentional murder...


Seeing this, the condemnation on the Internet instantly became more intense!

The power of netizens is terrifying!

Seeing that the incident was getting worse and worse, the higher-level authorities finally couldn't resist the pressure and no longer used the unannounced visit mode, but directly announced that the discipline inspection, public security and other departments would form a joint investigation team to intervene in the XL County incident!
In the county magistrate's office, the county magistrate instantly became paralyzed when he saw the news!

"It's black hat..."


At this time, you still want to wear a black hat?

Among these exposures, any one can put you in prison!
Don't even try to save your life now!

Listening to Yang Sihai's report, Yang Fan smiled sarcastically.

Yang Xing was also paralyzed on the ground in despair. If the matter was directly exposed and related to him, he would not be so uncomfortable!

However, this incident was exposed one by one, but the protagonist of the incident did not mention it at all!

This gave Yang Xing a glimmer of hope in addition to despair!
But the hope is so slim!

This feeling of not being able to get up and down is really like ten thousand ants addicted to their hearts, making him toss and turn all night and find it difficult to fall asleep!
At this time, Yang Xing's cell phone rang suddenly!
He was instinctively startled!
Picking up the phone in a hurry, Yang Xing saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

After hesitating for a moment, he picked up the phone.

"Yang Xing, the taste of despair is very comfortable, right?"

On the other end of the phone, a male voice rang.

"Who the hell are you?! Tell me! Are you Yang Fan's little bastard!?"

Yang Xing yelled at the phone ferociously!

"Don't worry, things won't end so early, there is plenty of time to play!"

The male voice spoke coldly.

Then he took the initiative to hang up the phone, leaving only Yang Xing staring at the phone blankly.

On Yang Fan's side, he put the phone and card directly into the trash can.

He asked Yang Sihai to prepare a lot of this kind of mobile phone and black card.

In the next few days, Yang Xing has been in torment. Although the higher-ups announced that he was down, they still haven't come to arrest him!

He has been staying in the company for the past few days. He is afraid that he will be hit and killed by a car for no reason while walking on the road!

Just like...the same as Yang Fan's parents back then!
Yang Xing scratched his head, because he didn't sleep well for several days, his face is extremely haggard now!

in the afternoon.

Yang Fan suddenly appeared in Yang Xing's room!


Yang Xing widened his eyes, pointed at Yang Fan but couldn't speak!

Yang Fan is not wearing a mask at this time, and although he has changed, he can still see the outline of the year!
"Yang Xing, why don't you say hello to old acquaintances?"

Yang Fan was smiling, but there was a coldness in his eyes!
He kicked Yang Xing's back knee casually, causing Yang Xing to kneel instantly!


Yang Xing looked angry!
"That's right!"

Yang Fan stepped on Yang Xing's shoulder, causing Yang Xing to be unable to stand up.

"I said that if you want to make you feel hopeless, you must keep your promise!"

As he spoke, Yang Fan threw out two photos.

A man and a woman, the woman is handsome, the man is handsome.

When Yang Xing saw the photo, his pupils shrank!
At this time, Yang Fan's faint voice continued to sound: "There is no need to deny it, although you know that you have done a lot of bad things, so you hid them well, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world!"

"You said, if I let one of them "accidentally" have an accident..."

Hearing Yang Fan's words, Yang Xing instantly collapsed!

"Xiao...Xiao Fan, I did everything, it has nothing to do with the two children! Uncle please, you can do anything to me, just let them go! I kowtow to you..."

After finishing speaking, Yang Xing really started to kowtow, "Dong Dong" sounded, and at the same time, snot and tears came out!
"Let them go? Let them go if you say so? Did you let my parents go at the beginning? The father's debt is paid by the children, and none of them can escape! Now your daughter should have received many guests!"

Yang Fan's eyes were extremely cold, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!
"Ah... you bastard, I'll fight you!"

Yang Xing rushed towards Yang Fan frantically!


With a random kick, Yang Xing was kicked by Yang Fan and hit the wall, vomiting blood and lying on the ground.

" are a punished!"

Yang Xing gritted his teeth and stared at Yang Fan!

"Retribution? You will indeed suffer retribution!"

Yang Fan's voice was extremely cold!

Then, he violently broke Yang Xing's face, pinched his mouth open with his fingers, and sent something in!
"Ahem... what did you eat for me... ah!!"

Yang Xing suddenly clutched his heart and began to scream in pain!

"A good thing for you to have the pleasure of watching yourself slowly die!"

Yang Fan said slowly with an evil smile.

"Heart-eating Gu": It is one of the top Gu species that the Miaojiang clan fights against the enemy.Except for the Gu person, no one can solve it. In the end, he can only helplessly feel his own essence and blood being swallowed by the Gu insect and die!

 At this point, the plot of Yang Fan's revenge for his parents has come to an end!

  The writing of this plot is also trembling, afraid of touching the minefield!
  But fortunately, it is safe and sound!
  Next, a new story will start soon!
  In addition, Yang Fan's first real pet will also appear!

(End of this chapter)

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