Take the game to the city

Chapter 209 Strengthening Strength

Chapter 209 Strengthening Strength
"I'm afraid they won't let it go!"

Said pitifully.

"Ha ha!"

Long Shou smiled easily.

Lianxin looked at the dragon head with some doubts.

"Lianxin, it's been a few years since you awakened your abilities. I don't know how powerful our Chinese supernatural world is in deterring other countries' supernatural powers!"

Long Shou said with a smile.

Lianxin obviously didn't know about these secrets, she opened her eyes curiously and looked at the dragon head.

Longshou paused for a moment, and began to speak eloquently.

"Back then... the supernatural beings from Europe, America and other countries clashed with our Asian supernatural beings. At that time, we took care of the supernatural beings from neighboring countries and had a harmonious relationship. Naturally, we couldn't just watch them suffer. Bullying, so the necessary sound source was carried out..."

"However, the wolves of the European and American power circles are ambitious and want to invade the resources of the Asian power world, using this as an excuse to brazenly launch a large-scale attack!"

Having said this, Long Shou chuckled.

"Hehe! But these frogs in the well don't even know how powerful we are! In that battle, they sent hundreds of sky-level supernatural beings and thousands of earth-level supernatural beings! It can be said that they were out in force! But I, Huaxia, Two hundred light-level supernatural beings have gone! And two thousand earth-level supernatural beings have been dispatched!"

Needless to say what happened next, European and American supernatural beings were abused and cried for their fathers and mothers, nine out of ten supernatural supernatural beings fell, and later they even had to send existences beyond the heavenly level, but it was even more difficult in Huaxia!
What you have, I have, and I have more than you!
In this way, after losing most of the supernatural beings in Europe and America, they ran away in despair after being on the Asian battlefield!
Lian Xinting's eyes flickered, obviously one can imagine how passionate the scene was at the beginning!
"Nowadays young people don't know the heights of heaven and earth, but those of the older generation don't care, then they can only blame themselves!"

Long Shou said calmly.

"Then...do you want Yang Fan to continue like this?"

He said hesitantly.

"Hehe, don't worry, that kid has his sense of proportion! Besides, these guys are nothing more than small forwards playing forward, even the forces behind the annihilation of the whole army will not act rashly!"

Long Shou looked at the information in front of him and said.

"It's just that this kid is really against the sky, and even an earth-level supernatural being was easily defeated by him!"

Prefectural level is not Chinese cabbage, you can cut it if you say it!
Therefore, Longshou was very amazed at Yang Fan's growth rate when he heard that Tangtang's earth-level ability was killed by Yang Fan!

Then turn his gaze back to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan didn't hide what he did. Only a few people in Longwei, such as Longshou, know that he is the actual controller of "Zhonglin Healthcare", so they can naturally understand his anger!
Besides, it has been clearly stated that these people came in without registration, and there is nothing to say if they die. Who dares to come here to make trouble when they are at a loss? !

Because of the shadow provided by "Xuanyuan Dragon Guard", coupled with Yang Fan's powerful intelligence ability, Yang Fan can easily find them!

After killing so many, Yang Fan felt much better and didn't bother the other party anymore. Of course, it was also because the other party finally became smarter and knew how to escape, so Yang Fan didn't bother to chase after him!

This incident also reminded Yang Fan that his power is still very weak in protecting himself, and any random supernatural person can wipe out his entire army!

On the same day, Yang Fan called the five managers and several master warriors to distribute a large amount of weapons and equipment and pills and talismans!
I believe that after this arming, it will be difficult for the so-called heavenly masters to defeat them in person!

After all, what Yang Fan gave was not Fanpin.

At the same time, Yang Fan began to give orders.

Select a group of people with really clean and good foundations as the guards of the "Royal Court"!

Of course, this army is not really an army, it's just a title.

They will gather this group of people together to teach them, give them pills every day, and torture and test them in a very difficult way!

Only after experiencing these can you truly become the guard of the "Royal Court"!

Yang Fan decided that he must have his own power!
The guards are just the elite among the forces, and when they pass the training, Yang Fan will make a contract with all of them!

Of course it won't be a slave contract, but another relatively fair contract that can be more easily terminated!
Of course, the easy release is for Yang Fan.

The rest of the security companies will also not start to relax. From now on, Yang Fan will be hurt and let them gradually eliminate the quality!
After such a long time, the power that should be mastered should be mastered!

Go home.

The matter of "Zhonglin Health Care" came to an end for the time being. Under Yang Fan's bloody revenge, many foreign supernatural beings were terrified. Seeing that the Huaxia supernatural world didn't respond, they knew something in their hearts, so they naturally stopped talking.

Obviously, before the "Longevity Pill" is really released, it is impossible for these foreign supernatural beings to act rashly again!

Looking at the empty room, Yang Fan still felt uncomfortable.

Living with my sister for so long, now that she left suddenly, the room suddenly became too cold...


The spirit monkey Xiaoyuan ran over, climbed onto Yang Fan's shoulder two or three times, and continued to search for something in Yang Fan's hair.

Yang Fan hugged Xiaoyuan, feeling that this guy is even cuter!
Big eyes, pink eyelashes, pink nose, which my sister likes very much.

Yang Fan thought.

When the Dong family came to take Yang Keke away, they obviously didn't use force, otherwise they would definitely regret it for the rest of their lives!

This is also the reason why Yang Fan can keep suppressing his anger!
Xiaoyuan is very smart now, at that time Xiaoyuan was with Yang Keke, if Yang Keke really didn't want to, and the Dong family wanted to take Yang Keke away forcefully, then Xiaoyuan would immediately go crazy!
How terrifying is a sky-level alien beast going crazy?
No one can imagine!
After teasing Xiaoyuan at home for a while, Yang Fan thought about it and went out anyway.

He promised to increase Zhu Yi's strength, so naturally he couldn't break his promise.

Now is the time for those crystal stones to come in handy!

"what is this?"

Zhu Yi curiously held a crystal stone and asked.

The crystal-clear thing in his hand, Zhu Yi didn't understand what it was for a long time, and only waited for Yang Fan to answer his questions.

"This is called a crystal stone! Now that you know about supernatural beings, let me tell you that this crystal stone can increase the strength of supernatural beings! At the same time, if ordinary people use it, they can awaken supernatural powers more safely!"

Yang Fan said with a smile.


Zhu Yi's eyes sparkled!
She has long been very envious of Yang Fan's supernatural powers, so naturally he wanted Yang Fan to guide her on how to obtain supernatural powers!
Now Yang Fan really got this method over!

"I don't know how to awaken the ability, but since it is said that bringing it with me can increase the chance of awakening the ability, then it should have an effect!"

(End of this chapter)

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