Take the game to the city

Chapter 201 Leaving

Chapter 201 Departure ([-])

"I go?"

Yang Fan looked strange.

What am I going to do?Yang Fan felt that there was something strange about Liu Mian's request!
"You will know when you come!"

Liu Mian did not answer directly.

"Look at the time!"

Yang Fan didn't explicitly refuse either, it seemed like a good idea to go to the capital for a stroll, after all, as the host there, Liu Mian's luxurious hospitality was indispensable!

What a great thing to save money and enjoy eating, drinking and playing!
The most important thing is that Coco has never been there, so let's take Coco with him that day!
Yang Fan thought to himself.

Yang Fan felt very weird at school these two days!

Because Mr. Zhu called him before and said, including Zhu Ling, they all went back to the capital!

He spoke in a hurry, as if something happened in the capital!

Then Liu Mian naturally left, that bastard Wang Gan also left, and finally even the Zhou family, the perverted Zhou Yushu in Yang Fan's eyes, also left!

This made Yang Fan a little curious, and asked Yang Sihai to find someone to go to the capital to find out.

It was five o'clock when Yang Fan got home.

Opening the door and entering, Yang Fan found that his sister's room was half open.

You must know that under normal circumstances Yang Fan would urge his sister to close the doors and windows.

Is cocoa back?
Yang Fan's heart skipped a beat.

After all, my sister has no class this afternoon, so it should be normal to come back earlier!

But Yang Fan soon realized something was wrong!

Because the bed in my sister's room was a little messy, and some clothes were scattered on the floor!
problem occurs!
Yang Fan's expression changed!
But he immediately thought that no one can kidnap her without her sister's consent now, because her sister is no longer an ordinary person!
What's more, she also has a heavenly defensive spiritual weapon "Fengwu Spirit Talisman!"

In this case, who can take her away?

Yang Fan frowned and looked towards the hall.

Soon, Yang Fan found a piece of paper on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and Yang Fan looked at the content of the paper with a sinking face.

"Brother! This should be the last time a younger sister calls you brother. Because we are not related by blood, or I picked it up..."

At the end of the text, a little bit of melted but still wet water was printed on the paper, which belonged to Yang Keke.

"After the test, it was confirmed that I am from the Dong family in the capital! When I was young, I got separated from them, and then I somehow got to my brother's house. They treated me very well. Don't worry, don't come to me, wait for me I will take the initiative to contact you when I get used to it..."

Signed "Dong Keke"

"Silly girl, don't you know that one day it will be my Yang family, and it will always be my Yang family!"

Yang Fan laughed.

Then, his face turned cold.

He didn't think the so-called "Dong family" could have a better attitude when they came here!

Came to pick up my sister, and even picked him up hastily without notifying his brother who has lived with him for more than ten years, which can explain a lot of problems!

"It doesn't matter if you are arrogant to me, but if you dare to make Ke Ke feel wronged..."

Yang Fan's expression was extremely indifferent!

The faint black evil spirit around him began to spread...

The entire hall was clearly closed, but the small objects around seemed to be affected by invisible forces, and began to vibrate from side to side!
Yang Fan quickly calmed down, tidied up and went out.

How could he rest assured that his sister was taken away by a so-called "Dong family"?
The younger sister can't accurately judge her actual situation between the lines, whether she is doing well, only Yang Fan can go to see it in person to be at ease!

As the capital of China, the capital is naturally the most prosperous!

There are people coming and going on the street, especially the night scene, no matter the roadside decoration or other, all have the unique style of the capital!
However, Yang Fan didn't come here to enjoy the scenery!

"Where is the Dong family?"

Yang Fan called Longwei Baizhi.

"The Dong family? Why are you looking for them?"

Bai Zhi wondered.

"I don't know, I'm looking for someone else!"

"Hey! I know!"

Every time I make a phone call, I don't know how to talk to people properly!Bai Zhi looked aggrieved.

After giving the address to Yang Fan, Yang Fan said "thank you" and hung up the phone.

But just the word "thank you", made Bai Zhi happy for a long time.

"Uncle Long, Yang Fan suddenly inquired about the Xia family, and he didn't know what to do!"

Bai Zhi thought for a while, and decided to tell Longshou about Yang Fan laughing at Dong's family.

Long Shou frowned, he dialed a number, and asked directly after getting through, "Has there been any movement on Yang Fan's recently?"

"Uh, I thought his sister was taken away by the Dong family."

The other end of the phone faltered and said.

"What! Why didn't you report such a big matter immediately, what are you doing!"

Hearing that Yang Fan's most beloved sister was taken away by Dong's family, Long Shou was startled, and turned into a rage!

"Why did the Dong family suddenly take his sister away?"

Long Shou calmed down his anger, and said in a deep voice.

"Longshou, it turns out that Yang Fan's younger sister is not his own, but the lost daughter of the Dong family! That's why the subordinate let the other party take her away..."

Long Shou took a deep breath. The reason why he asked his subordinates before reporting was probably because he didn't pay enough attention to Yang Fan!

After all, there are really not many people in this world who know that Yang Fan is a monstrous person who has the combat power of a mysterious-level superhuman!

Instead, he sneered and said to himself.

"Oh! Lost? I'm afraid it's abandoned! Dong's family had such a big incident back then, such an abandoned baby would naturally happen!"

Afterwards, Long Shou urgently called his assistant Lian Xin: "Lian Xin, immediately notify "Pluto", "Grey Stone", "Dark Bee", "Bai Lu" and "Hu Sha" to come and gather!"

"Why in such a hurry?"

Although Lianxin was puzzled, she still faithfully carried out the order of the dragon head.

Then, she was the first to come to Longshou's office.

"Dragon head, what's going on?"

asked tenderly.

Long Shou told Lian Xin about this incident.

In the end he added: "This child is proud and arrogant. He is not afraid of the sky and the earth. The most important thing is that his younger sister is his Ni Lin!"

"At the beginning, he killed hundreds of people because his sister was frightened! This time, the Dong family took his sister away without making a sound. How could he not be angry?"

"If the Dong family's reaction is slightly wrong this time, I'm afraid the Dong family will be turned upside down!"

A trace of worry flashed in Longshou's eyes.

"The Dong family is full of masters. Although they don't have a heavenly rank, Yang Fan can't break through alone..."

Lianxi frowned and said softly.

"Who said he was going to break in?"

Looking at Lian Xin, Long Shou asked back.

Hearing Long Shou's retorted question, his heart suffocated.

That's right, with the background of the Ji family and the Zhu family, and the status of Longwei, under normal circumstances, you can receive high-standard treatment wherever you go!
As long as Yang Fan is a little bit smarter, these identities will allow him to enter and leave Dong's house without any obstacles!

Then, they all realized the seriousness of the matter!

That night, the "Xuanyuan Dragon Guards" received an urgent but strange task.

Arrive around Dong's house in the morning, as soon as you hear any changes inside, go in immediately!
For such an unclear arrangement, Long Shou was also a little helpless. After all, he knew Yang Fan's character, unless he personally confirmed that Yang Keke was fine, otherwise he would not listen to anyone's advice!
(End of this chapter)

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