Take the game to the city

Chapter 186 Tacit Understanding

Chapter 186 Tacit understanding (two chapters in one)
Of course smart!

You must know that Madoka's intelligence is equivalent to that of a six-year-old child who has opened up his intelligence!
Yang Fan smiled and tugged Xiaoyuan's tail, Xiaoyuan immediately turned around and grabbed Yang Fan's hand.

After teasing Xiaoyuan for a while, Yang Fan looked at his sister, hesitated for a moment, and said slowly, "Ke Ke, do you still remember the time you fainted last morning?"

Yang Keke blinked.

"Remember, I didn't know what happened that day. I suddenly fainted, and it was fine to go for an examination. Then my appearance suddenly changed, but fortunately, I recovered later.

Brother, why did you suddenly ask this? "

Yang Fan smiled and concealed: "After all, things were too strange that day, I was a little worried, but it's fine if there is nothing abnormal!"

Yang Fan asked this, naturally because of the "Ring of the Holy Maiden". After all, his "Ring of the Demon King" has been activated, so even if the "Ring of the Holy Maiden" cannot let his sister receive power for a while because his sister is an ordinary person, how long has it been? Can also let the younger sister grasp some power?

Is there something wrong with this?
Because at the beginning, he watched the "Saint's Ring" pass on to his younger sister, and even activated some of the power of the "Devil's Ring"!
After a period of time, the younger sister's appearance suddenly changed, and Yang Fan knew that it was due to the appearance of strength, but this situation disappeared soon.

Yang Fan didn't know what the reason was.

Since he didn't find anything for the time being, Yang Fan didn't bother with this issue anymore. After all, he couldn't explain the origin of the ring. The most important thing was that the supernatural ability he used couldn't explain it!

Find a suitable reason as soon as possible!
Yang Fan thought in his heart that keeping his sister's secrets made him feel very uncomfortable, but this mobile game can't be exposed.

Changing the subject, Yang Fan and his sister started chatting about other things.

Yang Keke's room.

At this time, the room has completely lost its original appearance.

Computers, tablets, stereos and other electrical appliances are considered very high-end!
The ceiling's multi-tiered crystal chandeliers cast a soft light.

The whole room is pink, full of girlish atmosphere.

These were bought by Yang Fan forcibly, and Yang Keke couldn't hold back Yang Fan in this regard.

Yan Keke stood in front of the mirror in a pink silk pajamas dress.

Some loose pajamas couldn't cover her already well-sized figure, her smooth and cute little feet stepped on the ground, and her toes moved mischievously from time to time.

"The Heart of a Saint..."

Yang Keke gently covered her heart with her right hand, and slowly closed her eyes.

The next moment, her whole body began to glow with soft and hazy white light!

Soon, the light dissipated.

And Yang Keke in front of the mirror has changed a lot!

She has long black hair reaching her waist, skin as white as jade, and a pure white long dress with mysterious patterns on it, which reaches her ankles.

The white belt shows her perfect figure to the fullest!
The perfect and holy facial features make any man feel ashamed when he sees them!
The most noticeable thing is her eyes!
Those are a pair of eyes that seem to contain the entire starry sky, misty and deep, as if they can attract all the minds of people into it!

Wearing a gorgeous golden crown and holding a silver staff, she exudes a sacred and inviolable atmosphere!
Yang Keke looked at the beautiful woman who could vaguely see her own appearance in the mirror, and sighed slightly!

She picked up the silver staff and touched it unconsciously.

This look...does my brother think I'm a monster...

The girl's heart is chaotic and disorderly, and it is still chaotic after cutting...

Yang Fan didn't know that Yang Keke had already accepted the inheritance, but for some reason, he couldn't inherit the power.

Otherwise, those two third-rate warriors would have been beaten into pigs' heads in XL County last time!

That night.

Yang Fan opened the game.

The cute little face of the system elf Huahua appeared in the center of the screen as usual.

"Huahua, long time no see, did you miss me?"

Seeing Huahua's cute appearance, Yang Fan laughed.

"It's been a long time, it's only a day! I don't want to!"

Hua Huajiao snorted, her small mouth pouted.

After laughing with Huahua for a while, Yang Fan continued to upgrade.

Now Yang Fan is already looking forward to what he will look like after level 20. After all, according to Huahua, after level 20, there will be an earth-shaking change!

The world of supernatural beings...

Yang Fan's eyes were bright!

Although this game is very different from traditional mobile games in the real world, fighting and upgrading are still the same theme.

This mobile game world is divided into several regions, and each region has level restrictions.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you must not go, but if you go, you will still die!

Break through all methods with one force, and when your strength reaches a certain level, any of your skills will appear extremely fragile.

Yang Fan did not enter the "grade", so any monster with a grade in the game is very difficult to defeat.

Of course, this is in terms of Yang Fan's physical strength. Counting various inheritances, Yang Fan can still win.

Just have to pay the price accordingly.

The highest level monster that Yang Fan can deal with so far is "Heavenly Level".

Just like when refining the materials for the piano, several sky-level creatures were killed in one go, but many of them used the "Demon King's Ring" skill to sneak attack.

Moreover, using the "Devil King's Ring" skill is too burdensome for Yang Fan now, and he can only use it once in half an hour.

Many areas where "grade" creatures live are also grouped, and even different races will unite to attack the target!
After entering the "level", the intelligence will also improve.

In the several areas where the current level can go, monsters from level [-] to level [-] have been abused by Yang Fan, until Yang Fan is no longer interested.

Then, Yang Fan found some miscellaneous tasks to do, in order to accumulate experience as soon as possible.

During the period, Yang Fan asked Huahua about the inheritors of the "Saint's Ring" and "The Devil's Ring".

"Host, there is no such thing as a half-inheritance of the Saintess Ring. Either the other party cannot inherit it, or it can be inherited directly! But it is impossible for the host to suddenly lose power! Or, she is lying to you!"

Off the screen, at this moment, Yang Fan suddenly felt a powerful aura coming from the sister's room next door!
This power...

Yang Fan squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of his sister's room.

The corner of his mouth curved slightly.

Then, he didn't ask about it again, but asked about the outbreak of his "Charm Attribute".

"How long will this effect last?"

Yang Fan asked.

"how long?"

Huahua tilted her small head, pointed to her lower lip, and shook her head.

"The girl affected by you, this situation cannot be resolved! Hee hee, host, is Sangong Sixth Hospital not good?"

Huahua laughed and said.

Sannomiya Sixth Hospital...

Yang Fan really didn't think about it.

"In addition to affecting their favorability for me, will it affect other things?"

Yang Fan asked again.

"No, unless you use the current charm skill, it will affect their minds!"

"What if you do something that disgusts them?"

Yang Fan frowned.

"In the early stage of being influenced, this can destroy their goodwill, but after they are influenced, all your advantages will be infinitely magnified in their eyes!
Moreover, this goodwill will continue to deepen over time!
The most important thing is that with your character as the host, it seems that you can't do anything that makes them really disgusted..."

Huahua bit her fingertips and said.

Is this despised? ?

Yang Fan looked at Hua Hua's eyes, and the other party looked like "You are so upright and kind, you can't do something that violates morals and ethics", which made Yang Fan feel helpless.

Well, as long as it doesn't affect the deep level, Yang Fan is afraid that it will ruin the other party's life.


The quiet time always passes quickly, and a week has passed in a blink of an eye.

Yang Fan has been researching the "Boundary Stone" for nothing these days. If you say that this thing is really magical, it can actually form a space by itself!
It is simply an excellent item for knocking sap!

On this day, Yang Fan received an unexpected invitation.

Moxuan Tea House.

When Yang Fan arrived, Liu Mian, who was dressed in white, was already sitting there quietly, sipping tea leisurely by himself with a teacup.

In fact, Yang Fan felt that Liu Mian was really coquettish in white clothes, and this forced appearance was really deep, and Yang Fan felt ashamed.

Sitting casually on the stool, Yang Fan picked up the teacup and took a sip, feeling that the taste was just that. I don't understand why Liu Mian drank it with such relish.

"Tasting tea is like tasting life. You drink it so urgently that you can't feel the taste at all."

Liu Mian said calmly while drinking tea, without raising his head.

"Everyone has their own way of life, just be comfortable!"

Yang Fan smiled indifferently.

"You are comfortable, but you know, other people are not necessarily comfortable!"

Liu Mian gently put down the teacup, glanced at Yang Fan and said plainly.

The atmosphere froze instantly!

Yang Fan raised his eyebrows.

"How to say?"

"Do you know that Xinyue likes you!"

Liu Mian's eyes were deep, and he couldn't see any emotion.

"Like is not love, your meaning is too broad!"

Yang Fan said calmly.

"It's all the same to me! A few days ago, you accepted Xinyue's mother's money?"

Liu Mian couldn't hear the emotion in his words.

"Yeah, her mother told me not to get close to classmate Xinyue, and I agreed!"

Yang Fan smiled lightly.

Seeing Liu Mian's expression, Yang Fan already had some guesses, but felt that this was a bit weird.

"Just 1000 million yuan, you betrayed Xinyue? What do you think Xinyue is? How could you insult and trample her like this?!"

Liu Mian's voice was low, and a cold light suddenly shot out from his eyes!

In the room, there seems to be a wind, and all the objects around are shaking slightly!
The entire air seemed to be condensed, making the beautiful waitress standing next to her face pale and her body crumbling!
Nima, what blood!

Yang Fan couldn't complain in his heart. He didn't expect that Liu Mian, who usually looked calm and composed, was still a kind of love. After admitting to love once, the other party was still dissatisfied with his attitude, and felt that he underestimated Ji Xinyue!
Damn, if you want to be so domineering, this plot can be used in idol dramas!
However, this guy is probably not a sky-level or at least an earth-level power user!

Feeling almost the same aura as in the previous dragon head battle, almost the same wind ability, Yang Fan secretly thought.

He also understood some basic classifications of abilities.

Well, if you have time, you have to go back to the headquarters of "Xuanyuan Dragon Guard" to learn about the supernatural system in the world!
In just a moment, Yang Fan's thoughts almost flew to outer space.

Then, Yang Fan suddenly laughed!
He stood up, gently supported the waitress, and said to Liu Mian: "You scared him."

Seeing this, Liu Mian put away his momentum.

The maid let out a sigh of relief, and smiled gratefully at Yang Fan.

"Go out and have a rest."

Yang Fan said with a faint smile.

Seeing the maid go out, Liu Mian suddenly said: "I heard from Wang Qian that he was defeated by you, this time, I want to try your ability!"

After all, he flipped his hand, and a black stone-like object appeared in the palm of his hand, and he didn't make any movements, and the surroundings instantly became silent!

"Boundary Stone!"

Yang Fan raised his eyebrows.

Liu Mian looked up at Yang Fan.

"You know this stuff?"

"I heard that this thing is very expensive, but there is still a price but no market. The Liu family in the capital is really rich and powerful!"

Yang Fan said enviously.

"You know a lot!"

Liu Mian said flatly.

"Of course, I also know that you are a supernatural user, wind element!"

When Liu Mian heard this, his eyes flickered.

"You know people with supernatural powers, so I don't need to worry about them anymore, but I don't need supernatural powers today!"

"Then you will be beaten badly by me!"

Yang Fan said seriously.

Liu Mian didn't speak any more, and pointed at Yang Fan together.

After that, there was really nothing to change.

Although Liu Mian turned out to be a master martial artist, referring to the sword, the sword's aura is vertical and horizontal, and it is extremely fierce!

But Yang Fan's "Battle Instinct" skill is not a vegetarian. Even without the "Eye of Delusion Breaker", Yang Fan can still use Liu Mian's sword energy with ease.

In the end, Liu Mian had to use supernatural powers to resist Yang Fan's violent attack!

The fighting subsided, and the surroundings were in chaos.

Both Liu Mian and Yang Fan were in a bit of a panic.

The two looked at each other, and after a while, Liu Mian suddenly laughed!

Yang Fan also smiled.

There is such a kind of person, it only takes a moment to look at each other without any reason!
"I lost!"

Liu Mian was very calm.

"Xinyue's vision is indeed unique."

Yang Fan didn't speak.

If the opponent uses supernatural powers, to be honest, Yang Fan is really not sure of winning. After all, he currently has the most methods of torturing mysterious-level supernatural powers. It is difficult to win unless the prefecture-level or above is a life-and-death fight.

However, it is not necessary.

Liu Mian turned to Yang Fan with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky, his figure seemed a little lonely.

Yang Fan walked over with a faint smile, and put his arms around Liu Mian's shoulders.

Liu Mian's body was slightly stiff, obviously not used to this kind of intimate contact.

"What's the matter, buddy, have you lost your fighting spirit?"

Liu Mian turned his head, looked at Yang Fan and said, "You really don't like Xinyue?"

"I used to have a crush, but now, I really don't have any thoughts about her!"

Yang Fan said frankly.

"I know Xinyue, as long as she decides on one thing, no one can change it!"

Liu Mian said calmly.

"Do you want me to deal with you two?"

Yang Fan smiled lightly.

"I won't give up. Even if Xinyue falls in love with you, I will still win her heart with my strength, and I don't need your charity!"

Liu Mian said seriously.

Then, he flipped his hand, and the "Boundary Stone" appeared!
The next moment, the environment changed, and the surrounding destroyed scenery instantly recovered, and the two of them were still sitting face to face, nothing changed.

"Yang Fan, you are very good, you surprise me time and time again!"

Liu Mian took out a ceramic pot from the side, which was sealed with mud.

He slapped the mud seal away with one palm, and the strong aroma of wine immediately filled the whole room!

 Two chapters in one, because the plot needs to be overdone, a little bland, so I made one chapter directly.

(End of this chapter)

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