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Chapter 340 The Power of Thick Earth

Chapter 340 The Power of Thick Earth
Under Wen Kai's incomparably violent offensive, Shangguan Qingyun was still very calm and resisted calmly.


The energy collided, and the ripples produced radiated in all directions, tearing apart the nearby trees, causing the trees in the distance to shake uncontrollably.

The surrounding onlookers were also photographed by the power of the collision between the two, and were not allowed to retreat.

Shangguan Qingyun backed away from Wen Kai's berserk black light. He stabilized his figure in the air, but he didn't look embarrassed.

He stared at Wen Kai closely, with undiminished arrogance on his face, and more fighting spirit in his eyes!

Wen Kai was surrounded by black and sharp lights, like a demon god, looking at Shangguan Qingyun with madness in his eyes.

"To be able to block my offensive for so long, it seems that I underestimated you!"

Wen Kai's hoarse voice sounded.

"Hmph! I overestimated you,"

Shangguan Qingyun showed disdain.

Wen Kai's face became even more ferocious when he heard this, and he said with a sinister smile, "Jie Jie! I'm stronger than you can imagine, don't worry, I won't let you die too comfortably!"

After all, Wen Kai's black radiance swelled again, looking from a distance, it looked like a black hole that could swallow people up, which made people frightened!

Shangguan Qingyun's pupils shrank slightly, and the aura of the westerner on the opposite side was still growing. It can be said that the opponent at this time is infinitely close to the powerful emperor!

But he was fearless, the light of the law of elements on his body also skyrocketed, and the red lotus guardian color behind him was even darker!


The two collided again, and the red flames and black rays of light continued to intersect. The storm of terrifying elements generated by the collision swept around, causing many low-strength supernatural beings to hide their faces and retreat.

"Lord Wen Kai is so powerful, he deserves to be on the leaderboard!"

"Master Wen Kai is the pride of our China-Europe Ability Association. Any genius in the Chinese Ability World is a hot chicken in front of him, haha!"

"However, the young man who is fighting Lord Wen Kai is not easy. He is actually a strong man in the middle stage of a prince!"

"So what about the middle period of a prince, we can only fail miserably in front of our lord Wen Kai!"



Wen Kai's body was black and sharp, and suddenly he transformed into a big sword, and slashed at Shangguan Qingyun.

Shangguan Qingyun's face changed completely, and her figure changed instantly, unexpectedly appearing on the ground from mid-air inconceivably!
Yang Fan raised his brows, he could see that this was not the legendary space teleportation ability, but even though it wasn't, it must have the same origin.

"Should I also buy a space skill book for fun? Although tens of billions of gold coins is a bit expensive, it can still be done by saving it!"

Of course, the point is that Yang Fan thinks the spatial skills are quite interesting.

However, he still has a lot of trouble buying skill books now, and the gold coins in the mall are only a few hundred million.

Although Wen Kai was a little surprised by Shangguan Qingyun's ability, he didn't care, and directly raised the black sword and rushed towards Shangguan Qingyun again.

But the next moment, Shangguan Qingyun stomped his feet lightly, and then countless gray earth-type rays of light rose from under his feet, forming a shield.

Wen Kai's black big sword slashed at it, causing the earth shield to shake violently. The terrifying energy generated by the prince's peak blow radiated far away, but it did not break after all.

"Thick soil is only strong?"

Yang Fan looked at the gray shield with great interest, a little surprised at Shangguan Qingyun's talent.

The power of the thick soil is the most powerful existence among the elements of the earth element. It can be said that as long as you step on the ground, the power will be endless!
Even, because you are connected to the leylines of the earth, your own defense will reach an extremely abnormal level, which is even worse than a turtle shell!
"No, this is not a complete power of the earth, it can only be regarded as a prototype at most."

But even if it's just a prototype, it's surprising.

You must know that this Shangguan Qingyun is still carrying such a perverted fire as Honglian Yehuo!
"Possessing two abnormal abilities at the same time, this guy's fortune is very unusual..."

Yang Fan secretly sighed.

The other two and even everyone in the Holy Land looked solemn.

They put themselves in their shoes and thought, if they were Shangguan Qingyun, would they be able to withstand Wen Kai's black sword?

The answer is not optimistic.

Because this is a blow from the peak of the prince, how terrifying its power is!
Of course, everything would be different if the hole cards exploded.

Wen Kai didn't really display his peak princely strength.

Yang Fan can confirm.

First, after all, it is a force forcibly promoted, and to a certain extent, it is not his own.

Second, his strength fluctuated during the fight with Shangguan Qingyun, which is a sign of lack of control.

If he was given a period of time, he would be able to grasp all the power very quickly, but obviously, what Wen Kai lacked was precisely time.

Shangguan Qingyun naturally also sensed Wen Kai's flaw in forcibly increasing his strength, so he landed on the ground and used the power of thick soil to resist, which also meant to consume the opponent's strength.

Everyone knew it, and Wen Kai probably knew it too, but obviously he didn't care.

Seeing that the black sword could not break through Shangguan Qingyun's shield, Wen Kai's eyes became more fierce, and a ferocious arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Open it for me!"

Behind Wen Kai, the ghost dog's scarlet eyes glowed fiercely, and it suddenly opened its bloody mouth and let out a roar!


Then, the Nether Dog actually moved!

It came to the shield, Yang Qi's sharp claws slapped it fiercely at the shield!


In Shangguan Qingyun's slightly stunned eyes, the shield instantly shattered like glass!
Guard attack!

This is the ability only a powerful emperor possesses!
But the next moment, Shangguan Qingyun's figure disappeared again!

Sensing the powerful energy behind him, Wen Kai didn't even turn his head. His ghost dog appeared behind him instantly and directly blocked Shangguan Qingyun's sneak attack.

Wen Kai turned around, with anger in his ferocious eyes.

In his opinion, since he is so powerful now, it is a matter of minutes to deal with Shangguan Qingyun, but it has been delayed for so long!

At this moment, he regained consciousness slightly, knowing that the time to maintain his power is running out, especially after using the protection, the time will be even shorter.

"It must be resolved as soon as possible!"

Wen Kai thought gloomyly.

"I wanted to play with you again, but I'm impatient now!"

"So, you can die!"

Wen Kai's hoarse figure exudes a shocking coldness.

After all, the three heads of the ghost dog behind him raised their heads to the sky and screamed, and then they merged into his body!
"Exactly, I think it's almost the same!"

Shangguan Qingyun smiled lightly, the arrogance on his face undiminished.

I saw the red lotus guardian shaking behind him, but it appeared directly at his feet. His clothes fluttered, his appearance was handsome, and he stepped on the lotus flower, just like the legendary lotus boy.

Wenkai's ghost dog guardian merged into her body, her aura surged again, her evil and cold aura became overwhelming, and even the sky and the earth seemed to turn black.

Shangguan Qingyun was unmoved, countless small crimson lotus flowers suddenly appeared around him, and then the lotus flowers spread out, producing many lotus leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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