Chapter 286

For ten days, Yang Fan was refining the elixir.

"Health Pill: A tenth-grade elixir, mortals can strengthen their bodies and make their bodies reach the peak of mortals!"

Inside Yang Fan's room.

A small and exquisite stove is supported by four corners, and there is no fuel at the bottom of the stove, but it is still burning.

This is a strange scene, but there is no surprise in Yang Fan's eyes, after all, he is manipulating it.

This is just the lowest tenth-grade alchemy furnace. The flame is the alchemy fire that comes with the furnace, and it needs special techniques to activate it.

But Yang Fan has alchemy skills, so everything is no problem.

Yang Fan didn't do anything, just stared at the pill furnace quietly.

But this is only a superficial phenomenon. In fact, Yang Fan's mental power has been fully put into the alchemy furnace, and he dare not slack off in the slightest.

When refining alchemy, one must not be distracted, otherwise it would be a trivial matter if the pill was destroyed, but it would be a big deal if the pill furnace exploded!

If the small alchemy furnace in front of Yang Fan exploded, it would be completely normal for his entire room to be destroyed!

I saw Yang Fan suddenly moved, he reached out and patted the alchemy furnace lightly, and the lid was lifted instantly!

Thick mist with a wonderful fragrance emanates from the alchemy furnace!
At this moment, Yang Fan knew that Dan was done!

The refining of the last batch of fitness pills is complete!

These days, he has been refining fitness pills almost every day. Up to now, he has refined [-] pills in total!

"It is enough to match the first batch of personnel!"

Yang Fan secretly thought.

At this time, the refining was completed, and he was also a little tired.

After all, refining alchemy requires almost all your heart and soul, which is very labor-intensive. Thanks to Yang Fan's upgrade, otherwise he really couldn't bear such a high-intensity behavior.

Of course, during this period, he was not refining elixirs, and he also took the time to personally select the first batch of [-] security guards.

After resting for an afternoon, Yang Fan asked Zhang Yi to call the 500 people together, and Yang Fan would teach them how to use the equipment they were given.

Spar: "Grey Spar"

Elixir: "Healthy Pill"

Talismans: "Shenxing Talisman", "Xuanling Talisman", "Thunder Talisman".

Equipment: "Sky Silkworm Clothes"

Needless to say, gray spar and fitness pill, one is to assist the awakening of abilities, and the other is to strengthen the body.

At the same time, he also knew that the two pure-color crystals in his hand were not simple, so naturally he would not take them out.

The "Shenxing Talisman" in the talisman is used for running, and the duration is half an hour.

The "Xuanling Talisman" is a body protection talisman, which can block the full blow of a master at the beginning of the sky level, and the duration is 10 minutes.

The "Thunder Talisman" is used for deterrence and against the enemy. As a heaven-level talisman, it is quite powerful. Once this talisman is released, ordinary people with supernatural powers will absolutely scare the urine.

The "Sky Silkworm Clothes" are for them to deal with in general situations. As the lowest level of equipment, it is also the most suitable for these security guards to wear. After all, it is useless for them to wear high-grade equipment. , soft texture, good air permeability, warm in winter and cool in summer, it is definitely a rare treasure for ordinary people!

Yang Fan explained everything from the taking of the fitness pill and the precautions to the wearing of the silkworm clothes at the end, for fear that they would not be able to use them if they had never been in contact with these things.

"Did you understand what I just said?"

Yang Fan looked at everyone calmly and said.


Everyone answered in unison, looking at Yang Fan with fanaticism!

After all, it was Yang Fan who brought them into a new field!
This is a lawn in the suburbs, and only this kind of place can accommodate so many people.

Yang Fan randomly selected a few people and asked a few questions he just said, and the other party answered them all. Only then did Yang Fan really confirm that these people really understood.

These people were selected by Yang Fan himself, and the performance of these people did not disappoint him!
Yang Fan asked these people to take the "Healthy Pill" on the spot.

He didn't have time to wait for them to go back and take it slowly.

Of course, he is here for more convenience, in case something abnormal happens after taking it, he can solve it in time.

After taking the elixir, everyone closed their eyes and lay down.

Because the "Fitness Pill" is designed to make the physical strength of ordinary people reach the limit, such a violent strengthening will naturally cause strong muscle discomfort.

At that time, they simply cannot stand!
Yang Fan quietly looked at the people lying down, secretly thinking that this is his real and powerful team after "Wang Ting"!

He did not doubt the loyalty of these men.

Not to mention that these people are all selected from those who are sincerely loyal to the "Wang Ting", but also because Yang Fan let Meiyun engrave a spiritual imprint on everyone's minds!

Usually it doesn't have any effect, but as long as there is something abnormal in the thinking of the other party, such as wanting to betray and leak secrets, it will cause a splitting headache!

If he still insists on betraying, then the mental brand in his brain will explode, and then he will become an idiot!
After taking the "Healthy Pill", gradually the humming sound began to appear.

This is unavoidable, because their bodies are going through the process of being torn and repaired at this time. This level of pain is by no means something that ordinary people can bear. They can be called "men" without screaming!

Gradually, the humming and chirping sound also gradually disappeared, obviously they have passed this comfortable period.

Everyone smiled excitedly after they stood up. Most of them came out of the army, and they were obsessed with military force, and they were also very excited about their own strength.

After Yang Fan assigned the equipment to them, he began to assign tasks.

At present, Yang Fan decided to let most people go to the "Beauty Pill" physical store to guard.

Because there have always been people in the "Beauty Pill" physical store from time to time to take things for nothing, but they are so strong that the people in the store can't stop them at all, and some people are even so fast that the gods in the store have not yet reacted The goods were taken away!

Yang Fan knew that these people were either powerful master-level fighters, or simply supernatural beings. Naturally, Yang Fan often intervened and beat them up a lot, but he only made them calm down a little. Later, they even started fighting with Yang Fan. It's guerrilla warfare!
"Beauty Pill" has the highest profit, so it is natural to keep it first.

So far, the strengthening task of the first stage is basically completed, and then he has almost used up his money.

Of course, Yang Fan, who has a treasure trove, is naturally not worried about running out of money, and soon he will exchange some small things in the game for a lot of money!

During the period of refining the elixir, Yang Fan was not idle in upgrading the game characters.

The level of his game character has been raised from the yellow level to the mysterious level, and at the same time he has comprehended the fourth skill of sword repair.


From then on, Yang Fan, who possesses the "Sword Control Technique", can go anywhere in the world!
The matter of the "Wang Ting" group was temporarily settled, and Yang Fan felt that he could pick up his sister. After all, it had been ten days, and his sister's anger should have calmed down.

Although my sister's phone still doesn't work.

Recently, Yang Fan has been feeling restless, always feeling that something is about to happen!
(End of this chapter)

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