Take the game to the city

Chapter 195 Career Options

Chapter 195 Career Options
In life, perhaps the most interesting thing is to feel the unexpected surprise or joy in the next moment.

Yang Fan thought about it more than once in boredom, what would be the future of him and his sister if he didn't get this mysterious mobile game.

It is unimaginable that it may have a tragic ending.


"Host, only you can see this real store, and Huahua too!"

Hua Hua said coquettishly.

This is the best and can save a lot of trouble, Yang Fan nodded secretly.

"Huahua, what kind of existence is this game?"

Yang Fan asked suspiciously.

When he first got the game, Yang Fan also asked the same question, but he didn't get an answer.

"I... the host of its existence is unimaginable now, and you will know it after your strength reaches a certain level. The host only needs to know that it exists to make you stronger!"

Huahua said with her little hands behind her back, blinking her eyes.

Yang Fan shook his head with a smile, and did not continue to ask.

"Continue to talk about its new features!"

Yang Fan didn't hesitate and said directly.


Huahua nodded her head, and continued to say solemnly: "Enable the real task function!"

"Turn on the elf's personal companionship!"

Having said that, Hua Hua giggled, and sticking out her little tongue at Yang Fan mischievously!

Yang Fan also smiled, probably Huahua added this one himself.


Seeing that Huahua stopped talking, Yang Fan asked.


Huahua replied.

"Host, do you want to perform rank certification now?"

Huahua asked.

"Go ahead!"

Yang Fan is also curious about how he will change after entering the rank!
Now the mobile phone is already extremely advanced, there is no need for a power button, just a thought from Yang Fan can directly enter the game!
The grade certification in the game is in a place called "Grade Certification Hall".

Yang Fan controlled the game characters and came to an old man with the title of "Certified Mentor" on his head.

"I'm here for the rank certification!"

Yang Fan said to the old man.

The old man looked at Yang Fan up and down, and after saying a few words of praise with a smile, he began to give Yang Fan a "upgrade!"

Seeing the old man wave his hand, a brilliance flashed, and Yang Fan heard the system prompt "Congratulations on being promoted to the yellow rank".

Immediately afterwards, Yang Fan outside the screen saw a bright silver brilliance rushing out of the phone screen and entering Yang Fan's forehead!

The speed of the silver light was so fast that even Yang Fan didn't realize it!

Then, Yang Fan felt that his body was suddenly hot and unbearable, a huge heat flowed around his body, and every time the heat flow passed through a place, Yang Fan felt that place became numb and crispy.

This feeling is not good. If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be "Desire. Desire. Death!"

This situation didn't last long. The moment the heat flow disappeared, Yang Fan felt his body lighten up, and an unprecedented comfort filled his whole body!
Immediately afterwards, a peculiar smell came from the surroundings.

Yang Fan looked at himself subconsciously, and found that it was covered with another layer of black unknown substance!
"Washing the tendons and cutting the marrow again?"

Yang Fan muttered to himself.

After taking a shower again, Yang Fan returned to the bed and continued to pick up his phone to check the upgrade rewards.

The rewards have been issued just after the successful upgrade.

The upgrade reward is "Level 20 Upgrade Gift Pack!"

Click on the gift package, and several items appear in the package.

"Portable space x 100 cubic meters"

"Silver armor x 1"

"Getaway × 1"

"Gold Coin × 10000"

Just looking at the names, these things seem to be good!
Yang Fan nodded secretly.

Then Yang Fan checked his realistic attributes.

Level: 20

Power: 26
Agility: 25
Constitution: 25
Combat power: 20000
All attributes have doubled!
It can be said that now Yang Fan's strength has reached a very terrifying level!

Take the strength attribute as an example, a little attribute is equivalent to 100 catties of strength, and Yang Fan's 26 attributes are equivalent to more than 2 tons!

What is the concept of 2 tons?
The weight of a general car is only more than 1 ton!

With such power, there is no pressure to tear tigers and leopards alive!
Yang Fan was somewhat puzzled by the sudden appearance of "combat power".

He immediately asked Huahua.

"Combat power is a comprehensive basic evaluation based on the host's basic attributes and various skills! Of course, because it is a basic evaluation, the value of combat power will still fluctuate according to the actual performance of the host!"

Huahua folded her small hands on her chest, and said seriously.

However, in Yang Fan's eyes, Huahua's serious appearance is extremely cute!

"Does my assessment include all skills?"

Yang Fan smiled and nodded Huahua's little nose, then asked.

"The host hates it! Bullying Huahua!"

When Yang Fan tapped her little nose, Huahua's little face instantly turned red. She covered her little nose, flapped her wings quickly, and moved away from Yang Fan, before saying in a muffled voice, "Not included! For example, the skill of your Demon King's Ring , and the effect of the Eye of Delusion, as well as other talents and non-combat abilities!"

"Under normal circumstances, what is the combat strength of the yellow rank?"

Yang Fan asked again.

"Around 6, because the host skills are very powerful, so the strength and combat power are higher than the general yellow rank!"

Huahua replied sweetly, her little face was still flushed red.

"In this way, the evaluation of combat power can also be used in reality!"

Yang Fan said to himself.

"Yes, according to the host's previous description, your real-world mysterious-level power user should have a combat power of around 1, and your actual combat power should reach more than 4!"

Huahua heard Yang Fan talking to himself, and took the initiative to explain.

"How much is the general combat power of the earth level and the sky level?"

Yang Fan asked with a smile, he wanted to know his own gap.

"My, the battle strength of the earth level is around 5, and that of the sky level is between 10!"

"Of course, because Huahua is based on our world as a reference, the actual combat power of the host world should be reduced by about 1!"

so much?
Yang Fan raised his eyebrows.

"Because our world is full of aura, and our skills are complete, we can maximize our own strength. The practice of supernatural beings in the host world is somewhat similar to that of immortals mobilizing the aura of heaven and earth, but the means are much lower, so there is such a big gap. "

Hua Hua explained.

After hearing Huahua's explanation, Yang Fan nodded, and then thought that the gap between himself and the prefecture level was gone, but the gap between himself and the sky level was not small.

Perhaps it was Huahua who guessed Yang Fan's thoughts, she said with a smile: "Host, you have actually undergone a lot of changes! But you can check it later, and now the host chooses a major occupation!"

Majoring in a career?

Yang Fan looked suspiciously at the projection that appeared in the sky.

"Sword repair!"


"Warlock of the Five Elements"



There are ten occupations in total, and Yang Fan browsed these occupation introductions attentively.

Each occupation also has a corresponding skill display function intimately, and each occupation's skill lethality is good.

Yang Fan thought for a while, and finally said to Huahua: "I choose..."

 I originally wanted to set it as the second volume, but the VIP volume is the second volume, so I can only set it as the third volume...

(End of this chapter)

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