Take the game to the city

Chapter 260 Insolent

Chapter 260 Insolent
Surrounded by Deng Qi's subordinates, Zhang Yi's body became more tense, and he shot around sharply, looking for a breakthrough.

Deng Qi said lightly: "Don't look at it. Although people like me are only at the top of the Xuan level, they are all power-type superpowers. They can fight against earth-level superpowers with all their lives! It's not suitable for you to use supernatural powers!" , or follow us obediently!"

"Why did I see you again? Why does my buddy feel that you are so lingering? If you can't get it, you want to grab it. Is this the style of your Deng family?"

Just when Zhang Yi was extremely nervous.Yang Fan's voice came faintly.

Zhang Yi looked at Yang Fan in surprise, seeing Yang Fan's calm appearance, all the tension in his heart disappeared instantly.

Deng Qi squinted his eyes, and said to Yang Fan indifferently: "Brother, it's a coincidence that we meet again!"

Yang Fan glanced at Deng Qi, and said lightly: "What a coincidence, here is a big place, it's easy to meet, are you out of your mind?"

Yang Fan's sudden resentment made Deng Qi choked up, his face flushed, his eyes flashed with anger, but then he held it back.

He said with a half smile: "Haven't you asked about your brother's life?"

"Call me dad and I'll tell you!"

Yang Fan smiled lightly.

Before Deng Qi and Deng Jiafeng commented, Yang Fan had heard Li Qian say it, so naturally he would not give him a good face at this time.


Being insulted again and again, Deng Qi couldn't stand the heat anymore, his eyes almost spewed fire, pointed at Yang Fan and said fiercely: "Don't think that being a heavenly level is great, there are many masters in this world, it's not your turn to be rampant!"

The corner of Yang Fan's mouth curled up.

"It's not my turn? Does that mean you can be rampant?"

"Hmph! Don't even think about playing word games with me. Let me tell you, your repeated provocations have violated the bottom line of my Deng family. Don't talk about your girlfriends today, even you yourself don't want to leave!"

Deng Qi calmed down instead.

Then, he turned back and shouted to the sky: "Brother, please take action to suppress the arrogant people who offend our family!"

As soon as Deng Qi's words fell, an overwhelming terrifying coercion instantly enveloped the heads of everyone present!
Everyone couldn't help looking up at the sky Deng Qi was facing, and Yang Fan was no exception.

I saw a figure flying quickly from a small distance, the wings on the back flickered, Yang Fan's eyesight was excellent, and he could see that the wings were composed of countless strange symbols!

He raised his eyebrows, and a hint of interest flashed in his eyes.

The visitor stopped above everyone's heads, condescending, showing no intention of coming down at all, appearing extremely arrogant.

Although everyone present was dissatisfied with the other party's pretentious behavior, they did not express it.

Because many people recognized it, this is the young master of the Deng family, Deng Yu!
The young master of the Deng family and even the entire Deng family can't make everyone fearful. What really makes them afraid is the power behind the Deng family, the Huaxia Ability Association!
The Huaxia Supernatural Association has the right to manage all supernatural beings. In other words, as long as you are a supernatural being, they have the right to judge you!

The power association is spread all over China, if you commit a crime, as long as the power association releases it, you will be unable to move even a single step in the entire power world!
And it just so happens that the head of the Deng family, as the Minister of Commerce of the Ability Association, can completely represent the entire Ability Association to a certain extent!

So no one would be so stupid as to offend the Deng family just because they were rude to them!
Deng Yu has a slender figure and a handsome face. He looks like a son of troubled times in the air, dazzling his brilliance.

He looked at Yang Fan on the ground, and said lightly, "You have five seconds to kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake!"

Insolent, domineering!
Skip these two words in everyone's mind!

Everyone instantly had a deeper understanding of the Deng family or the young master of the Deng family!

A disagreement makes people kneel down, tsk tsk, but I don't know if this young master of the Deng family has the strength to support his arrogance?

Yang Fan blinked, and felt that this guy in the sky had reached a certain level of coercion, but Yang Fan was a little upset that the other party was pretending to be him!
It’s okay for you to pretend, but you’re wrong if you pretend to be in front of me. It’s not good, really.

Yang Fan is upset, so he will make the other party change his mind.

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't respond, Deng Yu in the air had a cold look in his eyes!


He snorted coldly, and the suffocating coercion instantly turned into a wave, pressing down on Yang Fan fiercely!
At this moment, the air above Yang Fan's head seemed to become thick, and then this coercion turned into a huge red rune and enveloped Yang Fan!
This is a shocking scene!

A huge blood-like red rune covered Yang Fan's head, and the tyrannical force stirred the surrounding air, making many melon-eating people around with lower levels of abilities unable to help backing away!

Although the few high-level supernatural beings didn't retreat, their eyes were very serious!

It is said that the young master of the Deng family is a genius who has awakened a very special sealing ability. The power is terrifying and strange, making people hard to guard against. Now it seems that this is indeed the case!

His strength is worthy of his arrogance!

These veteran sky-level power users secretly thought, if Yang Fan's role is replaced by himself, can they block this powerful rune ability?
In the end, they all shook their heads secretly. Even if they could block it, I'm afraid they would have to pay the prescribed price, and they might even have to pay some hole cards!
However, this is not the result they are satisfied with!
Of course, this is also due to the fact that there are too few seal-type special abilities in the world, and they know too little, so the opponent has no way to guard against many methods!

They are very pessimistic about Yang Fan. It is said that this young man is a person with physical abilities, but this rune obviously has a confinement effect. After reaching the heavenly level, the ability to communicate with the world is extremely powerful.

Under the power of the sky, it is a dream for your mortal body to break free!
When Deng Yu started to deal with Yang Fan, Zhu Yi quietly rushed in front of Deng Qi and others, knocked down all the supernatural beings including Deng Qi with a crushing posture, and brought Zhang Yi and Li Qian behind Yang Fan.

Deng Yu in the sky naturally also saw Zhu Yi's actions. The strength of the other party's fire ability was a bit beyond his expectation, but he didn't care. As long as the young man below was suppressed, on this island, a few girls would not be able to turn around at all. What a storm!

"Can Brother Fan resist it?"

Li Qian nervously asked Zhu Yi and his daughters.

Both Zhang Yi and Zhu Yi are called Brother Yang Fanfan, and Li Qian is also good at good things. Of course, she is also the youngest.

"of course can!"

This is Zhu Yi, her trust in Yang Fan is close to blind, she believes that Yang Fan is invincible!
Zhang Yi didn't answer, just clenched his bare hands and stared in Yang Fan's direction without blinking.

Yang Fan quietly looked at the bloody rune in the sky, his eyes filled with black mist, then he swung his right arm and punched lightly!
In the eyes of the people around, Yang Fan's punch was soft without any strength, which made them very surprised.

Is this guy stupid?Actually trying to use his fist to break the supernatural ability that contains the power of heaven and earth? !
Disdain also flashed in Deng Yu's eyes in the air. He was very confident in his abilities, and it was ridiculous to want to resist with his body!
However, the next scene almost shocked everyone's jaws!

After Yang Fan's light fist hit the huge bloody rune, the rune suddenly shattered!


The energy caused by the shattered runes turned into a gust of wind and swept around!
(End of this chapter)

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