Take the game to the city

Chapter 361 "The Royal Palace"

Chapter 361 "The Royal Palace" (two in one)

In the eyes of others, little loli is actually very characteristic.

Her speech was a bit intermittent, as if she seldom spoke, and she seemed very jerky, especially if you didn't look at her expressionless face, the words she said would feel very soft and cute, as if she was acting like a baby.

Just coupled with her expressionless delicate face, it gives people a special sense of cuteness.

The girls were filled with love in an instant. After all, the appearance of the little lolita is very lethal to girls who prefer beautiful things.

Even Yang Ke, who had a sense of crisis towards Little Lolita, felt relieved when he saw Little Lolita's cute look.

Even a few men have developed feelings of affection.

Yang Fan squinted his eyes, "Son of Destiny" is often called by NPCs in the game.

So he is still a little sensitive to this title.

But what does it matter to him?

It needs to be known that as long as it has something to do with "Destiny", it will definitely mean big trouble, even if he is often called "Son of Destiny".

Destiny is also fate, it is an established destiny, and it is a future controlled. He hates this kind of situation the most. It is not a good thing for little Lori to come to him on behalf of Destiny.

Of course, if it is for other people, I am afraid that I will go crazy with joy!
This is the destiny, but the will of God, what a lofty honor this is!

However, Yang Fan obviously doesn't care about these things.

Yang Fan looked at Little Lolita, thinking about what to use to trap her first, preferably for ten days and a half months.

There is no way, Yang Fan can't kill her, this appearance is indeed lethal, and the other party is not hostile, and on the contrary, it looks like an unowned pet begging for adoption, he really can't do it.

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party is to some extent the destiny, that is, the spokesperson of the will of the heavens. Killing the other party is against the heavens. He has not done that yet.

At this moment, Huahua, the system elf, suddenly ran out again, but this time she appeared in the form of an illusion, presumably because she was afraid of being bullied by Yang Fan.

"Host, take her away, she is not what you imagined, on the contrary, she is of great benefit to you!"

Huahua danced around Yang Fan in the air.

"Can't you condense entities? Why did you become like this again?"

Yang Fan didn't answer Hua Hua's words, but asked instead.


Huahua Feiwu froze for a moment, then rolled his eyes and said, "That form... Well, it has a cooling-off period, Huahua can't keep it forever!"

Yes, it is like that!

Huahua happily found a perfect reason for herself to like it.

Yang Fan smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

"Host host, hurry up and take her in. Aren't you a Lolicon? Taking her in is not only good for you, but you can do whatever you want at ordinary times, how wonderful!"

Yang Fan raised his eyelids: "Who told you I'm a lolicon?"

"Ah... your body is very honest, you obviously want to hug her..."

Seeing Yang Fan looking at her with a half-smile, Hua Hua couldn't continue.

She subconsciously moved further away from Yang Fan, then smiled and continued: "Huahua knows that you are afraid of trouble, but your identity is not the low-level identity of the Son of Destiny she thinks, but a more noble identity. In a sense, she is actually your servant, her will of destiny not only cannot have any influence on you, but can complement your power of destiny, and can give you great help in the future!"

"The power of destiny?"

Yang Fan looked at Huahua, this was another thing he had never heard of.

"I... Huahua can't talk about it now, you will know later!"

"Also, you can't trap her. She has a small amount of power of destiny, and to a certain extent, she belongs to the same source as you. She can break free from your shackles at will, and she has locked your breath. No matter where you are, she can find you!"

"Besides, her mind is extremely pure, and she won't cause you any unnecessary troubles at ordinary times. The most important thing is that she is very suitable for tuning~teaching, hee hee!"

After finishing speaking, Huahua immediately turned into a streamer and disappeared into Yang Fan's portable space.

Yang Fan didn't have time to get angry with Huahua, he just looked at little Lolita, his brows gradually frowned.

He cared more about his sister's attitude. Little Lolita was innocent, but if her sister didn't like her, then she would be troublesome.

How could he not have felt the slight nervousness shown by his sister when little Lolita first appeared.

Little Lolita still stared blankly at Yang Fan, and called out "Brother" softly, a trace of emotion appeared in her indifferent eyes for the first time.

At the same time, Yang Fan clearly felt that the aura on Little Lolita's body was slowly changing at the same time!

If the little Lolita's aura before was full of vigilance and alienation, and at the same time instinctively revealed the terrifying aura of a peak emperor, then now, the little Lolita's aura has become extremely gentle and soft, with attachment and intimacy.

The aura of the peak emperor also completely subsided, obviously she has completely determined who she is looking for.

Obviously, although little Lolita has a pure mind, she is still instinctively wary of other people.

The little lolita whose breath has changed has become more lovely and charming. Coupled with her petite body, even though her face is still expressionless, her lethality has doubled!
Yang Keke blinked her eyes, and felt that the faint sense of danger that the little loli in front of her gave her had disappeared, and there was also a kind of intimacy that she didn't understand.

Involuntarily, she tugged at Yang Fan's sleeve and said, "Brother, why don't we adopt her!"

The little loli who restrained her breath became completely harmless, and she was so delicate, beautiful and cute that almost no girl could resist.

Yang Fan looked at his sister, his brows stretched slightly, and he said: "This little girl looks very weak, but in fact, her power level has reached the peak of the emperor, and she is stronger than the average peak emperor. When we were in Suzaku The Demon Dragon Venerable I met in the inner circle of Yulin Forest is also a peak emperor, but this girl can crush him like an ant with only one finger."

"Does Keke still think she is harmless and weak?"

Yang Keke subconsciously bit her index finger and stared at her brother with wide eyes: "Is she so hot?"

"Well, far more powerful than you imagined."

Yang Fan said with a light smile, he felt that his younger sister was very cute at this time.

Liu Mian and the others behind him also looked at this little man in shock and vigilance, feeling that it is really wrong to judge people by their appearances.

Little Lolita clearly understood what Yang Fan said. Although she was still expressionless, she stared straight at Yang Fan, which still made people feel her grievance.

"Then... Is there a big brother?"

Yang Keke was also a little nervous.

"She is just a matter of one finger in front of brother."

Yang Fan answered lightly, and casually pretended to be an X in front of his sister.

Little Loli: "..."

"But...she doesn't look bad, does she?"

"Well, although she is strong, she has a pure mind and is not hostile to her. She will not hurt others."

Yang Fan replied.

But when he was talking, he saw Yang Keke went straight to the little loli and squatted down, and asked with a smile: "Little sister, hello, can you tell me what your name is?"

Yang Fan "..."

He still doesn't seem to understand his sister well enough...

Little Lolita glanced at Yang Fan, then said, "Lingling."

"Lingling, how about going home with your brothers and sisters?"

Yang Keke stared at Lingling without moving her eyes. She felt that the more she looked, the cuter she became. She must take her home!
Lingling looked at Yang Fan, although she was still expressionless, she still conveyed a timid longing.

"Brother~ Since Lingling won't hurt us casually, why don't you take her home? Anyway, even if there is a situation, she can't beat brother!"

Yang Keke returned to Yang Fan's side and took his hand to act like a baby.

"it is good."

"Oh, thank you bro!"

Yang Ke could see that his brother agreed, and excitedly took a sip of Yang Fan's face, and then hugged the little loli in his arms. Generally, a 90-year-old girl weighs more than 20 catties. Although Yang Keke's strength is different from before, he still I can feel it, but the little loli Lingling is so light that Yang Keke can hardly feel the weight.

Everyone returned to the bus again, and the bus started.

Little Lolita Lingling kept staring at Yang Fan, although her face was expressionless, she seemed to be able to express many emotions.

"Brother, why don't you hug her?"

Seeing Lingling's eyes, Yang Keke couldn't help but said to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan thought about it, and still took the little loli that his sister handed over.

The little loli is not only light and soft, but also has a refreshing fragrance, which does not have the milky fragrance of some little girls that Yang Fan imagined.

Little Lolita struggled to turn over and sat on Yang Fan's lap, looking straight at him.

"elder brother……"

The little loli called softly.


Yang Fan responded casually.

Then he let the little loli sit on his lap and stared at him, lowered his head and took out the mobile phone with the game "Primeval World" and entered the game.

Yang Ke could see Yang Fan's appearance, covered his mouth with his white hand and smiled secretly.

Knowing that Yang Fan is obviously not used to raising children.

Liu Mian, Ji Xinyue and others couldn't help but smile when they saw it. After all, Yang Fan's aura seemed to have suddenly become a lot fiercer since he came out of Zhuqueyu, and he was not as low-key and restrained as before.

Their feeling is that Yang Fan seems to be getting stronger!
At this time, seeing Yang Fan like this is also very interesting.

Ji Xinyue and the other three women's eyes are mostly looking at Lingling. After all, Lingling is so cute and delicate. Although there is no expression on his face, occasionally blinking or tilting his head can give people a cute feeling, which makes them feel cute. I really want to hug too!

In the game interface, the figure of Huahua who took out the mobile phone from Yang Fan still appeared immediately, and she said to Yang Fan: "Hehe, congratulations to the host, and another little loli!"

Before Huahua often checked and asked Yang Fan to turn on the computer and surf the Internet, he learned a lot of messy things, especially some Internet languages, which made Yang Fan often dumbfounded.

After the system upgrade, Huahua seemed to be able to understand what happened around Yang Fan without stepping out.

"The host must be wondering how Huahua can always know what's going on around you, right? Because as long as you close the entrance, Huahua won't know, and can't even come out at any time..."

When Huahua said this, she showed a pitiful expression.

The "entrance" Huahua mentioned is naturally the mobile game interface.

Yang Fan seldom closes the game now, because the phone can run all the time without running out of battery.

Yang Fan couldn't help but smile at Huahua's cute and pitiful appearance.

"Hmph, the host is really annoying!"

Seeing that Yang Fan seemed indifferent, Huahua circled around Yang Fan's game characters a few times angrily.

But at the next moment, she excitedly said to Yang Fan: "Host, do you know that each generation of Destiny Receivers has no feelings, and they are still very vigilant against people other than Destiny's Son, and will never let anyone Come close, although the Destiny Receiver Xing in front of you is in a newborn state, with a pure and innocent mind, but it is also not accessible to everyone!"

"Except for the beautiful and non-hostile young lady who can touch her a little bit when she is in a special state, anyone who touches her will cause her to react greatly!"

"And after she finds the Child of Destiny, no one except the Child of Destiny will be able to approach her!"

"And her generation of destiny guides, because you are a more noble owner of the power of destiny, the emperors and concubines who come to you can contact him at will! If you can contact her, your emperors and concubines can gain the power of ordinary people. The benefits that will never be imagined!"


Soon, the bus arrived at the airport.

Yang Fan put away the phone, but Lingling still stared at him blankly, he looked at his sister, but Yang Keke smiled and said: "Brother, you can just hold it, it can be seen that she likes you very much!"

In the end, Yang Fan got out of the car with little Lori Lingling in his arms.

He said to the little Lolita in his arms, "Don't look at me, I won't leave you behind, go to sleep."

Little Lori blinked expressionlessly, as if she was thinking about something, then nestled into Yang Fan's arms and closed her eyes.

Yang Keke and the others looked at Yang Fan in surprise, feeling that Little Lolita was too obedient.

The speed of the plane was very fast, and in less than two hours, everyone returned to the capital.

City Z, where Yang Fan's brother and sister rented out their house.

The originally slightly old building has completely changed its appearance at this time. The entire rental building was originally five stories high, and Yang Fan and his sister lived on the third floor, but now the whole building has become a three-story villa. One wall on the first floor was replaced with With transparent glass, a large floor-to-ceiling window on the front of the third floor is very conspicuous.

The entire villa is simple in color and very delicate.

There is also a large swimming pool in front of the villa, behind it is a large garden rockery, and there are walls around the entire villa.

Not far from the villa, the original clusters of rental buildings have disappeared, replaced by a park full of trees.

Originally, this place was slightly closer to the suburbs, but in the current era of high housing prices, even if it is only close to the urban housing prices, not to mention the Yang Fan brothers and sisters back then, even ordinary wealthy families cannot afford it.

At the beginning, only two aunts rented this place, otherwise Yang Fan and Yang Fan would not know where to live.

Now, no matter who sees this place, they can’t link it with the original rental buildings. Others who don’t know this place will only have one thought in their minds: Which rich person lives in this place?
The villa has a lot of space, and it is inside the villa at this time.

"You, you, have you wiped the table over there?"

"And you, there are fallen leaves at the door again, hurry up and sweep them! Today is the first time since the "Palace" was built, and our "King" comes back for the first time, so we must keep it absolutely clean!"

 Well, it seems that the protagonist's character design is too serious, and the little loli has no idea of ​​sitting in her arms, so it seems that the girls can only attack.

(End of this chapter)

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