Take the game to the city

Chapter 238 Calculation

Chapter 238 Calculation
Naturally, Yang Fan couldn't let Bai Zhi eat it. After all, this dish is especially for those who have never eaten it. Once you start eating, you can't stop!

Zhu Yi hadn't come back yet, so Bai Zhi ate first, so Zhu Yi probably wouldn't be able to eat as much as Zhu Yi.

When Yang Fan brought out the last bowl of dishes, there was a sound from the door.

Yang Fan knew that it was Zhu Yi who had returned.

"Go open the door."

Yang Fan said to Bai Zhi.

He even ordered me!
Bai Zhi rolled her eyes, but obediently went to open the door.

If you don't go, this bastard might kick him out. It's a pity if you can't eat such a delicious dish!

Bai Zhi opened the door, but was taken aback.

At the door is a beautiful girl with a refreshing ponytail, wearing a red dress, with a warm and unique temperament.

The most important thing is that the girl in front of her gave her a faint sense of danger!

She only felt this feeling when Aunt Lian was angry one day!
But Aunt Lian is heavenly!

How could the girl in front of me, who was obviously not in her twenties, be a heavenly rank? !
While Bai Zhi was stunned, Zhu Yi also looked up and down at the girl who opened the door with scrutiny.

She should be older than me, she has the aura of a supernatural being on her body, she should be at the Xuan level, and relatively weak.

And seeing the way she stared at her eyes felt a little silly.

But what she wondered was how could this girl appear in Brother Fan's home?
"who are you?"

Zhu Yi asked first.

Bai Zhi was stunned, but she still came back to her senses, frowned and asked, "Who are you!"

Zhu Yi didn't expect the girl to ask back. Just as she was about to continue asking, Yang Fan's voice came from inside the door.

"What are you two doing at the door? If you don't come in, the food will be cold."

The two were taken aback at the same time, and instantly knew that the other party was someone related to Yang Fan. They all looked at each other complicatedly, and then Bai Zhi opened the door to let Zhu Yi in.

"Are you back? Go wash your hands and prepare to eat."

Yang Fan glanced at Zhu Yi and said.

At the same time, he said to Bai Zhi, "You also wash your hands!"

Bai Zhi pouted, but said nothing.

The two girls had their own concerns, and after washing their hands, they sat in their seats in silence.

Then, Yang Fan began to introduce the other party.

After the introduction, both women looked at each other in surprise.

Zhu Yi was surprised that Bai Zhi was also a member of the mysterious "Xuanyuan Dragon Guard", but she was relieved when she also thought that Yang Fan was also a member of the "Xuanyuan Dragon Guard".

But Bai Zhi couldn't be relieved so easily.

This girl named Zhu Yi is really a sky-level supernatural being!
Oh my god, this young sky-level supernatural being can be said to be a peerless genius!

Maybe it can't be compared with those monsters in the big families, but the cultivation resources in the big families are very rich, and it is natural to become a monster, but from what Yang Fan said, this idea is completely a child of ordinary people!
However, soon Bai Zhi's heart moved.

Zhu Yi...

The surname is Zhu, and the talent is so strong, could it be the Zhu family?
Bai Zhi is a simple girl, she directly asked her own question.

"How is it possible, there are so many people with the same surname in the world, is it possible that they are all members of everyone with a little talent?"

Zhu Yi shook his head.

If she really belonged to the Zhu family in Beijing, how could it be so difficult for her father to start a business?
How could it be so easily calculated by others?
Of course, Bai Zhi was just asking by the way, and Zhu Yi naturally didn't care too much.

Because the two girls had already set their sights on the fragrant dishes on the table.

When Yang Fan noticed that Bai Zhi was taking a bite of the dish, and the light in Zhu Yi's eyes was still strong before eating, the corner of his mouth twitched, knowing that another big foodie was coming.

Yang Fan made eight dishes today.

Don't look at her as a girl, just take Zhu Yi as an example. Counting the soup, at least half of the five dishes a day are eaten by Zhu Yi!

Because of Zhu Yi, Yang Fan's daily food expenses are much higher than usual!

That's why Yang Fan felt that Zhu Yi was a foodie.

Of course this is largely a joke.

Yang Fan naturally understands that the reason why Zhu Yi eats so much every day is because her body instinctively desires the aura in the food!
Reiki can greatly nourish Zhu Yi's body, making her cleanse her tendons and cut her marrow.

It will only take a month at most, and when Zhu Yi's body has been transformed to a certain extent, she will not need to eat so much so exaggeratedly.

Of course, Yang Fan can also directly give Zhu Yi pills, but he thinks it would be good for Zhu Yi to adapt to his body step by step.

Well, Yang Fan won't admit that he can't afford the elixir for washing tendons and marrow for the time being.

The eight dishes were quickly wiped out by two girls who turned into foodies.

Even Xiaoyuan was a little confused, saying that this monkey didn't eat anything, you two just finished eating, and you didn't pay attention to this monkey!

Xiaoyuan became upset, and "squeaked" to accuse the two big foodies, especially Bai Zhi.

While coaxing Xiaoyuan, Yang Fan took a deep look at Bai Zhi.

This silly girl is very powerful in fighting, she ate most of the dishes, even Zhu Yi couldn't rob her!
Bai Zhi clutched her stomach, saw Yang Fan's meaningful gaze, blushed, and hiccupped embarrassingly.

oops!It's over, the image is completely ruined!
It's all the fault of this guy, the food he cooks is so delicious that this beautiful girl couldn't hold back!

"Tell me, what are you doing here?"

After drinking and eating, the three of them sat on the sofa, and Yang Fan suddenly asked Bai Zhi.

Well, Yang Fan only woke up after asking Bai Zhi.

The food was so delicious that she almost forgot the purpose of coming here.

"Oh, Longshou asked me to investigate the Bai Wuchang incident!"

Bai Zhi said.

This silly girl doesn't even know how to cover up her purpose.

Yang Fan shook his head secretly, feeling that if this silly girl was walking on the road alone, she would be foolish to count the money for someone if she was sold.

Of course, if someone really dares to do this, it is estimated that the result will be dead and there will be no scum left.

In the end, Bai Zhizai also stayed at Yang Fan's house.

In fact, Bai Zhi's cuteness, rolling around and acting like a baby are not the main reason. After all, this is a signal to let him know that "Xuanyuan Longwei" or the government has really started to pay attention to him!

Allowing Bai Zhi to live here can be regarded as being able to monitor Longwei's movements to a certain extent.

And if as expected, the next step is the Ability Association, pay attention!

Looking at ancient and modern times, what made China decline was the sudden civil strife!

After all, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, and there are also black sheep with no ability.

The current Psychic Association has gone bad. Many people with supernatural powers are not happy with the people of the Psychic Association. They socialize.

A luxurious office building in Beijing.

This is the headquarters of the Huaxia Ability Association.

meeting room.

Zhang Tao, the president of the association, looked around at the others and said indifferently: "The plan against Bai Wuchang just now, do you have anything to add?"

(End of this chapter)

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