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Chapter 231 Fire Dragon

Chapter 231 Fire Dragon
After all, there are too many people present, and it is not good if too many people are accidentally injured and have an impact!
Zhang Lei still has a big picture when he is not bewitched by beauty.

Yang Fan looked at the angry Zhang Lei calmly, as if looking at a clown!

Zhang Lei clearly saw the sarcasm in Yang Fan's eyes, and almost ran away!

"Get rid of that little boy for me, at all costs!"

Zhang Lei's tone was extremely gloomy!

at all costs?
The two supernatural beings behind Zhang Lei looked at each other and immediately understood what Zhang Lei meant!
The surrounding supernatural beings have already given way to a large area for the two parties to compete.


Zhu Yi snorted coldly and stood in front of Yang Fan.

Zhu Yi was stunned by Yang Fan's shoulder, and turned to look at Yang Fan.

"Let me come!"

Yang Fan said with a faint smile.


Zhu Yi wanted to say something else, but Yang Fan waved his hand to interrupt.

"Don't talk to them anymore, it's just a few rubbish, send it off early and go home to sleep!"

Yang Fan looked very bored.

"All right……"

Seeing what Yang Fan said, Zhu Yi stopped insisting, she knew that Yang Fan had no patience.

And in her heart, Yang Fan is like a god, and dealing with these supernatural beings is just a matter of waving hands!
Zhu Yi stepped back and let Yang Fan step forward, which naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"What does that boy want to do? Is he going to go?"

"Damn it! His girlfriend is a celestial, but what level is he? Is he also a celestial? But why is there no energy fluctuation?"

"Could it be hidden..."


Everyone talked a lot, and they were very surprised by Yang Fan's behavior.

Zhang Lei was also in doubt.

"Uncle Li, can you get out of that kid's level?"

Zhang Lei asked the sky-level supernatural being on the side.

"I can't see it. I think there are two possibilities. Either his hidden skills are too advanced, or he is not a traditional supernatural power user!"

When Zhang Lei thought about it, it made sense!
In addition to traditional abilities, the "International Ability Alliance" divides special types of abilities, and special types of abilities cannot use general induction methods to judge the opponent's level at all, because you may not feel the opponent's energy fluctuations at all!

In fact, Zhang Lei himself is such a special existence!

As a person with physical abilities, ordinary people can't understand what level he is, unless someone who has a special understanding of the physical abilities of the power system can judge Zhang Lei's state based on experience!
Now, the three of them started to get serious!

The opponent may be a special ability user, or it may be a high-level one!

Special abilities are very powerful, even if they are not very powerful, they will be very strange. All kinds of strange abilities will always make people hard to guard against!

"Go and find out about him!"

Zhang Lei pointed to the last earth-level ability user and said.

Although he is angry, he is still rational.

The supernatural person took the order and walked towards Yang Fan at the same time.

Because of the lessons learned from the previous earth-level ability user, and because the opponent may have a powerful special ability, this earth-level ability user released a powerful ability as soon as he came up!

A fire dragon composed of extremely hot flames rushed towards Yang Fan with an aura that seemed to be able to burn everything.

The supernatural beings around felt this very powerful aura, and they were all terrified!
too strong!
If you encounter it yourself, I am afraid that you will be burned to ashes if you don't even get close to the fire dragon!

A small number of earth-level supernatural beings also looked at the fire dragon in the air with serious expressions.

This fire dragon is very huge, as long as ten meters, it looks extremely oppressive!

The ability of the fire dragon is not released by all the ability users who have reached the earth level. It is not a genius who cannot obtain this ability at all!
Yang Fan looked at the huge fire dragon in the air with a blank expression on his face.

Then he pointed casually, and a fierce sword light passed through the throat of the fire dragon accurately!

Immediately afterwards, the fire dragon instantly disintegrated under the stunned expressions of everyone, turning into a flame and disappearing!
The earth-level ability user who released the fire dragon was also stunned, although the fire dragon was not his most powerful ability.But it is also a very advanced and destructive skill!
But just like that, it was disintegrated by the little boy on the opposite side with a finger!
What kind of supernatural power is this! ?

The sword energy emitted by Yang Fan, an earth-level supernatural being, can't see clearly at all!
Later, Zhang Lei's two supernatural beings saw it clearly, but they were even more confused!

That seems to be the shape of a sword?
But do special types have this type of ability?
As the young master of a family with supernatural powers, Zhang Lei has naturally read books on the classification of supernatural beings and supernatural powers, but even if he thinks he is well-informed, he can't tell what kind of supernatural power that sword light is!
Although the aura of the sword light was very fierce when it was emitted, it was very similar to a gold-type ability, but the two of them knew that it might not be a gold-type ability!
Could it be a special ability in the gold system?

Zhang Lei and "Uncle Li" looked at each other, and both felt uncomfortable guessing.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to catch that kid!
What abilities, just ask this kid directly at that time!

Although the description was long, it took only a moment. Yang Fan watched the fire dragon disintegrate in the air without any emotion in his eyes, which was completely ignored.

"After holding it in for so long, you're such a waste! Get lost!"

Yang Fan said lightly, and waved his hand at the same time, a fire dragon several times larger than the one emitted by this earth-level superhuman appeared instantly!

The huge mouth of the fire dragon in the sky opened, and the scorching flames sprayed towards the earth-level supernatural user in an instant!
The earth-level power user was already stunned. Such a big fire dragon shocked him too much. Of course, it was also because the dragon's power was too great, and all the aura was completely locked on him, and he couldn't move at all!
Surrounding them, the onlookers saw the huge fire dragon, and they had already spread farther away, looking at the giant in the air in horror!
It turned out that they all guessed wrong!

This boy is definitely a supernatural being above the prefectural level!
Such a big fire dragon can be summoned, and the fire dragon's power is much stronger than at least the fire dragon of the earth-level superhuman!
It's like meeting a real ancient fire dragon!
Although they don't know what the so-called real fire dragon looks like, they feel this way in their hearts!
"Help me!" The earth-level superhuman shouted in fear, he could smell death from the dragon's breath!

As the fiery dragon breathed out, that earth-level superhuman instantly knew that he couldn't resist it at all!
Although he is also a fire-type supernatural being, facing the fire dragon's breath, he feels very dangerous!

The sky-level supernatural being "Uncle Li" came to the side of the earth-level supernatural being in an instant, and stretched out a huge and thick wind shield!

The dragon's breath fell on the wind shield, and the wind shield immediately trembled violently!

"Uncle Li" was startled, and immediately thickened the wind shield again!

It lasted at least 1 minute before the dragon's breath disappeared!

But at this time, the fire dragon in the air seemed to have a spirituality, and a huge tail swept towards the two of them!

The scorching breath mixed with the terrifying sonic boom made "Uncle Li" feel his scalp tingling. He had no time to think, so he roared and delivered the strongest blow!
(End of this chapter)

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