Take the game to the city

Chapter 314 Apology

Chapter 314 Apologizing (Two in One)

The shortcoming of Yang Sihai's intelligence network is that its coverage is only limited to the world of ordinary people and warriors, and does not involve the world of supernatural beings at all.

After all, there is usually a huge gap between the world of warriors and the world of supernatural beings. Ordinary warriors can't communicate with supernatural beings at all, because supernatural beings look down on warriors at all, they don't care!

As for ordinary people, let alone, there is a real natural barrier between them and supernatural beings.

It is also because of this that Yang Fan didn't know when his sister was forced to marry by the Zhou family!
Although Yang Fan's ignorance was due to various factors, it was generally because the intelligence system was not in place.

This time Yang Fan intends to go to a different space, and one of the reasons is to find a way for dancers and even ordinary people to quickly awaken their abilities.

Even if there is no way to quickly awaken people's abilities, but if the strange beasts and monsters in the different space and the things that may exist in the entire space are as Yang Fan guessed, then he believes that this trip to the different space will inevitably There are different harvests!

But here, Yang Fan massaged Yang Keke's feet, pinching and pinching, but found that the girl hadn't moved.

He looked at his sister funny, and found that her beautiful eyes were closed, as if she was asleep!
He shook his head slightly, carried his sister up to the head of the bed, covered the quilt, and quietly exited her room.

Yang Fan knew that the impact on her sister was still very big today, but this girl likes to hide these negative emotions, so she doesn't care so much.

Back in his room, Yang Fan glanced at Madoka who was still slumped on the ground, and knew that this guy was still evolving.

Because although it looks weak, its overall momentum is getting stronger and stronger. I believe that its evolution will be completed in the past few days.

He planned to take Madoka to a different dimension. After all, there were too many of them. After Madoka's evolution was completed, she would definitely be "king level", a rare combat power.

Fortunately, it was Yang Fan who arranged a formation around Xiaoyuan that could hide its aura, otherwise, with such a violent aura on Xiaoyuan's body, I'm afraid everyone in the area would be frightened!
The next day, Yang Fan and Yang Keke greeted Zhu Yi, and were going to go out alone to find a secluded place to refine the "Natal Flying Sword".

Yang Keke and Zhu Yi were very sensible and did not propose to go with Yang Fan. They keenly felt that this matter was very important to Yang Fan, and they would not be able to help him if they went, but would become a burden instead.

Of the two girls, one is a close relative and the other has a contract with him, so Yang Fan can tell them generously.

In terms of seclusion, the original "Boundary Stone" space is the most suitable, but this space can almost be said to be a law of its own, and because it is a temporary space, the power of the law is not perfect, and it cannot help Yang Fan to condense "Natal Flying Sword".

And just when Yang Fan was about to go out, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

With a sweep of Yang Fan's mental strength, he knew that there were four people at the door.

A Xuanyuan Dragon Guard, the head of a dragon.

Yang Fan doesn't know someone with extraordinary bearing and extraordinary strength, but he can guess that being able to come with Longshou must be a difficult identity.

Then after the two, there was a middle-aged man whose strength was lower than Long Shou and another man with extraordinary bearing, and beside this middle-aged man was a young man.

This young man is Duan Liangcai!

Yang Fan "saw" a few people, and already had a vague guess in his heart.

Yang Keke and Zhu Yi were originally wearing pajamas at home, but when they knew a few men were coming outside the door, they immediately ran back to the room to change.

After the two of them went back to the room and closed the door, Yang Fan leisurely walked to the door and opened it.

Long Shou stood side by side with another handsome man at the door, Yang Fan looked at Long Shou and casually greeted him, "So it's Long Shou, really a distinguished guest, welcome!"

After Yang Fan said hello, he turned around and walked inside.

The man next to Longshou is the president of the Supernatural Association, Ximen Lang.

Ximen Lang frowned.

He saw Yang Fan talking to Longshou in such a lazy manner, and now he walked in without asking them to enter the house, it was so rude!

Then he looked at the dragon head, but the dragon head just gave him a helpless smile.

Longshou naturally knew the reason why Yang Fan was indifferent to him, and one of the purposes of coming to Yang Fan this time was to explain that matter.

Yang Fan sat on the sofa leisurely, watching Long Shou and others come in with a calm expression.

"sit down!"

Yang Fan looked at several people and said lightly.

Long Shou sat on the sofa opposite Yang Fan with his expression unchanged, but Ximen Lang looked a little dissatisfied.

Behind Ximen Lang and Longshou, Duan Liangcai and his father stood.

Duan Liangcai's father is Duan Feng, and he looked at Yang Fan with surprise and uncertainty.

He has heard about Yang Fan's deeds, because he has a good personal relationship with Ximen Lang, and he is also a staunch supporter of Ximen Lang's camp in the Ability Association!
That's why he was able to get some secret stories about this young man named Yang Fan from Ximen Lang.

More recently, the destruction of the Zhou family is said to have something to do with this young man!
Of course, Duan Feng didn't believe it, the Zhou family was so powerful, it would be too shocking to say that it was all caused by this young over-the-top boy in one night!
In Duan Feng's view, behind this young man named Yang Fan, there must be a huge force supporting him, and the ultimate goal of this force is to destroy the Zhou family!
Because it is said that the Deng family got into trouble with the strong for no reason at the beginning, and finally led to their destruction, which was also related to this Yang Fan!

And the Deng family is the most loyal dog of the Zhou family. Anyone with a discerning eye knows what the purpose of the forces behind Yang Fan is in this move!
However, Yang Fan seemed so careless towards Longshou, even deliberate, but Longshou didn't show any signs of anger!

What's happening here?
Duan Feng now has some doubts that his original guess was wrong. He doesn't know whether Longshou made such a concession because of the forces behind Yang Fan or because of Yang Fan's own strength.

Similar to Duan Feng, Ximen Lang also felt that Longshou's speculation that Yang Fan wiped out the entire Zhou family by himself was very nonsense.

At the same time, he knows more about the Zhou family than Duan Feng!

In fact, many people have noticed the actions of the Zhou family a long time ago, but why do they still let them know that the Zhou family is plotting something wrong?

Because the Zhou family's hole cards are too terrifying!
Three rocket launchers that can reach eight times the speed of sound, and the equivalent is ten times that of conventional rocket launchers!
How many casualties would this kind of super weapon specially designed to deal with high-level supernatural beings cause if it fell into the world of ordinary people? !
And the Zhou family has many other very powerful weapons!

So it's not that they don't want to deal with Zhou's family, but they don't dare to throw a mouse!
What would happen if the Zhou family's super weapon fell on a person?

No one dared to imagine that scene!
Even if Yang Fan is powerful, if he dares to break into Zhou's house alone, all kinds of super weapons with terrifying power must be greeted him!

Ximen Langdai came here following Duan Feng, and it also meant to be a test.

As for Duan Feng coming here with his son Duan Liang, it was Duan Feng's own intention.

Duan Feng listened to his son Duan Liangcai telling how terrifying Yang Fan was with snot and tears. Although he didn't particularly believe it, he still brought Duan Liangcai here with the mentality that he would rather believe what he had than believe what he hadn't. .

Because he heard from his son that he wanted to retrieve Tianjing, he went to find Yang Fan himself.

As the pinnacle of heaven, Duan Feng's strength is beyond doubt, but this time he feels that he can't see through Yang Fan!
He couldn't see any strength characteristics of the opponent at all, as if what he saw in front of him was an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary!
That's why Duan Feng looked suspicious. After all, no matter how stupid his son was, he wouldn't tell such a lie about ordinary people. Besides, the fear in his son's eyes at the beginning was not fake. After so many years of experience, Duan Feng thought he still had a little sense.

Could it be that the opponent's strength has really reached a very high level?
But compared to this guess, Duan Feng is more willing to believe that there is a huge force behind Yang Fan!

Just when Duan Feng and Ximen Lang were trying to see something from Yang Fan, Long Shou suddenly spoke.

He looked at Yang Fan with an apologetic smile and said, "Xiao Fan, it was our fault that we didn't tell you about your sister in time, but it was more out of comprehensive considerations. Of course, this is also why we underestimated Zhou Yushu's madness." degree, but in any case, we still have to bear a large part of the responsibility!"

Long Shou's sudden apology not only shocked Duan Feng, but even Ximen Lang was very surprised!

Although Ximenlang knew the style of the dragon head and didn't have the airs of a so-called superior, he would not apologize casually!
He knew that although Long Shou was approachable, it didn't mean he had no principles.

On the contrary, Longshou is actually a very stubborn person, if it is not his problem, he will never apologize to death!

Otherwise, in fact, he could have adjusted his level to a higher level!

This time he is willing to take the initiative to apologize, probably because he really thinks that he is wrong!

And Duan Feng is thinking whether he heard it wrong!
The high-ranking dragon head would actually apologize to an unknown young man!

As for Duan Liangcai next to Duan Feng, he was even more horrified!
An existence like Longshou was out of reach for him!
It is said that although Longshou only has the strength of the peak of the sky level, if he really fights, even the existence beyond the sky level cannot beat him!
A long time ago, Longshou was actually at the peak of the sky level, but it is said that because of a little injury that year, his strength has been stagnant!
And it was such a legendary existence who actually apologized to Yang Fan!

Who is this Yang Fan?

Facing Longshou's apology, Yang Fan's expression remained unchanged.

He looked at Longshou calmly, and said lightly: "Longshou doesn't need to apologize. Speaking of which, I have to thank Longshou. If you still kept it from me before, I really couldn't make it to my sister and Zhou Yushu before they got married. Save her!"

Duan Feng and Ximen Lang were speechless when they heard Yang Fan's words.

They felt that Yang Fan was really arrogant, Long Shou had already apologized so sincerely, yet he was still really not salty!

This guy also looks too stingy, right?Although they knew that Longshou just didn't inform Yang Fan that his sister had an accident in time, but they knew that Yang Fan's sister was fine!
As such a great leader, Long Shou was willing to lay down his dignity and apologize to him as a small soldier. It was not easy, but this guy even dared to put on airs!
But since Long Capital didn't say anything, it's not easy for the two of them to interrupt.

"Xiaofan, we know that you are very talented. Because of this, we will hesitate again and again when we know that Zhou Yushu is persecuting your sister. We know that you love your sister very much. If you know that the Zhou family is persecuting you If your younger sister marries him, then you will definitely rush to the Zhou family to settle accounts with Zhou Yushu in a rage!"

"But this is not the result we want to see, because at that time we knew how terrifying the Zhou family is, and according to your impulsive personality, you may leave together forever, but after the Zhou family collapsed overnight, we You know, all of us were wrong!"

Having said that, Long Shou smiled wryly again and shook his head.

Yang Fan's expression remained unchanged when he heard Longshou's words, his face was calm, and he didn't speak.

Yang Fan didn't speak, and Long Shou also watched Yang Fan quietly. The scene was silent for a while.

At this moment, the doors of the two girls' rooms opened at the same time.

The two girls have already changed their clothes.

"elder brother!"

Standing at the door of the room, Yang Keke called out to Yang Fan playfully.

You then lived on the second floor. After Zhu Yi came down, the two girls walked up to Yang Fan.

The two girls are wearing simple clothes this time. They are both denim shorts, and their long white legs look very dazzling!
Yang Keke is wearing a pink short-sleeved T-shirt with cute double ponytails, looking youthful and energetic.

Zhu Yi was wearing red half-sleeves, with shawl and long hair, with a warm and outstanding temperament.

When the man saw the two girls appear, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes!
At the same time, after being amazed, surprise flashed in their eyes again!

Of course the surprise was aimed at Zhu Yi. Yang Keke, like Yang Fan, was not a supernatural being at all.

After all, it's hard not to attract attention for a girl who is a peak sky-level supernatural being!

The phenomenon of men being strong and women being weak is even more vividly displayed in the supernatural world. Except for some women who are very talented, the strength of most women is not as good as that of men.

That's why a few men were particularly surprised.

Of course, Yang Fanhe and Duan Liangcai were not included among these men!

After all, Duan Liangcai lost to Zhu Yi before!

Ximenlang couldn't help but glance at Yang Fan, secretly thinking that the other party's beauty is not shallow!
These two girls, regardless of appearance, figure or temperament.Even the strength belongs to the top ranks, which can be described as the best.

And he learned from Longshou that Yang Fan's younger sister has no blood relationship with him!
Surrounded by two superb beauties.And there is no blood relationship, Duan Feng thinks that he will definitely not be able to control it!
Zhu Yi and Yang Keke looked at Longshou and the others curiously, not knowing who they were.

(End of this chapter)

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