Take the game to the city

Chapter 323 The Story of the Holy Land

Chapter 323 The Story of the Holy Land
An extremely violent breath spread from the light cocoon.

Yang Keke's eyes froze, and her body was slightly nervous. Now the threat posed by the light cocoon is getting bigger and bigger!


Soon, the light cocoon was completely broken, the bloody light was dazzling, and the berserk energy reverberated in the room, setting off a violent storm!

Yang Fan and Yang Keke were in the center of the storm, but they had a layer of energy protection around them, and even the corners of their clothes were not blown.

Yang Keke stared at the red light tightly without saying a word, while Yang Fan's face was calm. It was obvious that although Xiaoyuan was powerful, it was not enough to shock him.


A very huge figure loomed from the red light and let out a long howl!
The bloody red light became brighter, and the ferocious and violent aura became stronger, making the entire formation tremble violently!
But it's just trembling.

Seeing this, Yang Fan's face was still calm, and he thought to himself: "Fortunately, I had expected to get the "Five-Rank" formation map, otherwise the house would have been destroyed!"

Xiaoyuan broke through the prince, with a huge momentum, but with the pressure of the fifth-rank formation, the breath did not leak in the end.

Naturally, Yang Fan doesn't have the ability to arrange the fifth rank for the time being. He bought the array map in a real store.


Outside the house, in the sky, the sky was covered by dark clouds. It was strange that there was bloody brilliance mixed in the dark clouds, giving people a vicious feeling.

The blood-colored dark clouds stretched for thousands of miles, with no end in sight. In the dark clouds, thunder roared, lightning flashed, and the frightening power of heaven unreservedly radiated.

Liu family.

As a top wealthy family, the Liu family has a luxurious residence.

In an antique courtyard, an old man with his hands behind his back is looking at the sky solemnly.

He has a childlike face and white hair, and he doesn't look like he is ninety years old.

He is the previous head of the Liu family, Liu Hong!

Among the five great families, his strength is second only to that of the Ji family.


This is the existence that many supernatural beings can only look up to throughout their lives!
As a genius in that chaotic era, he brought the Liu family to its current position step by step by virtue of his powerful means and powerful abilities.

At this time, he looked at the sky and muttered to himself: "It turned out to be a bloody cloud. It seems that another fierce beast has been born! And this fierce beast can trigger such a huge bloody cloud, which is simply unheard of!"

He had seen the birth of a ferocious beast back then, but the largest cloud of blood it caused could only cover a city. Even so, the ferocious beast also caused a large number of casualties. In the end, Huaxia dispatched more than a dozen heaven-level masters to subdue it .

"Is this world in troubled times again..."

The old man looked deeply at the bloody cloud in the sky, and sighed in his heart.

This cloud of evil blood is almost boundless and full of hostility, and it is extremely difficult to track it down, otherwise he would never stand by and watch!
He believed the rest of the old fellows were the same way.

"It's probably in that wild land again..."

Before the death of the Holy Emperor, the order of the heaven and the earth was disordered, and he naturally noticed it, otherwise he would not come out now.

"Grandpa, drink tea."

Liu Mian, who was dressed in white, was handsome and handsome, and said to Liu Hong with a warm smile.

At the same time, put the brewed tea in front of Liu Hong.

Liu Hong had been in seclusion before, so when he came out this time, Liu Mian naturally wanted to get together with his grandfather.

The two sat opposite each other at a marble table, with a game of chess between them.

Liu Hong withdrew his gaze, looked at Liu Mian and smiled lightly, and the heaviness in his heart was swept away.

He is very satisfied with his grandson, who is brilliant, extremely intelligent, and very calm in dealing with things. He is a real genius!

Of course, not only Liu Mian, but other places are also producing geniuses, which makes Liu Hong very gratified.

Now that the younger generation has grown up, no matter what the future looks like, they must be able to shoulder those responsibilities.

"I heard that you are going to Wujian Mountain in a few days?"

Liu Hong took a sip of tea and said to Liu Mian.

"Yes, Grandpa."

Liu Mian replied calmly.

"It's good to go to practice for a while. Competing with others is usually a small matter after all. Only in that dangerous place can you really grow. Be careful in everything!"

"I will, Grandpa!"

After a while, Liu Hong put down the teacup, looked at Liu Mian and said, "Mian'er, I heard that there will be people from the Holy Land participating in the training with you this time, right?"

"That's right, this is what Longshou told me, so it shouldn't be wrong."

Liu Mian replied.

"Is the person from the Holy Land finally born now..."

Liu Hong looked into the distance, thinking to himself.

Liu Mian remained silent, looking at the old man thoughtfully.

"Holy Land" is just a legend in the supernatural world.

Legend has it that there are five holy places in China, "Three Mountains and Two Islands", which have always been indisputable and unknown to the world.

70 years ago, there was a war of supernatural beings. Alien supernatural beings coveted China's rich resources and invaded on a large scale. In times of crisis, the Holy Land was born, united with Chinese supernatural beings to defeat foreign supernatural beings, and then retired again.

This retreat has not been born for decades.

Legend has it that the Holy Land exists to protect China.

Legend has it that the holy land is extremely rich in resources, and even the odd jobs in the sect are all supernatural beings.

Many people admired the Holy Land and wanted to find it, but no one ever found it. Later, the Holy Land became a legend.

The Holy Land seems to be born only when China is in crisis, but it seems that it does not fit their style when it is born now. Why?

"Madoka seems to be cuter!"

Yang Keke looked at Xiaoyuan who was squatting on the ground, his eyes were shining brightly, almost being turned into a bud by Xiaoyuan!

At this time, the queen monkey has entered the "prince" state, and its skin looks more pink and tender. It blinked its big eyes and scratched its head. This gesture, not to mention Yang Keke, even Yang Fan was almost attracted by this little guy .

Except for Yang Fan, no one would have thought that although Xiao Yuan looked cuter, she was actually more vicious!
"Brother, I'm going to sleep with Xiaoyuan tonight!"

Yang Keke hugged Xiaoyuan into her arms, pouted and said to Yang Fan.

At this moment, under Xiaoyuan's cute appearance, she forgot all about the ferocious aura and powerful beast.

Of course, she actually understands better that this is her brother's pet, and as her brother's closest relative, she will never be hurt!

Xiaoyuan bared her teeth at Yang Fan in Yang Keke's plump arms, looking very happy.

The movements on the faces of ordinary monkeys are not cute, but on Madoka's face, they are full of cuteness.

Yang Keke couldn't help but kissed it on the forehead.

Yang Fan couldn't help but smile seeing Xiaoyuan's proud expression.

"This goofy monkey!"

In the next few days, Zhu Yi has been proficient in his newly acquired power, and Yang Fan is also familiar with Potianjian.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was time to leave.

Yang Fan and the others tidied up a bit, and then went out in light clothes.

After all, the three of them now have space to store equipment, and everything they need can be stuffed inside.

Yang Fan and Long Shou met at the Beijing Airport at the agreed place.

(End of this chapter)

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