Take the game to the city

Chapter 317 Be a babysitter?

Chapter 317 Be a babysitter?
"As for the emperor level, the Temple of Destiny has not been formulated, because as far as we know, the highest level of abilities is the emperor level!"

"This person, if you talk about his name, you must not be familiar with it, but if you talk about his identity, I believe that not only China, but even most people in the world will have heard of it.

Because he belongs to Vatican, the pope! "

Speaking of this, Longshou's voice carried a hint of exclamation, but the strongest person in the world was outside the country, which also made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Yang Keke blinked, feeling that this division was somewhat familiar.

King class...

Isn't that what my brother told me before?
Is it a coincidence?
Yang Keke's current level is Wang level, which is what Yang Fan told her before. According to Yang Fan's words, it is more convenient to divide like this.

And Yang Fan frowned after Longshou said the grade division.

The division of strength levels in the "Temple of Destiny" is exactly the same as the division of strength levels in the game world!
This made Yang Fan have to doubt the relationship between the two!

After talking about the classification, Longshou turned the topic back again.

"One month later, it will be the day of the "world power contest" set by the Temple of Destiny. This time, these forces send the younger generation to practice. On the one hand, they want to find treasures that can improve their strength; Screen the candidates for the contest!"

Longshou said in a deep voice.

"Experience in a different space, the danger is self-evident. Although the overall strength of the younger generation sent by our Huaxia side is higher than that of those overseas, but because of this, our Huaxia side is more vulnerable to other forces. joint attack!"

"If we talk about fighting alone, our young geniuses in China are naturally not afraid of anything, but they are afraid that some shameless people abroad will use tricks and sneak attacks!"

"So according to Longshou's intention, let me go in and be their nanny?"

Yang Fan raised his eyebrows.

Hearing what Yang Fan said, Ximen Lang wanted to show disdain, but then thought of the Zhou family's collapse overnight, Yang Fan didn't seem to deny it, if he really did it, then...

Ximen Lang shivered a little and gave up the idea of ​​talking.

Regarding Yang Fan's words, Longshou shook his head and said: "There are too many dangers and unknowns in the different space. Although you are strong, I have never thought about letting you be a nanny. In the final analysis, this is for them after all." A kind of experience, the flowers in the greenhouse cannot grow!
I just hope that you can help them when they encounter irresistible danger, and you can just be a bystander for the rest of the time. "

Yang Fan was silent for a while and didn't immediately agree. Although he was going to a different space, his purpose was to initially explore whether this different space is related to the game world, and then to see if there are any good things by the way.

Based on this reason, he will inevitably step into the territory of some king-level monsters. The two girls, the younger sister and Zhu Yi, are strong in themselves, and with the addition of some powerful talismans he gave, even if they are in danger, they must Self-protection is more than enough, but if these people who come to experience are added, Yang Fan may not be able to protect himself.

Although among these geniuses, there must be some who can reach the king-level strength, but according to his previous guess, at the same level, these people will only be crushed by monsters!

It's okay to bring a lot of oil bottles, this is what Yang Fan is hesitant about.

But if he agrees, as a principled man, then Yang Fan will never abandon them, so Yang Fan is going to choose to refuse, because in Yang Fan's opinion, this trip of experience does not mean that he is completely indispensable, otherwise Huaxia How did you participate in the previous experience here?
Are you looking for a babysitter?Obviously impossible!
"Xiaofan, I hope you can participate in this different space experience, because some of your friends will also go!"

Although Longshou couldn't see the fluctuating expression on Yang Fan's face, he could guess a thing or two from Yang Fan's silent expression.

In fact, he still admires Yang Fan very much now. Whether it is Ji Xinyue, Zhu Ling, Xia Rou, or Liu Mian, Wang Gan is the arrogance of the world. It is difficult, but this Yang Fan has a lot to do with them!

For Long Shou, the current thinking has become more and more mysterious, more and more incomprehensible.

It's hard to imagine that an ordinary boy with a very simple and clear family background would undergo earth-shaking changes as if overnight a few months ago. I really don't know what kind of adventure he encountered at that time!
"I believe that Ji Xinyue, Zhu Ling and Liu Mian Wang will be very happy if they know that you will also go to a different space with them to practice!"

Long Shou's voice didn't fluctuate too much, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

But in fact, he knew in his heart that this news might not be so peaceful for Yang Fan.

Not to mention Liu Mian and Wang Gan, but just the two girls Ji Xinyue and Zhu Ling.

He heard that there seemed to be a complicated relationship between these two girls and Yang Fan!
This can barely be regarded as his trump card. After all, if it is what he heard, then Yang Fan knows that these people will also go to a dangerous different space to experience, and he probably won't sit idly by!

There is no way, mainly because Yang Fan gave him the feeling that he was too low-key, or lazy!

Leaving aside him, with his great courage, he created a Nuoda Wangting Group covering the entire province of H. Just talking about Zhonglin Health Care, which sold the Beauty Pill and Longevity Pill, Yang Fan also hid himself behind the scenes.

If it is said that it was because Zhu Ning Healthcare or Yang Fan himself was relatively weak, it is understandable that he chose to hide behind the scenes.

But after the establishment of Wang Ting Group, he could no longer choose to keep a low profile and go to the front stage, but in fact he didn't, and still chose to hide behind the scenes.

From this point, it can be seen that if he is annoying like this, he doesn't like trouble, and he is also lazy!

Let's just say that relying on Yang Fan's current tyrannical strength.

At this time, he could definitely attract a large number of followers to expand his network, but he still didn't!
Still choose to be so low-key!

For Longshou, Yang Fan is really special. He doesn't have a deep background, and he doesn't know how he can get resources to improve his abilities, and his own strength is still improving rapidly.

Long Shou still remembers that when he met him for the first time at school, Yang Fan could only draw with him at most. Although Yang Fan must have kept some hole cards back then, Long Shou was able to deduce Yang Fan's general strength. level.

But who would have imagined that Yang Fan, whose strength level could barely compete with the supernatural beings at the early stage of the heavenly level, could now destroy the Zhou family with many strong people and deep foundation overnight?
The speed at which this strength grows is really terrifying!
So now Yang Fan gives Longshou the feeling that he has everything, and presents a state of wanting nothing.

Now that I think about it, it seems that every shot Yang Fan made was out of necessity.

Whether it was the destruction of the Tiansha Gang at the beginning, or the unified integration of the gangs in the entire province of H later, and the current destruction of the Zhou family and the Dong family, it seems that it was because these people did not have the eyes to provoke people who were close to Yang Fan, or Yang Fan himself!

As for why he sold the Longevity Pill and even established the Wang Ting Group, Longshou has now figured it out.

It was nothing more than just getting a chance at that time, and I happened to be short of money!
Longshou believed very much that if Yang Fan hadn't been short of money and hadn't been provoked by those unscrupulous people, then he would probably continue to be so flat and low-key, even if he was very powerful!

Yang Fan glanced at Longshou, but didn't speak.

There is one thing that Longshou did not think wrongly, Yang Fan did have a relatively close relationship with Ji Xinyue and Zhu Ling!
The two of them can be said to have a deep affection for Yang Fan now, and this was caused by the sudden explosion of Yang Fan's charm attribute, and it is equivalent to binding, and now they can't do it even if they want to give up!

Maybe you will say that Yang Fan has learned the ancient spirit mystery technique now?Wouldn't it be enough to just erase their memory with a spiritual mystic technique?
This is a method, but please don't forget that even this ancient spirit mystery technique is given by the system mall, and Yang Fan's explosive charisma attribute can be said to be affected by the system, obviously Yang Fan cannot affect the system!

According to what the system elf Huahua said, this is a destiny!
So although Yang Fan didn't want to take the blame, he was indeed responsible for the result!
Therefore, when he heard that Ji Xinyue and Zhu Ling were going too, he knew that he had to go too!

No way, if it really has something to do with the game world as Yang Fan guessed, then this different space will definitely be in real crisis!
Even someone with Yang Fan's strength has to be careful and make adequate preparations. Even so, Yang Fan is not absolutely sure that he can withstand all dangers, let alone other people!
You must know that if the monsters in the game are really the ones, their strength will be terrifying!
As long as you know that even the weakest super chicken in the game has the ability to instantly kill an ordinary warrior, you will have a general idea!
Every monster in the game has skills, the more advanced the monster skills are, the more powerful they are!

So Yang Fan can't just watch a few girls face unknown dangers in a different dimension.

Well, of course there are Liu Mian and Wang Gan. After finally meeting someone who can suit their taste, wouldn't they be very lonely after they die! ?

Yang Fan is a lazy and casual person. To put it bluntly, he has no ambitions. He prefers to live a casual and peaceful life, but obviously God doesn't want him to be too idle.

Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn't seem to care about anything except his younger sister Yang Keke, but he actually has his own code of conduct and the bottom line of being a human being. He doesn't like to owe others too much, and he doesn't like others to owe himself too much.

He always felt that he owed Ji Xinyue and Zhu Ling. Although he didn't want to be too entangled in thinking about how to repay them all day long, he occasionally thought about trying to get rid of this state after he became stronger.

''When are you going to leave? ''

Yang Fan asked.

''Five days later! ''

Long Shou showed a smile and his tone was relaxed.

He knew he was right.

Yang Fan glanced at Longshou, why didn't he understand that he was just playing tricks.

Of course, it may not be accurate to talk about routines, but the other party must have gained some insight by telling the situation when he was about to refuse.

But Yang Fan is not afraid of Longshou guessing, not to mention that Longshou is just guessing, even if there is a compromise, Yang Fan doesn't care, after all, she is not a little girl, and there is no such thing as shyness.

So Yang Fan didn't explain anything, and ignored Long Shou's meaningful smile and Ximen Lang's curious eyes.

Longshou and the others left.

After all, his purpose of coming here has already been achieved, and Yang Fan is full of girls here except himself, so naturally he will not act like a light bulb here ignorantly.

After Longshou and others left, Yang Keke, who was sitting next to Yang Fan, blinked at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan looked at his sister amusedly, scratched her delicate nose with his fingers and said, "Why are you looking at my brother? I know I'm handsome, but if you look at me like that, I'll make you shy!"

Faced with Yang Fan's teasing, Yang Keke rolled his eyes: "Cut, it's stinky!"

Then, her complexion changed, and she said to Yang Fan with a serious face, "Brother, do you like sister Ji Xinyue or sister Zhu Ling? Or... both of them?"

Yang Fan looked at his sister's serious face for a while, then suddenly patted her on the head lightly!
"Silly girl, who told you?"

Yang Keke let out an "ah", covered his head, looked at Yang Fan dissatisfiedly with his mouth curled up, and said angrily, "Brother smelly, don't hit me on the head, you will become stupid!"

Then she went on to say: "Didn't Uncle Long just say that! You didn't deny it, otherwise you wouldn't have immediately agreed to go after hearing the news that they were going to a different space. I felt that you wanted to refuse!"

"Also, brother, you didn't tell me about the entanglement between the two sisters and you before!"

The more Yang Keke talked, the more wronged she became, and even her ruddy mouth pouted.

Yang Fan stroked his sister's hair, Yang Keke wanted to get away angrily, but hesitated for a while, and finally didn't move.

Yang Fan stroked his hair, smiled and said: "My brother has nothing to do with them. If we talk about contact, it's just that I saved Ji Xinyue and gave her a small gift on Zhu Ling's birthday. They're all heavenly girls, how could they be attracted to a dick like me?
Even if there is a sliver of goodwill because of this, it is only a sliver of goodwill! "

Speaking of this, Yang Fan suddenly remembered that the two girls seemed to have not been in touch for a long time.

"Hmph! Brother, just pretend, it's because you don't like the two older sisters!"

Yang Keke suppressed the inexplicable emotion in his heart, and snorted softly.

"Yes, yes, brother, I am a man like a god. How could I be attracted to those vulgar fans? Only a fairy-like girl like Ke Ke is worthy of me!"

With a smile on the corner of Yang Fan's mouth, he said like coaxing a child.

(End of this chapter)

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