Take the game to the city

Chapter 291 My sister wants to marry?

Chapter 291 My sister wants to marry?
After the starlight merged into his body, Yang Fan felt a strange feeling in his head!

He felt that he had a deeper understanding of the use of "force"!
In the whole world, force is everywhere, whether it is the familiar force of gravity or the force and reaction force exerted by the collision of objects, it shows the importance of force!
Water may not exist in this world, air may not exist, but power will always exist!

Yang Fan slowly stretched out his hand, waved it casually, and felt an invisible force centered on his palm in the air.

He picked up a leaf casually, held it between his fingers, and threw it out with a light and descriptive gesture.

The next moment, the originally soft leaves seemed to become tough, spinning at an incredible speed, and then circled Yang Fan twice!

Then, Yang Fan stretched out his palm, and when the leaves circled in front of Yang Fan for the second time, it seemed that a strange force controlled it, and it stopped straight to his palm!

This is not a skill, let alone a spell ability, but the use of pure power!

After Yang Fan absorbed "a law of force", he felt that his understanding of force had reached a terrifying height!

He can accurately calculate how much force he uses, and he can control the degree of use and trajectory of the force, which is simply more powerful than a supercomputer!

It was the result of his precise calculation that he controlled the leaf to rotate itself twice before falling onto his palm!

"Prove the way with strength? It's not impossible..."

Yang Fan smiled casually, crushed the leaves in his hands, waved them lightly, and left gracefully.

In the air, Yang Fan's crushed leaves stagnated strangely in the air, and then seemed to be controlled by an invisible force, the fragments scattered, interlaced in the air, and finally nailed to a tree together!
"It's time to pick up Coco tomorrow..."

Yang Fan thought.

Zhou family.

There are still strange lines spreading on one side of Zhou Yushu's face, which makes him look extraordinarily strange.

At this moment, he looked at everyone gloomyly, with black threads of flame rising faintly from his body, but the strange thing was that the surroundings around him seemed extremely cold!
The rest of the Zhou family were taken by his aura, and they were a little afraid to look at him.

They still remember the violent and strange power that surpassed the sky level back then!
Although it is said that the rules of heaven and earth have been stabilized now, they still dare not have the thought of rebellion.

"Why? Give me a reason!"

Zhou Yushu's voice was a little hoarse.

Zhou Chuang sighed softly and said, "Yushu, we all know that you have a deep affection for the girl of the Dong family, but now is also the critical moment for my Zhou family to truly win the world. Now that you say you want to marry her, it will have too much influence and it will be easy to break her." Mess with our plans!"

"Are you afraid of the other families? But you forget that although you are suppressed by the rules, it has no effect on me! Even if they all come? For me, the so-called heaven-level killing is like slaughtering dogs! And recently it is said that the Forbidden City It's a bit noisy, they have no time to care about us!"

Zhou Yushu sneered disdainfully.

"It can be ruled..."

"I know what you want to say. Now the rules seem to be stable. I have killed many people who tried to challenge before, but the Holy Emperor passed away. You don't know how much it will cost their Ji family to regain control of the Celestial Seal! Before that How many times can they use this level of Tianwei?"

Zhou Chuang was silent.

The others were also silent.

"Besides, you don't want that colorless spar from the Dong family?"

Zhou Yushu looked at the others with a playful smile.

Everyone showed a look of excitement in an instant.

"Colorless spar" is said to be the earliest treasure that landed on the earth. It is a fragment of the giant spar that caused the world to change. Comparable!
"If I marry Yang Keke, then you can justifiably take that colorless spar from the Dong family?"

Hearing this, everyone in the Zhou family glanced at each other and made a decision in an instant!
The next day, when Yang Fan came to Dong's house again, he found that the atmosphere here was not right!

"Who is hosting the wedding in the Dong family now? It's arranged like this?"

He is now at the entrance of Dong's house. At this time, the place is full of firecracker residues, and it seems to be celebrating something.

Red couplets were pasted on the door of the sentry box. From the outside to the inside, every street lamp was hung with red lanterns, and the decorations looked very festive!

Seeing this scene, Yang Fan frowned, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart!

He took out his mobile phone and called his sister.

"Sorry, the number you dialed has been switched off..."

Yang Fan frowned even more!

He looked at the security guard at the door, and a cold look flashed in his eyes!
"Stop, what are you doing...ah!"

As soon as the security guard stepped forward, he was easily beaten away by Yang Fan.

Afterwards, Yang Fan's figure instantly disappeared in place!
The next moment, Yang Fan appeared in front of a mansion.

There are also lights and festoons on the door here, red lanterns, festive couplets...

Also, hi word!
Yang Fan narrowed his eyes, and a faint evil spirit began to surround his body!
In the Dong family, only younger sister Yang Keke is of marriageable age!

Coco is getting married?

But Yang Fan knew his sister well, she would never hide such a big matter from him!
Yang Fan took out his mobile phone with a blank expression and called Longshou.

"Yang Fan, what's the matter?"

Longshou said.

"My sister is getting married, do you know?"

Yang Fan's voice was indifferent.

"What? Who did she marry? Zhou Yushu?"

There was surprise in Longshou's words.

"you know?"

Yang Fan's tone was even more indifferent.

"Yang Fan..."

Long Shou just wanted to explain something, but found that the phone had been hung up.

On Yang Fan's side, he threw the crushed mobile phone forward casually, and the countless fragments on the mobile phone were controlled by invisible forces, turned into the sharpest weapons and blasted towards the gate of the mansion!

As if the entire gate had been slammed by a huge hammer, it flew up with a bang!

Even though they were all tiny fragments, they produced enormous power!
The loud noise alarmed the people in the house, and everyone who ran out was stunned when they saw this scene.

However, all of a sudden, everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes, and a young man appeared in front of them, with his hand still holding the head of the Dong family by the neck!


"Let go of the Patriarch!"

The people around were startled and shouted loudly!

Yang Fan ignored them, but stared at the Patriarch of the Dong family extremely coldly, his voice was as cold as Jiuyou, with endless coldness: "Where is my sister?"

At this time, the "Demon King's Ring" on his finger flickered with a faint black light.

The head of the Dong family was strangled, but his expression was calm: "Of course you are married, you young man..."

"I asked you where she is!"

Yang Fan punched the opponent, he arched his body in pain, and almost spit out the gall.

The Patriarch of the Dong Family was also angry, he looked at Yang Fan who gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know what you are doing...ah!"

"I'll ask again, where is my sister!?"

Yang Fan threw away the opponent's severed arm, his eyes were bloodshot.

The other party was also furious at this time, and just about to endure the pain to activate the supernatural power, Yang Fan slapped him on the face with a backhand!
"You can't understand human language?!"

This slap directly caused the main crystal in Dong Jiajia's brain to vibrate and crack!
After initially mastering the law of force, Yang Fan can control force as he likes!
(End of this chapter)

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