Take the game to the city

Chapter 249 Practice with him

Chapter 249 Practice with him
Zhu Yi is a genuine sky-level power user, and the situation of the enemy is unknown, so every shot is a powerful move.

Number eight, as a scum of the yellow rank, naturally couldn't bear Zhu Yi's skills. It is estimated that this guy's chrysanthemum is useless.

Zhu Yi was also a little confused at this time, the other party seemed to be weaker than she imagined!
She thought it was at least an earth-level supernatural being.

Yang Fan also glanced in the direction of the screaming in amused manner, relying on his "Eye of Delusion", he naturally knew the other party's situation at a glance.

And at this moment, a powerful energy behind him approached extremely quickly, and the target was Yang Fan!

With his keen six senses, Yang Fan had already noticed the movement of the person behind him, so naturally he would not be surprised by his behavior.

I saw him turn a blind eye to the imminent danger, still standing motionless.

Zhu Yi also realized at this time, after all, Yang Fan had reminded her to pay attention to her back before.

Sensing the movement of the people behind him, Zhu Yi didn't hesitate, and without turning his head, he threw the huge fireball behind him!

The people behind probably didn't expect that the two of them had already discovered him, and this fireball was actually prepared for him!


A huge roar sounded, and the burst of air waves stretched for hundreds of meters, and the surrounding buildings were instantly destroyed.

What made Yang Fan a little interested was that the opponent quickly disappeared after failing a blow!

Yes, even if it disappears, Yang Fan's current powerful six senses can't even detect him!
The opponent is obviously a professional assassin, he will quickly run away if he misses a hit, and at the same time has a very advanced hiding ability!

And the other party obviously didn't let it go, he was lurking in the dark like a poisonous snake, waiting for an opportunity to give you a fatal blow!
The quiet space, the strange enemy, if it is an ordinary supernatural being, I am afraid that it will only be uncontrollable, but Yang Fan is not an ordinary person. It looks like it's just the peak of the prefecture level.

Well, she remembers that Yang Fan asked her to practice this man, so it's not an option to let the other party hide all the time, she must find a way to force him out!
Zhu Yi secretly thought.

Di Mo No. [-] is actually in the same mood as Huang Mo No. [-] with a chrysanthemum.

But what he was thinking about was whether Huang Mo No. [-] was brain-dead, and he shot rashly without even knowing the target's situation clearly!

It caused him to fall into the pit, and he was just out to relax with this guy, how could he encounter such a pervert!
After all, Zhu Yi is a heavenly level, even if he can only display the peak strength of the prefecture level because of the rules, but the heavenly level is a heavenly level after all, and there is a gap in the realm, which is an insurmountable gap!
Just relying on the talent of the sky-level supernatural being "Energy Transformation Wing", he doesn't have it, and this battery life alone can suppress him!
Besides, the rule restrictions are only to limit the strength of the earth-level abilities, and the means and skills of the sky-level abilities cannot be restricted!

And now he is riding a tiger!

As a killer, he also has his pride. If he runs away just because the opponent is a sky-level supernatural being, then he doesn't have to hang around in the organization anymore!

It is not impossible to kill the sky at the ground level!

His ability belongs to the dark system, which is most suitable for assassination and concealment. If he bursts out together, even the real heavenly level will have to avoid the edge for the time being!
Not to mention a woman whose strength has been suppressed to the prefectural level!

He believed that as long as he waited until the opponent showed his flaws, he would definitely have a chance to hit him!
Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with his thinking, even if Zhu Yi is a heavenly level, what he is facing is a top assassin who makes a living by killing people!

However, this is only in general cases!

After joining the pervert Yang Fan, the fate of Dimo ​​No. [-] has already been doomed.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Fan stood casually with a calm expression, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

In fact, he expanded the six senses to the extreme, just to find the hidden person.

"If I'm not mistaken, this ability of his is the shadow system known as the most suitable for assassination!"

Yang Fan thought in his heart.

"Shadow" can be classified as dark abilities.

There is no distinction between good and evil abilities, it just depends on who is using them.

The so-called light and dark names are just for a systematic classification.

At this moment, Yang Fan found a trace of energy fluctuations on his right!
"Why does this guy always have trouble with me?"

Yang Fan secretly wondered, could it be that he looks weak?
From Di Mo No. [-]'s point of view, Yang Fan is just an ordinary person, and this is the best target for a sneak attack!

He didn't know that the target of Huang Mo No. [-]'s assassination was Yang Fan, he was just trying to disturb Zhu Yi's mind.

A pure black dagger made of energy appeared out of nowhere on Yang Fan's right, exuding a gloomy and cold aura.

The Shadow Department inherits the characteristics of dark powers. It is dark and cold, and can usually arouse negative emotions in people's hearts to the greatest extent.

The difference is that the shadow system is more weird and secretive.

The shadow system is more of a close combat mode, following you like a shadow, once the time is right, it will kill you with one blow!

Earth moth No. [-], as an earth-level powerhouse, is also one of the best among people of the same level in the organization.

He has stronger self-confidence, killing an ordinary person like Yang Fan is easier than eating and drinking water!
The pure black blade had no breath, and even when it was about to approach Yang Fan's neck, Yang Fan looked ahead quietly, as if he still didn't notice it.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for being too weak!"

Earth Moth No. [-] showed a hint of sarcasm.

But when the tip of the knife was less than five centimeters away from Yang Fan, Yang Fan suddenly turned his head!

At this moment, he was startled, and even holding the dagger, his hands that had never shaken before unconsciously trembled!
What did he see in those eyes?
It is ridicule and pity!

"How did he find me? My ability, even the ordinary sky-level supernatural beings in the organization, can't find me!"

"Also, what the hell is your ridicule and pity? What right do you, an ordinary person, have to mock me?!"

The thought is thousands of miles away in an instant, and the reality is less than a second. Di Mo No. [-]'s eyes are cold, his heart is filled with anger, and the breath of the dagger in his hand is even colder!


Yang Fan chuckled, and the next moment, he disappeared from the sight of "Earth Moth No. [-]"!
Naturally, this supporting assassination also failed!

On the one hand, when Yang Fan disappeared in an instant, Di Mo No. [-]'s heart suddenly contracted. His intuition formed over the years told him that this seemingly ordinary young man was extremely dangerous!
Without any hesitation, Moth No. [-] immediately prepared to hide and escape!

Yes, that is to escape!

Being able to evade his assassination god at this critical moment proves that the opponent's ability is extremely extraordinary, even if Yang Fan didn't reveal any breath!
However, it seemed too late when he realized it!

Endless sword energy filled the entire space at some point, surrounding everyone present.

The extremely fierce sword made him almost kneel down. At this moment, he finally understood that he couldn't get out today.

But Yang Fan was standing side by side with Zhu Yi at this time, and he casually said to Zhu Yi: "Go, practice with him, the opportunity is not to be missed!"

Di Mo No. [-] is a man in black, about thirty years old, with cold eyes.

He also heard what Yang Fan said to Zhu Yi, and knew what the other party wanted to do.

Looking at the approaching girl in red, he showed a ferocious face!
Even if you die, you have to take a back!

 There was only one update yesterday. Although I really wanted to finish the second update, there was an unexpected incident, and I was really helpless.

  In the future, if there are no accidents, it will still be guaranteed twice.
(End of this chapter)

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