Chapter 357 The Return
The sky in Suzaku Territory has always been dark, but at this time everyone is in a good mood.

Yang Fan's face was indifferent, as if everything before had nothing to do with him.

In fact, he was quite curious about Zhuqueyu's situation, but there were so many people around him.So it's not a good design for exploration at the moment.

All the way back, the road was fairly calm, except for the occasional strange beasts, no one from Moshamen came out to stop them, as if they had all disappeared.

Yang Fan guessed that the plan to control Suzaku Jade should be directed by the Demon Dragon Venerable, and once the Demon Dragon Venerable died, the rest of the people would naturally leave without their backbone.

The abilities of Shangguan Jinyun and others have improved again. Yu Qingsan has been of great help to them. His control over the red lotus fire seems to have become more mature. Facing the strange beasts in the middle stage of princes, he can burn them with just a wave of his hand. clean.

The same goes for Tuobagui and Zhurenhan.

The ones who helped the most were Liu Mian, Wang Gan, Ji Xinyue, Zhu Ling and others. Liu Mian had already reached the peak of the sky, and it is estimated that as long as he worked harder, he would be able to break through the princes, and Ji Xinyue and Zhu Ling also reached the peak of the sky. reached the pinnacle of the sky.

Back to the outskirts of the forest, Yang Fan and others found that they did not meet people from other countries along the way, and they guessed that they had already left.

There is no difference between day and night in Suzaku Domain, and there seems to be a strange force field in the inner forest. Whether it is electronic products or mechanical tools, they have failed in it, and they still haven’t recovered after returning to the outer periphery, so they don’t know the time. How long has passed.

However, the Suzaku domain is only open for one month, so they are not worried that they will be closed because they stay in it for too long and cannot go back.

The entrance to Suzaku Domain.

Many national buildings are neatly arranged, and each house has a national flag of its own country on it.

Long Shou stood quietly at the entrance of the forest, looking at Shen Senlin with no expression on his face.

Behind him stood the team leaders of several countries, all of whom were secretly transmitting voices.

"Hey, Sival, several supernatural beings from Huaxia have been in there for 28 days and still haven't been seen. What do you think will happen?"

"Hehe, what else can happen, it must have been eaten by a ferocious beast."

Sival replied with a sneer.

The genius Wen Kai under him died at the hands of Shangguan Qingyun, and now she hated the Huaxia Banker to the bone.

Although people from many countries testified that Wen Kai was possessed by demons, in Sival's view, if it wasn't for the bullying by Chinese supernatural beings, how could Wen Kai be forced to join the demons?
"It would be good if all Chinese supernatural beings die inside!"

These national team leaders dare not say it in front of Longshou, but they have cursed countless times behind their backs!

The opening time of Suzaku Domain is one month, but according to the agreement, the people inside need to come out after 15 days. To some extent, it is also to prevent danger from staying inside for too long.

It has been 28 days today, and all the supernatural beings from other countries have returned except for those who have died.

Only these supernatural beings from Huaxia did not come back.

At this time, supernatural beings from many countries gathered outside their residences boredly, looking at the dragon head standing there with gloating faces.

In their opinion, those Chinese supernatural beings must not be able to come back.

Long Shou was expressionless, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

He heard the supernatural beings from other countries tell him that Yang Fan and the others had gone to the inner forest!

Inside the forest, that is an extremely dangerous and terrifying place!

Regarding this, Longshou was also helpless. He was sure that those people from the Holy Land brought others in. As geniuses, the people from the Holy Land had that confidence and pride.

"I hope they won't be in danger!"

Long Shou could only hope so.

At this moment, Longshou's eyes lit up, because he noticed several figures appeared at the entrance!
It's them!
Seeing Yang Fan and the others, Longshou breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressionless faces eased.

Seeing that everyone was just a little embarrassed, but there was no injury, and no one was even killed, Longshou felt even happier!

You must know that the supernatural beings from other countries will more or less lose their staff when they come out, and even those who survive will have varying degrees of disabilities.

Behind the dragon head, the team leaders from other countries were shocked when they saw Yang Fan and the others!
It is reasonable to say that the Huaxia Bankers went in, and it has been judged dead for so long. The reason why they did not leave was not only because the leader disagreed, but also because the supernatural beings from other countries were intimidated by the strength of the Huaxia Yi Energy Association. Oppose, but there are more times when you expect the dragon head to be slapped in the face.

The dragon head represents the Chinese supernatural world, and if the dragon head is slapped in the face, it means that the Chinese supernatural world is slapped in the face. This is definitely a welcome thing for them in the western supernatural world.

Therefore, because of this kind of thinking, all the Western supernatural beings did not leave.

But just like that, all the supernatural beings in Huaxia came back, and they came back intact!
You must know that they have entered a more dangerous and terrifying inner forest!

This can all come back intact, are they open?
Some supernatural beings complained wildly after being shocked, while others showed disdain.

"Hehe, no matter what other people think, I will not believe these Chinese supernatural beings anyway, but with mere heaven-level strength, entering the legend, it is difficult for a princely and powerful person to retreat from the inner circle of the forest without any damage. They must have pretended to go in and then ran out and hid somewhere without us noticing, and only now come out!"

The new generation of young western supernatural beings are not superstitious about the legends about the power of Chinese supernatural powers, they believe in their own strength even more.

"That's right! I don't believe it either!"

"Absolutely impossible!"


Just when everyone was excited, a voice came in faintly.

"I'm afraid you haven't noticed, each of them is not Huahao Wushui, but they just look a little embarrassed today."

Everyone was silent, and the scene was instantly embarrassing and scary. After all, every national team has different levels of downsizing, except for the newly released Chinese team of superhumans!
"I'm afraid you have forgotten how Wen Kai and the other idiots who challenged them died, right?"

Another voice cut in.

The crowd became even more silent, and many Western supernatural beings who had seen the scene of Shangguan Qingyun fighting Wen Kai swallowed quietly at the same time, their eyes flickering with fear.

At that time, Wen Kai's scream when he was burned by the fire, they probably would never forget it for the rest of their lives!
Too brutal, too terrifying!

Leaving aside this group of Western supernatural beings, Longshou was watching Yang Fan carefully.

Seeing that Yang Fan took the lead and came out, the others, including the three of Holy Land, followed Yang Fan consciously, as if Yang Fan was the leader of the team, a flash of clarity flashed in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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