Chapter 344
The black-scaled leopard lying on the ground is not dead, but it is obviously almost the same, only the belly is constantly floating.

All the geniuses present were well-informed, and although they were not dumbfounded by Zhu Yi's plainly described moves, they were extremely surprised.

Liu Mian Wang Gan and Ji Xinyue are fine. After all, for them, as long as Yang Fan is involved, anything seems possible.

But when they saw Zhu Yi in a beautiful fiery red dress, the eyes of the two women still fluctuated a little, and then they focused their eyes on Yang Fan at the same time.

But it is different for the three people in the Holy Land. You must know that the black-scaled leopard is a rare beast in the middle stage of the prince. They are fighting alone. Even if they can kill the black-scaled leopard, they must pay a certain price. Yi is such a light description!

And the next moment, after feeling Zhu Yi's aura, the three of them suddenly realized.

In the middle of the princely period!

It turned out that this girl who had been acting ordinary before turned out to be a strong man in the middle of the princely period!
At this time, Zhu Yi saw that everyone's eyes were focused on her, and she seemed a little unnatural. She took a step back and returned to Yang Fan, not as indifferent as when she defeated the black scaled leopard.

Zhu Yi was still wearing a fiery red wide-sleeved long dress, her long black hair reached her waist, and her face, which appeared more refined after transformation, was slightly flushed at this time. She lowered her eyebrows and glanced carefully at Yang Fan.

Shangguan Qingyun looked at Zhu Yi at this moment, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

At this time, her powerful aura in the middle period of a prince was unreservedly displayed, and against this background, her temperament appeared extremely outstanding.

Then, he frowned slightly, because he suddenly couldn't remember the girl's name!
It's no wonder that he didn't pay attention to Zhu Yi when Longshou introduced her before, after all, Zhu Yi's aura was completely hidden when he was not transformed.

It was even the unique temperament of Ji Xinyue and Zhu Ling that made him pay attention a little bit. After all, it was okay, he paid attention to what women were doing, and he didn't look for a partner.

"Fate is really unpredictable, such a beautiful woman, I didn't find out until now!"

He found he had found the right man.

He also thought that Zhu Yi was Yang Fan's woman before, but after seeing Zhu Yi's strength, he knew that this girl would never be Yang Fan's woman. A strong man who reached the princely level would never find an ordinary person. Even if this ordinary person has a deep background.

In the supernatural world, strength is the most important thing. No matter how noble your status is, no one will think highly of you if you have no strength.

"The middle period of princes! Miss Zhu Yi, you really hide it too deeply. I, Tuoba Gui, know myself to be a brilliant person, but today I found out that I am too proud!"

Tuoba Gui said to Zhu Yi with a wry smile.

It has to be said that Tuobagui looks very good, even with a wry smile, he shows a different kind of demeanor, but in the scene where all the women's thoughts are already hanging on someone, it's useless for him to have demeanor.

"This bitch turned out to be a strong middle-stage prince! I really misjudged her, I always thought she was that useless woman!"

Wei Songyou stared at Yang Fan in shock and jealousy, and at the same time communicated with Ling Yu beside him.

"I've never heard of such a character in the supernatural world!"

Ling Yu's voice transmission was cold, and he also stared closely at Yang Fan.

The two finally understood that it was no wonder that Yang Fan dared to barge in. It turned out that there was such a strong person guarding him.

However, it is reasonable to say that a family that can be guarded by such a strong person cannot be unknown, but they, as the geniuses of the two supernatural families in the north and the south, have never heard of the "Yang family" family at all!
"This bitch must belong to the Ability Association, and that trash surnamed Yang can't possibly be a child of a powerful clan!"

Wei Song's face was extremely gloomy, and he almost gritted his teeth to send a voice transmission to Ling Yu.

But in fact, he also knew that this was just to comfort himself.

He also wanted to find a chance to take possession of both girls around Yang Fan!

At this moment, Wei Song narrowed his eyes, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes!

It turned out that just now, Yang Fan suddenly looked back at him!
Yang Fan's face was very calm, his eyes were deep, and it seemed to others that he just casually glanced back, but only Wei Song knew that Yang Fan was looking at him!

Although Yang Fan didn't show any expression, Wei Song felt that he was provocative!
"This trash, dare to provoke me!"

Wei Song's face was gloomy, as if water would drip out!
Yang Fan's six senses are so keen now, he can naturally feel the gaze and hostility from Wei Song and even Ling Yu.

These two things are kind of annoying...

Yang Fan's eyes became deeper.

Although Wei Song and the others didn't make any actual provocative actions, they used their eyes to provoke him again and again. Now he certainly doesn't care about other people's eyes and opinions, and acts rashly, but he is not good either. Temper, the opponent's several provocations also made him very upset.

At this time, Shangguan Qingyun spoke.

"Miss Zhu Yi, my servant, Shangguan Qingyun, is a teacher of the holy land of Buzhou Mountain. Dare I ask where the girl is from?"

Shangguan Qingyun naturally does not believe that Zhu Yi is purely Yang Fan's guard. After all, a prince-level powerhouse is not a Chinese cabbage. Can't get one out.

He was more willing to believe that Zhu Yi was trained by a genius from a certain holy place, rather than belonging to Yang Fan's family.

At this time, Shangguan Qingyun's smile was extraordinarily graceful, enough to fascinate a large number of nympho girls, but Zhu Yi didn't like it.

Although she was famous as a "female tyrannosaurus" in the school before, she never lacked suitors.

Well, before throwing some teenager out.

So she could understand Shangguan Qingyun's fiery eyes, but now she didn't fluctuate at all when facing even the dazzling Shangguan Qingyun, her whole heart was already occupied by someone one afternoon.

Liu Mian Wang Gan, including Zhu Yi and Zhu Ling, looked at Shangguan Qingyun strangely at this time, and dragged the ancient prose, saying what time it is now, and there are very few people who compose the ancient prose. Don't mention how strange it was for me to speak classical Chinese years ago!

In fact, not only Shangguan Qingyun, but also the three people in the Holy Land were actually speaking ancient Chinese, but they didn't pay attention to it before, and their attention was focused on the powerful strength of the three in the Holy Land.

But in a blink of an eye, they began to worry about Yang Fan again. They knew that Zhu Yi had an unclear relationship with Yang Fan in school, although it was more likely that Zhu Yi was pursuing Yang Fan unilaterally.

It would be okay if Shangguan Qingyun only pursued Zhu Yi with grace, but I was afraid that if Zhu Yi disagreed, Shangguan Qingyun would rob him or force Yang Fan to persuade Zhu Yi.

In fact, they didn't know the three people in Holy Land, so they were very sure whether they would do such a dark thing, after all, the possessive desire in Shangguan Qingyun's eyes was particularly strong.

If Yang Fan doesn't give in, he will probably suffer a loss.

Up to now, they still think that Yang Fan is backed by a certain powerful force, and his own strength is not strong.

But whether that force will confront the mysterious holy land for a girl is still unknown.

"I don't have a teacher."

Zhu Yi's tone was very flat.

She is not stupid, and the huge change in the attitude of the other party makes her very uncomfortable.

You were so proud before, but now you are so enthusiastic, you are too skilled at playing face changing!
(End of this chapter)

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