Chapter 279
Turning Lin Die'er into a war slave was also a temporary idea. After all, his family has a big business, and it's hard to say that there are not many powerful family members in the family.

"Warrior: Lin Die'er

Skills: Beastization, Psychedelic Dust, Sonic Attack, Phantom Sound Domain...

Description: After being Wandie, her attacks are swift and violent, and the strongest is her sonic domain that can both hallucinate and kill! "

Yang Fan glanced at Lin Die'er's attributes for a while, and was a little surprised to find that Lin Die'er's attributes were different from those of the war slaves under the previous contract.

The first is the title.

There are several levels of contracts, and the level assessment of the contract object is based on the target's own strength.

For "war slaves, warriors, generals, commanders" and so on.

In the past, even if he signed a contract as a master martial artist, his level was only at the level of "war slave", but this time he directly crossed the second level to reach the level of warrior.

Then there are skills, the number of which has reached more than six.

Looking at the description, it is obvious that Lin Die'er has at least physical and sound wave dual-line skills, and she is already at the peak of the sky at a young age, which probably belongs to the aptitude of a super genius!
Yang Fan asked a few random questions, such as her age and the last skill she wanted to release.

She respectfully stated her age.

"Master, Die'er is 20 years old this year, and the ability brewed at the last moment is a taboo level ability, the domain of phantom sound!"

After Lin Die'er's explanation, Yang Fan knew the power of her forbidden ability.

The so-called "phantom sound field", as the name suggests, is to form a field that can make people fall into an illusion!
Within the domain, she can manipulate anyone. Of course, if it is just to make people fall into an illusion, it will not be powerful, so it also has sound waves that can condense into reality!
To some extent, this sound wave is similar to the sword energy displayed by Yang Fan. It is also condensed with the energy of heaven and earth, and it is extremely lethal. She has used this ability to fight against five peak heavenly abilities, and the opponent did not form any effective defense. was taken away by a wave.

However, the flaw of her ability is also obvious, that is, it takes a lot of time to brew.

After all, the domain no longer belongs to her level of abilities.

In fact, she had almost completed the domain before, and she was only short of condensing the sound waves. He did not expect that Yang Fan's strong-willed horror would not be affected by the illusion in her phantom sound domain.

That's why she said what she was convinced before.

Capital, a hidden place in the Forbidden City.

Yuxi was still quietly floating in the air, but the brilliance on her body was almost invisible, and the image of simplicity and vicissitudes was completely exposed.

In the void above the jade seal, this scene is currently unfolding.

If Yang Fan was here, he would have discovered that this was part of the scene where she and the others from "Butterfly Valley" were fighting!

However, maybe Yuxi's energy is a little insufficient, the faces of Yang Fan and several people are blurred, and Yang Fan's devil king talent skill "Tearing the Sky" does not appear in the screen at all.

A withered hand waved lightly across the screen, causing the screen to dissipate, and at the same time, a hoarse and old voice sounded.

"Heaven-level power, these people can actually block Yuxi's rules..."

"It's a pity that my strength has been exhausted, otherwise, even if they use the power of the sky level or even beyond the sky level, I will not be backlashed!"

The hoarse old voice was accompanied by a sigh.

What really hurt him was Yang Fan's sword. He only saw Yang Fan condense into a sword in the picture, and the moment he held the sword, the image behind him was no longer visible.

Just holding the sword has such a powerful power, he can imagine the horror of the power of the sword of the man in the image!
It's just that now, he's exhausted.

He looked at Yuxi unwillingly and murmured: "I still haven't found a suitable successor for you. Without your suppression, how many unknown and powerful existences would be born in the whole of China? Is this the sky that will kill me..."

The sound gradually faded away, leaving the quaint and vicissitudes of jade seal quietly floating in the air.

Liu family.

Liu Mian looked at Wang Gan who drank up the precious Dahongpao in one gulp, and smiled helplessly.

"Why are you free these few days but I'm here, aren't you busy pursuing your goddess Zhu Ling?"

Liu Mian also took a sip of tea.

Wang Gan's eyes widened, and he said in a tone of three parts surprise and three parts dissatisfaction: "I, Young Master Liu, why are you like that bastard Yang Fan and started teasing me?"

Liu Mian restrained his smile, glanced at Wang Gan lightly, did not reply, but gracefully picked up the teacup.

"Damn it, I've stayed with that boring bastard Yang Fan a few times. Even you, Young Master Liu, have started to imitate you! That guy is really a scourge!"

Seeing that Liu Mian was silent, Wang Gan muttered depressingly.

No wonder Wang Gan was dissatisfied, when Zhu Ling was with him before, she could talk to some extent, but since H province came back, she seldom even saw Wang Gan, let alone talking to him!

So Wang Gan's resentment towards Yang Fan is very deep!
"Well, you haven't said why you suddenly have time to come to me."

Liu Mian ignored Wang Gan's complaints.

Wang Ganbai glanced at Liu Mian, and said, "Changing the subject again, forget it, I'm a gentleman, I don't care about you!"

Wang Gan waved his hand, looking very magnanimous.

Liu Mian looked at the teacup, the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

"It's because of my ancestor. He said that he has been restless recently, and he has done some night stargazing. He speculates that there will be major changes in Huaxia recently, so he kicked me out and walked around with several other families.

If you want me to say that he is an old man who likes to be suspicious when he is old, if this is good, then what will happen! "

Wang Gan complained helplessly.

"You can't say that, what Grandpa Wang said is not unreasonable!"

Liu Mian put down his teacup and said seriously.

The ancestor Wang Gan was talking about was his grandfather, a superpower at the pinnacle of heaven.

"After all, his old man is already at the peak of the sky, and he is about to take that step. This kind of strong person is far more sensitive to the changes in the world than the general peak of the sky. I agree with him!"

"It makes you seem like you are about to take that step!"

Wang Gan rolled his eyes.

"Even if it's not there, it's not far away!" Liu Mian said indifferently.

"Damn it, isn't it?! You..."

Wang Gan stared, unable to believe it.

Liu Mian shook his head, and said helplessly, "It's just a little feeling, but I really feel that this world is a bit abnormal!"

Wang Gan's face gradually became serious, and he naturally believed Liu Mian's words. After all, apart from Ji Xinyue's even more evil girl, Liu Mian's qualifications were the highest in their generation!

"Could it be... the peace is going to end again..."

Wang Gan's voice was a little heavy.


Yang Fan brought Lin Die'er back to the urban area of ​​the capital. He was going to take his sister home directly. As for what the Dong family thought, he didn't care at all!
If someone dares to organize, he doesn't mind trying Lin Die'er, the new warrior's ability!

 Now river crabs are rampant, and natural disasters can't be written in too much detail, so let's just mention them briefly.

  I was also drunk when I found out that the plot of helping my sister regain her appearance was blocked

(End of this chapter)

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