Take the game to the city

Chapter 368 Eliminate hidden dangers

Chapter 368 Eliminate hidden dangers
The door is not a good place to catch up on the old days, Yang Fan and others decided to go in and talk about it.

Back at the villa, after several people sat down, Yang Fan looked at Ji Ranran and said, "Auntie, did you encounter something abroad?"


Ji Ranran was taken aback,
Some were surprised by Yang Fan's keenness.

But then he forced a smile and said: "It's nothing, it's just that a person is away from home abroad, and it's inevitable that he will miss home and miss you!"

Yang Fan was silent for a while, then smiled and said: "Yes, it's better to go home, Auntie won't go back now, right?"

Since Ji Ranran didn't want to say anything, Yang Fan didn't continue to ask.

Seeing Yang Fan's silence at the beginning, Ji Ranran felt a little nervous for some reason, but after Yang Fan spoke, the tension in her heart disappeared. Although she was a little strange, she didn't care.

"Yeah! I'm not leaving, my aunt is going to stay at your house, isn't Xiao Fanfan very happy?"

After all, Ji Ranran gave Yang Fan an extremely charming look.

Yang Fan laughed: "Of course I'm happy, the house just happened to be renovated, and there are more rooms for my aunt to live in."

Seeing Yang Fan talking about house renovation, Ji Ranran suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Xiao Fanfan, why do you have the money to decorate, no, this is not decoration, it is completely rebuilt here?!"

The more Ji Ranran thought about it, the more surprised she became, she finally realized what was wrong!

The Yang Fan brothers and sisters are just ordinary students and have no contact with other relatives. Where will the money come from to rebuild this place?

And this is an area, and it's a residential building!

How can these people move away without at least one billion yuan?
And this place can't be easily started without the approval of the above, okay?
At the same time, she looked at Yang Fan carefully, and found that Yang Fan was completely different from before!
When I first met Yang Fan, I thought it was just because I hadn't seen him for a long time, and because Yang Fan was an adult, it was normal for him to have a change in temperament, but now it seems that is not the case at all!

"Xiao Fan, I found that you seem to have changed!"

Ji Ranran didn't have the heart to flirt with Yang Fan anymore, even her address became normal.

"Yes, because I have experienced some things, I woke up and changed!"

Yang Fan said with a smile.

"What made you change so much, tell me!"

Ji Ranran became interested. You must know that after losing his parents, Yang Fan in the past became inferior and sensitive, taciturn, and his personality became a bit gloomy, and he also developed some feelings towards her that should not have arisen.

The reason why she left was, on the one hand, because she was going abroad, and on the other hand, it was also because she had sensed Yang Fan's feelings towards her that shouldn't have appeared.

Looking at the current Yang Fan, although he looks ordinary, but because he has been with Yang Fan day and night before, he can feel that he is not ordinary!
In fact, when she was outside, seeing a few gatekeepers who were obviously not ordinary people and a person whose aura made her feel a little scared, but seeing Yang Fan who was obviously very respectful could explain everything.

It's just that Ji Ranran was patronizing and molesting Yang Fan and Yang Fan's random words made her lose her composure before, which made her react now.

Seeing that Ji Ranran was very curious, Yang Fan didn't talk to Yang Keke, and said directly to Yang Keke, "Keke, let's let auntie see why the change happened!"


Yang Keke nodded, then put his hand gently on his heart, and slowly closed his eyes.

Ji Ranran looked at Yang Keke curiously, wondering what she was doing.

The next moment, her eyes widened!
I saw Yang Keke was enveloped by a burst of pure white light, the light was so holy that it made people worship him.

The little loli in Yang Fan's arms also looked at Yang Keke, wondering what she was thinking on her expressionless face.

The light only lasted for a few seconds, and when he saw Yang Keke again, Ji Ranran was shocked again!

At this time, Yang Keke had changed drastically. Her long black hair reached her waist like a waterfall, and she was wearing a pure white long skirt with a hem reaching to the ground, and the skirt was dotted with mysterious patterns.

The waist is tied with a white ribbon, which vividly shows Yang's graceful lines.

She wears a tiara, which is golden in color and extremely gorgeous.

She held a silver staff with a calm and holy face.

At this time, she was suspended in the air, her bare feet were crystal clear like jade, and she exuded a sacred and inviolable aura.


Ji Ranran was already speechless in surprise.

Is this still her familiar niece?

This person who seemed to be a fairy descended from the sky was so beautiful that she even felt a little ashamed of herself!
Yang Keke landed on the ground, looked at Ji Ranran, and smiled slightly, his beauty was beyond compare.

She belittled Qi Zhulip: "Auntie, this is why we changed!"

Her voice was soft and gentle at the moment, and it made people feel itchy to hear it, but she didn't dare to make any mistakes.

Ji Ranran couldn't help looking at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan smiled, and snapped his fingers casually, a mass of crimson flames formed instantly with the high temperature of the burning air, suspended beside him.


It's not that Ji Ranran has never seen miraculous things that subverted her worldview abroad, but she is temporarily unable to accept that the relatives she was most familiar with in the past suddenly possess such transcendent power!

Yang Fan's willingness to show his strength to Ji Ranran was considered.

Because he knew that since Ji Ranran had learned charm skills, he must have been exposed to this kind of supernatural power, and even Ji Ranran himself possessed this kind of supernatural power, which is charm skills.

It's just that the person who asked her to learn charm skills obviously didn't teach her how to use the power of charm, otherwise she would never have emitted such a huge but uncondensed charm power before.

Besides, Ji Ranran is obviously being used by some people, he is not going to let Ji Ranran leave, let her understand the power he has here, and also to let her integrate here as soon as possible.

After showing their strength, the Yang Fan brothers and sisters withdrew their strength.

Ji Ranran exhaled, brushed the hair on her forehead behind her ears, calmed down, looked at him and said angrily: "No wonder Xiao Fanfan is much more confident than before, so he has become a supernatural being!"

Seeing that Ji Ranran had experienced the initial surprise, Yang Ke immediately calmed down and guessed something in his heart.

"Auntie, can you tell me about your experience abroad now? Also, who asked you to practice charm skills?"

Yang Fan said.

Ji Ranran glanced at Yang Fan in surprise and said, "Xiao Fanfan, you know quite a lot!"

Yang Keke also turned her head to look at Yang Fan. She didn't know what the so-called "charm skills" were.

"The charm power is the power to control people's minds, especially the opposite sex. My aunt's charm power has not been practiced well. She released it randomly at our door before, and several Qilin guards almost fell for it."

Yang Fan patted his sister's head and explained.

These were what Lin Die'er said to Yang Fan through sound transmission before entering the door.


Yang Keke nodded half-understanding, and at the same time, a picture suddenly flashed in her mind, which she felt very familiar with, but she couldn't see it after thinking about it carefully.

Shaking her head helplessly, she didn't continue to think about it.

Then Ji Ranran talked about how she was fooled by a kind-looking, but very vicious old woman with magical abilities, and then she was imprisoned for cultivation. Her intentions came out, and she was directly threatened that if she didn't cultivate well, she would let her serve men every day. She had no choice but to practice hard, and at the same time behaved very honestly.

The cultivation process was naturally very painful for her.

Because you have to practice against men every day, and you have to practice so that the man is fascinated to pass the test.

Men are provided by old women.

But although she didn't do that directly with men, she had to use her charm skills to do a lot of provocative actions. She was a big girl, and she didn't even have a boyfriend, so she was made to flirt with men every day, so she was naturally very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, she has a strong talent for charm, and she only needs to make a few provocative moves to captivate the fascination of male fans.

Even in the final assessment, it was easy to pass.

Only then did she really escape from birth.

Yang Keke and others were very angry, and it would be better for Ji Ranran to comfort him instead.

"Brother, we must help my aunt teach that old woman a lesson!"

Yang Keke was still angry.


Yang Fan nodded. He would naturally go to the old woman. The other party seemed to have planted something different in her magic skills. Although she easily eliminated the hidden tricks, he naturally couldn't let it go.

"Oh, Xiao Fanfan, you seem to be very familiar with charm skills, so do you know how to get rid of them? My aunt is not good at practicing this kind of thing, okay? She still makes people make me feel like moving around all day~ asking for medicine Yes, you didn't see, on the way my aunt came back, there were no less than ten men who always followed me all the way, and they looked like they were in heat or something!"

Ji Ranran looked depressed, watching Yang Fan, Yang Keke and Zhu Yi couldn't help but smile.

"Hmph! Xiao Fanfan, you're still laughing! Believe it or not, I'll come to your bedside and lift your quilt at night!"

Ji Ranran was annoyed, threatening with threatening gestures.

"It's very simple to eliminate my aunt's charm."

Yang Fan said.

"Really? Hurry up! Hurry up!"

After hearing this, Ji Ranran immediately rushed to Yang Fan happily, knelt down on his lap, and shook his shoulder to urge him.

But seeing Yang Fan looking at her with a half-smile, she froze suddenly, looked at Yang Keke and Zhu Yi who were surprised, she smiled embarrassingly, got up in embarrassment, and sat back on the spot.

She forgot that it was not the past now, and there were other people around. In the past, she often molested Yang Fan regardless of gender, and even the molestation was done when Yang Fan was alone.

Although the little girl sitting next to her was expressionless, a sense of resentment still came out of her, and Yang Fan didn't even hug her!
"Auntie. Listen to me first."

Yang Fan didn't change his face, and continued to talk.

Yang Keke beside him inadvertently approached his elder brother, then very secretly stretched out his jade finger, and pinched it down fiercely!

But Yang Fan still didn't change his face.

I just heard him say: "It's very easy to eliminate the charm of my aunt, but the charm power on her body has been activated, so it can't be eliminated. Although my aunt will no longer become some men chasing after you when she goes to the streets, as long as she has been in contact with you, she will definitely get rid of it." You will never be forgotten!"

"How did this happen? What kind of charm power is activated? Why don't I know!"

Ji Ranran was a little annoyed.

Now she hates the so-called charm season of death, especially the disgusting process when the old woman abroad asked her to practice charm skills, which cast a shadow on her.

"You don't need to worry, Auntie. After removing the charm, it will actually benefit you a lot. For example, if you need help on the side of the road, you don't even need to ask, there will be many passers-by rushing to help you!"

"Come on, I don't care too much! Is it true that there is no way to completely eliminate this so-called charm?"

Ji Ranran wanted to struggle again.

"No, because my aunt is born with a charm, this is my innate ability, and it cannot be eliminated."

Ji Ranran: "..."

"Then why didn't I find out before?"

Ji Ranran was not reconciled.

"Because my aunt didn't meet the conditions to activate your talent before, generally speaking, it needs to be activated after my aunt gets married."

Yang Fan took a look at Ji Ranran, and was also a little puzzled.

After all, this is the only information that inexplicably appeared in his mind. Although there are monsters like "succubus" in the game world, he did not find any relevant information.

"The only way now is that my aunt can hide the charm aura on her body, and the level of charm art practiced by my aunt is too low, so she radiates the power of charm even more intensely. In fact, natural charm is undetectable. "

Seeing that Ji Ranran was still looking at him, Yang Fan smiled and continued: "I have a book of charm skills suitable for my aunt, which will not only allow my aunt to perfectly restrain her breath, but also make my aunt's charm skills go a step further!"

"Really, then let me practice quickly!"

Ji Ranran has no other demands now, as long as she can no longer emit that kind of aphrodisiac-like breath.

In the real store, Yang Fan exchanged [-] million reputation for an unrated book called "Charm". Of course, there is a reason why Yang Fan is willing to exchange [-] million reputation.

Although the price is about the same as the emperor-level items, but because the above description says that "non-weather fox charms cannot be cultivated"

Because of this sentence, Yang Fan decided to buy this book.

Then Yang Fan came to Ji Ranran and exchanged the "charm" book from the small reality store.

The "Charm" book was floating in Yang Fan's hand, but other people couldn't see it. They just looked at Yang Fanxu's hand curiously.

Then, Yang Fan put the "charm" book in his hand close to Ji Ranran's bright forehead, and the next moment, the "charm" book directly melted into her forehead.

Then, the charming power on Ji Ranran's body was quickly restrained, and then disappeared quickly.

Ji Ranran's ability to adapt is stronger than Yang Fan imagined. He adapted so quickly and learned to restrain his breath immediately. It can only be said that the "charm" book is indeed formulated for natural charms. Of course, it may also be that Ji Ranran really wants to The reason for the convergence of the breath.

The "charm" book was successfully cultivated, and Ji Ranran's previous low-level charm skills were directly eliminated.

After Ji Ranran got used to it, she excitedly took Yang Fan and others out for shopping.

Because Yang Fan also roughly told Ji Ranran about the situation of "Wang Ting" and other companies and their capital situation, Ji Ranran also knew that his nephew had become a big local tyrant, and immediately planned to kill the local tyrant.

(End of this chapter)

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