Chapter 256
Deng Qi looked at the backs of Yang Fan and the others with a gloomy expression.

In fact, Zhang Yi didn't want to leave directly, it was Zhu Yi who forced her to leave.

She was very worried that Deng Qi would retaliate, and when she was about to talk to Yang Fan, Deng Qi followed up again.

This made Zhang Yi speechless for a while, obviously she underestimated the thickness of Deng Qi's face.

Walking beside Zhang Yi, Deng Qi was still talking and laughing, as if he was not affected by the incident just now.

This made Yang Fan secretly surprised. After all, this guy is obviously a rich second generation, and he can always endure his indifference towards him.

Just saying that this endurance skill is enough to show his extraordinary.

Along the way, every time Zhang Yi and others went to a shop, Deng Qi would introduce them eloquently, showing off his knowledge like a proud male peacock.

However, regardless of his face and character, this guy's knowledge is still very wide. He can tell the efficacy and origin of each thing Zhang Yi and his daughters saw. Showing a little interest, he immediately began to introduce, with a degree of dedication comparable to a machine.

Along the way, his eyes kept moving between the two girls, but his expression remained natural.

But in the same way, he never looked directly at Yang Fan.

Of course, Yang Fan didn't care either.

Generally speaking, Yang Fan, who is used to chattering like this, would kick him to shut up!
But today he is in a good mood, and this product also provides a lot of useful things, such as where is the "different space".

Originally, Zhang Yi wanted to introduce Yang Fan to Deng Qi, but was stopped by Yang Fan's voice transmission, he didn't need to know this guy.

The commercial street is very prosperous, and Yang Fan saw many strange things along the way, but many of them made Yang Fan feel familiar, and these were obtained from the so-called "different space".

Yang Fan thought to himself, he can go and have a look if he has time.

Zhang Yi's introduction was correct, the things that appeared on the first day were indeed small things.

However, when Yang Fan browsed casually.Something caught his attention.

He walked up to the shop and took the things in his hands.

This is a dark thing, the material is unknown, it seems to be metal, but the tactile feedback seems to be a stone.

Seeing Yang Fan's sudden action, the two girls felt a little curious, so they also gathered around Yang Fan.

Deng Qi was talking about his experience, but the two girls suddenly surrounded the young man and ignored him, which made him very upset.

He also stepped forward, seeing Yang Fan holding a black object and looking left and right, he felt disdainful, secretly thinking that he was a bumpkin, this thing was everywhere on the street, and only this guy still looked curious.

Yang Fan saw that this thing was randomly piled up here like garbage, so he knew that people in reality didn't know it.

However, he has seen this thing in the game!

"Stone from Heaven: Extremely high hardness, the grade is the emperor grade, it is the best material for making weapons!"

You must know that this thing is extremely difficult to obtain, and it is introduced as a treasure that fell from the sky in the game.

The NPCs in the game are not simple programs, but have self-awareness, and they will also look for treasures!
Especially boss-level NPCs with advanced cultivation bases, once this kind of treasure is born, they will look for it as soon as possible, and they will even go to war with each other!
Of course, you can also buy it in the game store, but the price is...

Now Yang Fan is very happy, with this treasure, he can create weapons for the characters in the game!

Speaking of which, his game character is still very weak. Although he can seem to easily destroy the sky-level monsters, but that is only for the early days of Tianji, and he still has the advantage of sneak attack!
If the front is right, Yang Fan will be completely abused in minutes!

After all, under the suppression of absolute strength, no matter how strong your skills are, it is useless.

Recycling real items into the game for forging can greatly reduce labor costs, and save a lot of money for Yang Fan, which can be regarded as a benefit.

He is at the yellow level in the game, except for the inherited skills, his actual combat power is not high.

Of course, it's also because the monsters in the game are equally awesome.

Moreover, according to the rules, the skills and items that game characters can learn and use can only be used by real people, but the power of skills after learning by real people is full level!
On the other hand, in reality, the skill game characters purchased in the mall can also be learned in reverse, but after learning, the skill proficiency will be reduced to elementary level!

In the game, the characters and high-level items are not impossible to wear and use, but because the level is not enough, they cannot exert their power.

Even if high-end equipment can be used in reality due to special reasons, it is still too high-grade, and using it once is enough to drain your energy.

Deng Qi expressed his disdain for Yang Fan to take a fancy to a black and unknown stone.

What made him feel even more funny was that when the shopkeeper quoted a high price for a gray spar, this guy actually took out a gray spar and gave it to the shopkeeper without saying a word!

In Deng Qi's opinion, this is no longer stupid, but stupid!

The other party obviously falsely reported the price to kill you, but you are still stupid enough to give the money!

Although he once thought that the black thing was really special, but no matter how he observed it, he felt that it was the same as things in other places!
This thing is indeed rare in the real world, but it can be seen everywhere in the "different space". It is all made by adventurers with the idea of ​​taking advantage of it, but no one is a fool, so this thing is flooded, and then it becomes useless. People want garbage.

"Miss Zhang Yi, this black stone is nothing to look at. If you are interested, you can go to my shop. There are many more beautiful than this one. Of course, this brother can also go together, at least it is better than being taken advantage of here! "

Deng Qiming secretly mocked and belittled Yang Fan, and by the way raised his own status.

However, he soon discovered that everything he did was in vain, and the two women were obviously more interested in the stone in the young man's hand!
He squinted his eyes, feeling that he had thought wrong before!

At first I thought this young man was just a shield, an ordinary person who existed like a follower, but now it seems that the two girls are obviously paying attention to him!
He felt that it was time to take a good look at this very ordinary-looking young man from now on!
From Zhang Yiliang's point of view, Yang Fan never does meaningless things. Although the stone looks ordinary, maybe Yang Fan has discovered the difference!

Seeing the two girls surrounding Yang Fan, Deng Qi felt jealous and unhappy, but in order to maintain his demeanor, he didn't say anything.

"I don't believe it's not as good as you!"

Although Deng Qi was smiling, he was ruthless in secret.

On the road, Yang Fan even saw some herbal medicines being sold in piles!
And these are rare natural treasures in the game, even if the purchase price is very high!

Dragon Spirit Grass, Heartless Flower, Snake Leaf Tip, Stone Pattern Tree...

Yang Fan's eyes lit up, because these are high-grade herbs for refining Xisuidan!

At this time, Deng Qisuan really saw it, the two women obviously paid close attention to Yang Fan, and ignored him when they chatted!
This made him even more irritated, and he secretly made up his mind to investigate Yang Fan!

At this moment, there was a commotion ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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