Take the game to the city

Chapter 204 International Supernatural Alliance

Chapter 204 International Supernatural Alliance
If Yang Keke showed any reluctance or grievance, Yang Fan would take Yang Keke away without hesitation. If the Dong family dared to stop him, Yang Fan would not mind mutilating the Dong family!
As for whether the Dong family has supernatural powers?
This is not a problem, because Yang Fan seems to have heard that there is a certain rule between heaven and earth, so that even heaven-level supernatural beings can only exert their strength at the earth-level.

And the prefecture level?
To be honest, the current Yang Fan is really not afraid!
The new professional skills haven't been put out to practice yet!

However, Yang Fan only felt reluctance in Yang Keke's eyes, and had no other emotions.

But Yang Fan also made up his mind, at most one month, Yang Fan will take his sister out for a reunion!
Now that he came to the capital, not only the people from Xuanyuan Longwei came, but even the dragon head was present in person, and they also counted as a small loan for himself-although Yang Fan didn't need it.

But no matter what, I still have to go back to Xuanyuan Longwei headquarters.

The headquarters of Xuanyuan Dragon Guard is close to the Forbidden City, and Yang Fan couldn't help taking a second look at the tall buildings.

Entering the headquarters of Longwei, there is no old man who sees him young and unhappy and likes to abuse food, and there is no powerful, cold, arrogant and righteous sister Yu.

Because most of the people have gone out to perform tasks, and the remaining few seem to be capable and are very friendly to Yang Fan. The rest of the entire Longwei headquarters are some civilian staff, no different from ordinary government departments.

Yang Fan regretted that there was no chance to act forcefully, slap people in the face and step on others.

Yang Fan felt bored after taking it for a while. After all, everyone was busy, and it was said that it was the headquarters, but there was nothing surprising about it.

Longshou obviously also saw Yang Fan's boredom, so he dragged Yang Fan to the office.

The two sat down, and the assistant Lianxin brought in two glasses of water at the right time.

Of course, when she put down the water glass, Lianxin still looked at Yang Fan curiously, feeling that this boy is indeed very young!
Outside the door, when Lian Xin came out, she saw Bai Zhi leaning against the wall with her lips pursed and unhappy, as if she was still muttering something.

"What's wrong, Xiaozhi? Who bullied you?"

He stroked Bai Zhi's head pitifully and lovingly, and asked softly.

"Hmph! You two bad guys, I don't know what important national affairs they are discussing, and I'm not allowed to listen inside!"

Bai Zhi felt a little aggrieved and said compassionately.

"They discuss things between men, we women don't need to participate! Be good, Aunt Lian will take you to eat delicious food!"

Lianxin comforted Bai Zhi helplessly, and finally took her away.

Dragon head office.

"Yang Fan, obviously you don't know much about the world of supernatural beings. Today I will tell you some basic things about the world of supernatural beings."

Longshou looked at Yang Fan and said.

Seeing that Long Shou put dry goods, Yang Fan also became interested. In fact, he is also quite curious about the world of supernatural beings, even if Long Shou doesn't mention it, he will find opportunities to learn more.

"Now when it comes to supernatural beings, we have to mention the "International Supernatural Alliance"!"

Long Shou said slowly.

Yang Fan raised his eyebrows, he had heard Longshou mention this seemingly tall organization before.

"The International Supernatural Alliance is an international supernatural organization led and dominated by our Huaxia Supernatural Association, with the United States, Russia, and European Supernatural Associations as directors, and other national supernatural power associations as members. It is also the largest official supernatural power in the world today. Organization! I will be the president of the Huaxia Association as the first leader!"

Speaking of this, a hint of arrogance flashed in Longshou's eyes!
You must know that the leadership of the alliance and the position of the leader are not so-called rotations, but are determined according to strength!
This is actually equivalent to the "Wulin leader" in ancient China. Once an order is issued, no one in the world dare not obey!

"I, Huaxia, are so awesome!"

Yang Fan touched his chin, the country is awesome, and being a citizen is naturally a blessing and an honor.

This organization is equivalent to the United Nations, but its actual power is much greater than that of the United Nations!
"The International Supernatural Alliance has a joint law enforcement team that specializes in arresting criminals with world-class abilities.

And also standardized the world power system;

Formulate norms for people with supernatural powers;
Unify special currency for supernatural beings;
Build a supernatural research institute;

Build a supernatural item trading market, etc.! "

Long Shou said a lot at once, which made Yang Fan blink his eyes.

"So, you have to be more careful in doing things in the future! The most important rule of our Ability Alliance is that you can't use abilities on ordinary people! If someone from the Ability Alliance finds out, you will be in trouble, even if our Huaxia Ability Association is the leader , and can’t blatantly protect you!”

Longshou said to Yang Fan with deep meaning.

You can't be blatant, so you can cover it secretly?
If it cannot be discovered, then it can be done secretly!

Yang Fan still understands this kind of routine!
Of course, he will not show his abilities in front of ordinary people...

Uh, what about the rescue mission?
Of course it is salad!
If you have the ability to catch him!
Whether he follows the rules or not depends entirely on his mood, but what can he do if he doesn't follow them?
Now that you have the strength to do things, you are still timid, so why should you act according to your heart!

Therefore, Yang Fan still blinked cutely to express his understanding.

Then, Longshou explained in detail the basic classification and basic system classification of supernatural beings.

The levels of supernatural beings are divided into "Yellow, Xuan, Earth, and Heaven" from low to high.

The types of abilities are divided into traditional types and special types according to the "International Ability Alliance".

The traditional category is the five-element abilities of "gold, wood, water, fire, and earth".

Special classes are "wind, thunder, ice, light, dark" etc.
Then, Longshou also said some basic knowledge about the supernatural world.

These things gave Yang Fan a general understanding of the supernatural world.

Coming out of the Longwei headquarters, Yang Fan walked around the Forbidden City before going back.

Sending a message to my sister, asking her what she was doing, Yang Keke quickly replied, saying that everything else was fine, but she was not used to it.

Yang Fan naturally also comforted Yang Keke.

The more important reason why Yang Fan did not take Yang Keke with him was that Yang Keke still lacked the care of his parents too early. He had gone through a period of decadence before and caused Yang Keke to suffer a lot. This time it was Yang Fan who made her live like a princess. Hope to see.

Just as Yang Fan was walking on the road, an inexplicable message appeared in his mind again!

"I found the mission target! The target was robbed and attacked by two gangsters one kilometer away from the host, and his life was dying. Please go to the resource immediately! If the target dies, the mission will fail!"

At the same time, a light curtain appeared in Yang Fan's line of sight without warning, and the source was the mobile phone Yang Fan put in his pocket!

Yang Fan took out his mobile phone, and the light curtain became clearer.

Fortunately, no one else can see this thing, otherwise such a sci-fi scene will definitely be in the headlines tomorrow!
Yang Fan complained secretly.

Looking carefully at the light curtain, it turned out to be a map of the capital!

All kinds of buildings and signs are clear!
Well, Yang Fan doesn't even think about why this game can get his real map, anyway, this game has always been awesome!
According to the location shown on the map, Yang Fan started "Happy Tour" and rushed over at a ghostly speed.

(End of this chapter)

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