Chapter 302 Bet
"How do you Dong family want to die?!"

Yang Fan's voice seemed to be piercingly cold, making the hearts of everyone in the Dong family jump!
In an instant, the scene of Yang Fan's domineering in Dong's house was recalled again in his mind, and the look in Yang Fan's eyes became fearful again.

The middle-aged man in the black suit also shuddered. Why didn't the young man from the Secret Path Ability Association show up? He wasn't afraid of Yang Fan, but the people on his side couldn't stop him!

Seeing the silent crowd, Yang Fan frowned.

"Don't you want to answer? Or don't you bother to answer?"

Yang Fan stared at the middle-aged man in the suit and said slowly.

The middle-aged man in the suit was also extremely aggrieved at this time. He was the younger brother of the former head of the Dong family. Regardless of his status or control over the Dong family, he was only under his elder brother. Not all of them are honest in front of them!

How could it be like now, to be reprimanded and threatened by this young junior who is only in his early twenties?
If the juniors in the family dared to talk to him like this, he would have slapped him long ago!

But now, he can't do it, and he doesn't dare!

He is only at the early stage of the heavenly level, and the junior in front of him is at least the middle stage of the heavenly level!
The bland description of this guy before his elder brother made him feel that he was extraordinarily small, after all, his strength was still lower than that of his elder brother!

However, the youth of the Ability Association did not let the middle-aged man in the suit hold back for too long.

"Heh! Dude, you have such a big tone, and you ask them how they want to die as soon as you come, don't you think too little of the Ability Association?"

The young man came out from the side, looking at Yang Fan with disdain and pride.

Sky-level peak abilities?
Yang Fan looked at the young man quietly, a little surprised at such a young peak heaven-level supernatural being.

The other party is probably no bigger than him. This kind of strength can be called a genius.

Obviously, the other party is also proud of his talent and strength, and when he walked out, he made no effort to hide the aura of the peak of the sky!
The young man's name is Duan Liangcai, and his father is a core member of the Ability Association. In addition to his extraordinary talent, he is also well-known among the younger generation of the Ability Association.

Duan Liang took a look at Yang Fan, then glanced at Zhu Yi and Yang Keke on both sides of him, his eyes lit up immediately!
One is wearing a passionate red dress, with long hair and back, exquisite appearance, exuding enthusiasm, and at the same time mixed with a trace of inexplicable temptation!

Although the other is just ordinary washed jeans with a simple pink T-shirt, but with double ponytails on his head, he looks indescribably youthful, and he even has a sense of holiness in this youthful atmosphere!

The two girls have extremely extraordinary temperament, which makes people want to stop!

Rao is Duan Liangcai who thinks that he has never seen such a beautiful and temperamental girl among countless girls, and they are all beauties, even the girls in the supernatural association seem to be much inferior to the two girls in front of him!

Then when he looked at Yang Fan again, there was an expression in his eyes that a cabbage had been gouged by a pig. Looking at Yang Fan, his mood began to feel bad!

He was in a playful mood at first, after all, he was only a mid-level supernatural being, so it was not enough for him to be ready for battle, but now this guy actually embraced two beautiful women, both of whom he had never seen before. He was in no mood to play the game of cat and mouse immediately, he just wanted to beat the lucky guy in front of him into a pig's head!
"Hey, boy, you are just a mid-level supernatural being, and this young master is at the peak of the heavenly level. How about we make a bet so that others will say that I bully you?"

Duan Liangcai said calmly to Yang Fan with his hands behind his back.

It's just that his wretched eyes that kept glancing back and forth at Yang Fan and the two girls betrayed his thoughts.

And he didn't know that the expression he thought he had hidden was not only discovered by Yang Fan, but even Zhu Yi and Yang Keke's two daughters also discovered it!

Yang Keke frowned his pretty eyebrows, stopped looking at Duan Liangcai, and continued to look at someone from the Dong family opposite.

Zhu Yi hated Duan Liangcai's eyes, if Yang Fan hadn't said anything, she would have rushed up!

Yang Fan looked at Duan Liangcai indifferently, and said, "What are you betting on?"

Generally speaking, in a duel between two parties, if you want to bet, you will only ask how to bet instead of directly asking what to bet. This is only the performance of a person who is extremely confident in himself, because he believes that the outcome is already doomed, and he only cares about the bet.

But Duan Liang didn't notice this at all, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "Well, I won't bully you, as long as you can resist my three moves, you will win!"

"If you lose..."

"I don't make too many demands, as long as one of the girls around you stays with me for a day!"

Because Zhu Yi hid the power fluctuations, and Yang Keke was not a power user at all like Yang Fan, so Duan Liang thought the two girls were ordinary people.

For high-ranking supernatural beings, it is common for ordinary girls to bet or even exchange them.

From Duan Liangcai's point of view, Yang Fan will definitely agree, because he is at the peak of the heavenly level, and Yang Fan is only at the middle stage of the heavenly level. Although the two girls are top-notch, the other party is at a disadvantage. Correct" choice!

When the two girls heard that Duan Liangcai was going to bet on them, they immediately exploded!

Zhu Yi squinted at Duan Liangcai, Su Bai's fists were tightly clenched, and the fire elements around her body began to condense. At this time, as long as Yang Fan said a word, she would immediately rush forward and deliver a thunderous blow to Duan Liangcai!
At this time, Yang Keke no longer looked at the crowd of the Dong family, but turned to look at Duan Liangcai, a cold light flashed in his eyes!
The corner of Yang Fan's mouth slowly curved.

This guy is really deadly, the two girls beside him are not gentle kittens, they are terrifying existences that can turn into tigresses at any time!
Needless to say, Zhu Yi, during this period of time, relying on her terrifying talent of "Yuan Ling Treasure Body", she has already raised her power level to the peak of the heavenly level!
And his baby sister Yang Keke is a support, but her strength is beyond the sky-level "king level!"

She has no attack skills, so Yang Fan gave her some talismans.

There are not many talismans, only one hundred and eighty heaven-level attack talismans!

Like "Thunder Talisman", "True Fire Talisman", "Earth Crack Talisman" and so on, it is very easy for a talisman to injure a heavenly peak by surprise!

Only then did Duan Liang feel the momentum of Zhu Yi's fire ability, and he felt a little bit in his heart, feeling that things were a little tricky!
The opponent is also at the peak of the sky!

Zhu Yi was by Yang Fan's side, so Duan Liangcai only thought that the aura was exuded by Yang Fan.

When he was about to speak, Zhu Yi spoke first.

"You don't seem to say what price you will pay if you lose?"

Zhu Yi's voice was very cold, and the way this guy looked at them made her very upset!
(End of this chapter)

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