Take the game to the city

Chapter 370 Whereabouts of the Cullinan

Chapter 370 Whereabouts of the Cullinan (Two in One)

Along the way, Ji Ranran became a little silent for the first time.

He even glanced at Yang Fan occasionally, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Because she found that the current Yang Fan has become completely different from the Yang Fan in her impression, so different that it is very strange, even cute!

It's not just that Yang Fan owns supernatural power, but it's more aimed at other powers that Yang Fan has mastered!
How long did it take from meeting Zhao Lifei to when Yang Fan's subordinates came to them with the debt book?
I'm afraid it's less than half an hour!
How much energy does this need to have such terrifying efficiency?

Ji Ranran couldn't imagine it!
This even made her wonder if Yang Fan had wanted to target the Zhao family a long time ago, this time it was just a coincidence!

But is it really just a coincidence?
Ji Ranran couldn't help but look at Yang Fan and remained silent.

Facing Ji Ranran's vigilant and unfamiliar eyes, Yang Fan smiled and said: "Auntie, the reason I did it is because that Zhao Lifei had some bad thoughts about you in his heart, so in order to suppress this symptom, he can only let him never It has the ability to realize this sign again!"

"You... how do you know that Zhao Lifei has bad thoughts about me?"

Ji Ranran looked at Yang Fan suspiciously.

She has always been unable to see through Zhao Lifei, and it is precisely because she cannot see through that she needs to keep her at a respectful distance.

"I have the ability to perceive the other person's heart."

Yang Fan said.


Ji Ranran looked at Yang Fan in surprise.

Still have this ability? ?
Doesn't it mean that Yang Fan can't hide anything from his dream?
Ji Ranran hugged her shoulders subconsciously, looking at Yang Fan with even more vigilant eyes!
"Don't worry, I can't use this ability at any time, and I'm not interested in feeling the other person's heart when it's not necessary!"

Yang Fan had no choice but to explain.

Only then did Ji Ranran relax a little.

"Auntie, brother is angry because of you. If he didn't feel Zhao Lifei's bad thoughts, how could he treat Zhao Lifei like that!"

Ji Ranran thought so too, and the other party's previous reasons really made her very angry.

Ji Ranran's no longer angry also made Yang Fan feel relieved.

Soon a few people happily ended their shopping trip.

In the next few days, Yang Fan and the girls lived in harmony in the villa, especially after Ji Ranran came back, the whole villa seemed to be too lively, and the few people had a leisurely and happy time fighting and falling out.

During this period, Yang Fan exchanged the materials needed for the development of various companies in Wang Ting from the game and gave them to the managers of each company.

The entire Wang Ting's company started to operate, even Lin Die'er was too lazy to keep his feet on the ground.

Although there are not too many Wang Ting companies, after all, the scale of each company is not small, and she needs to coordinate many things during the period.

Only Yang Fan is still idle like a normal person, living a life of embracing left and right every day, oh no, it is a corrupt life surrounded by many beauties.

It made the managers other than Lin Die'er and Yi Yi really envious and jealous.

At the same time, the invitation letter from Buzhou Mountain where Shangguan Qingyun was located also arrived at the royal court, which surprised many managers. After all, the legend of the Holy Land, as long as it is a legend of the Holy Land, almost everyone has heard of it. The Holy Land can be connected online!
The most shocking thing is to count Guanli. After all, he is the person in charge of the management of the "Dian of Medicine King", and what Zhou Shan proposed to purchase is also a pill!

Although he had never heard of the elixir they requested, but thinking about it, he knew it must be because of Yang Fan, and Yang Fan must have what they needed!

This makes him happy!

"Guan Li, your Yao Wang Dian has a good face now, and your performance is so high. If Wang hands over the sales rights of Yuqing San to your company, then our other companies may never catch up with you!"

Lin Chuan said to Guan Li with envy and envy.

Although his "Tiangong Building" is also supported by Yang Fan, as a construction industry, it takes a certain amount of time to make profits, and it is basically a one-off kind.

It is not at all like pills, which can be sold as soon as they are basically produced, and they will pay back faster. They are still consumable items. Naturally, there is competition and comparison among the several companies in Wang Ting, and everyone has vanity.

Moreover, they are all talented people, and they all have their own pride. Seeing being compared by others is naturally uncomfortable.

After reaching their level, the psychology of asking for money is already very weak. After all, as managers, they all have certain shares, and every dividend is a huge amount of money, which is enough for them to spend a long time even if they are wanton. kind of.

So what they are looking for now is more fame, fame!
They even wanted to show their faces in front of Yang Fan and get Yang Fan's approval!
It is worth mentioning that after the first meeting, Yang Fan had established his position in the hearts of several people, so even the managers who were not Yang Fan's war slaves became very convinced of Yang Fan.

"Haha, thank you, but that Yuqing powder is dedicated to holy places, and my medicine king's hall may not necessarily call the king's name!"

Guan Li smiled and said.

"Tch! Come on, do you really think we don't know? Wang has already handed over the sales rights of Yuqing San to you Yaowangdian, and asked your Yaowangdian to connect with the people who came down from Buzhou Mountain to purchase pills!"

At this time, Xiaodao also interjected.

Although his Wulingwei Company is doing well now, it is still far inferior to Guanli's Yaowangdian!

Several of them are the managers of the royal court, and usually competition is competition, but that is just work. In terms of relationship, work and life must be separated.

Now the relationship between the few people has become much more harmonious after getting along for a period of time, especially after Guan Li was convinced by Yang Fan, he finally began to let go of his body and start to mingle with others.

Especially for Xiaodao, when he first came in, he looked down on Xiaodao, because Xiaodao was just a yellow-level ability user, which was too different from him, a sky-level ability user. Natural looking down can be said to be a normal and common phenomenon in the entire supernatural world.

It's just that after being convinced by Yang Fan, after getting along with Xiaodao for a while, he found that this guy is not simple at all!
You need to know that in the entire Wulingwei, except for Xuanwuwei, whose ability user level is similar to Xiaodao, the rest are higher than Xiaodao!

People with supernatural powers are all rebellious and unruly people. With power, it is normal to look down on other weaker ones. This is basically human nature.

What's more, among the five spirit guards, the most powerful Qilin guards are not even worse than him, but it's such a group of strong men, but they are subdued by the knife! !
What a powerful means it takes! ?
Even if he Guan Li was once the uncrowned king of the entire southeast region, he didn't have the confidence to subdue this group of people in such a short time!
It can be said that none of the managers of these companies is simple!

So he naturally let go of his figure.

Because of what Yang Fan provided, the business of Wang Ting's other companies also started to get better and better.

Ability Association.

Ximenlang and Longshou were drinking tea leisurely in a secluded courtyard.

Recently, the entire Huaxia supernatural world has been considered calm.

As for the family, because of the collapse of the Zhou family, the rest of the families, even those with Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, died down, and they dare not make any changes for the time being.

As the president of the Ability Association, Ximen Lang was able to drink tea here leisurely.

The same is true for the dragon head.

Because Xuanyuan Longwei is a law enforcer in the supernatural world, he will send dragon guards to suppress any supernatural beings who don't know how to jump around. Those who are capable have become very honest.

So the dragon head also temporarily idled.

"Brother Long, is what you said true?"

Ximen Lang looked at Longshou in surprise, with a look of disbelief.

"of course it's true!"

Long Shou took a sip of tea calmly and glanced at Ximen Lang at the same time.

"Heh! You are jealous of a few geniuses in my supernatural association, so you praise your little friend Longwei. In fact, you don't need to do this. I have never laughed at your Longwei! Haha!"

Ximen Lang smiled as if I understood you very well.

"In and out of the forest in a different space, not only did I meet the legendary emperor, but I also escaped. Are you joking with me? This joke is not funny!"

After Yang Fan got rid of Suzaku Domain, he chatted all the way and revealed some of the situations he encountered in Suzaku Domain.

Longshou knew Yang Fan well, and only revealed that the other party would not lie just for the sake of face.

Moreover, the fact that the legendary successors of the Holy Land were all obviously respectful to Yang Fan further proved that Yang Fan was not lying.

So it can only be said that the current Yang Fan is completely stronger than the legendary emperor!
Longshou is very happy about this news, because although the Huaxia Ability Association is still the strongest in the world of abilities, the younger generation has obviously been brought closer by other younger generations in the West. If the Huaxia Ability Association does not work hard, then The advantage of the previous generation that separated the eastern and western supernatural worlds will disappear in this generation!
The consequences, no one can predict!
Because the Chinese power world has suppressed the western power world for so long, if the gap disappears, it will be unbearable for the Chinese power world!

The appearance of Yang Fan made Longshou see the hope of the younger generation.

Also around Yang Fan, Liu Mian, Wang Gan, Ji Xinyue, Zhu Ling and others, Long Shou also began to look optimistic.

After all, Yang Fan is so strong, those who make good friends with him will definitely benefit!

"Ha ha."

Long Shou smiled noncommittally, with a calm and breezy attitude, whatever you think.

Seeing the posture of the dragon head, Ximen Lang couldn't hold his breath.

"Hey, I said, what do you mean?"

"Nothing interesting, just laughing at your ignorance!"

Long Shou said with a look of disdain.

"Damn it! Long Wudi, you are going too far!"

Ximen Lang was angry, and dared to say that he was ignorant!It's unbearable!

"Ximen Lang, you dare to call me by my name, are you asking for a beating?"

Long Shou squinted his eyes, looking annoyed.

Long Shou has lived all his life, but the only thing that bothered him was his name. In the past, no matter who used his name, he would turn against the other party!
"Tch! Who told you to say I'm ignorant!"

Ximen Lang said arrogantly.

"If you say you're ignorant and don't believe it, and there are people from the Holy Land, you still think it's false. If you're not ignorant, what are you?"

Longshou gave Ximen Lang a white look.

The two have been friends for many years, and they will quarrel with each other, which does not affect their deep relationship at all.

Ximenlang questioned, not because he didn't believe in Longshou, but because he was afraid that Longshou would be fooled by his favorite subordinates.

After all, Ximen Lang had been fooled like this before.

Longshou naturally knew Ximen Lang's worry, but he knew better that what he saw was absolutely true.

"Are you so sure?"

Ximen Lang asked again.


Long Shou answered very seriously.

"Then no matter how powerful he is, he can't occupy the quota of the Ability Association?"

Ximen Lang frowned and said.

Because Longshou said before that he would let Yang Fan represent the Huaxia Ability Association to participate in the competition held by the "Temple of Destiny".

But the problem is that the number of participants from the Ability Association has already been set, and there are regulations on the number of places to go. If Yang Fan wants to participate, he must squeeze out one of the places set by the Ability Association.

In fact, before participating in the experience of the different space, the supernatural association did not go, but that happened to be the case, but the quota had already been determined by default, and there was no one who had participated in the different space.

After all, the Ability Association has some official background, so this kind of operation is actually normal. This is also a feature of China's official system.

It is not as blatant and bloody as the western supernatural world, but it is better than the silent, like Gongdouju, in line with the traditional Chinese style, reserved and low-key, but it is deadly.

This is also what the dragon head is dissatisfied with. With a single mouth on the top, he can easily obtain countless benefits. How can there be such a good thing!
It is too much for the interest struggle of these forces to involve the following people!
"There's nothing I can do about it. After all, the Supernatural Association isn't really what I say. There are many things I can't do!"

Ximen Lang also said helplessly.

"Or, you can tell your kid not to go this time, and I will definitely fight for a place for him next time, and he is still young, so he can afford it!"

"I'm also in a dilemma now. After all, no matter how powerful a person is, he can't fight against the state machine."

"What if I say that he is serious enough to subvert everything?"

Long Shou looked at Ximen Lang and said slowly.

"Oh! Oh! Are you joking again?"

Ximen Lang said with a dry laugh.

"Back then when the capital changed and the Chuanguo Tianxi disappeared, you should have known about it, right?"

"I know, but is it related to your children?"

Ximen Lang raised his eyebrows.

"Back when the Holy Land collapsed, the Chuanguo Tianxi lost control, and the entire China was in turmoil. However, the whole turmoil lasted less than half a day! Do you know why?"

"Of course I know, the Ji family must have controlled the Chuanguo Tianxi in time!"

Ximen Lang answered naturally.

"But what about the disappearance of Tianxi?"

"Okay, don't go around the bush, just explain it plainly!"

Ximen Lang waved his hands impatiently.

"Back when Chuanguo Tianxi disappeared, the Ji family couldn't find it!"


Ximen Lang subconsciously stood up and looked at the dragon head with wide eyes.

"Then how..."

"I got the news that my informant met Yang Fan outside the Fourth Ring Road of Beijing!"

"This proves nothing!"

"But at that time, the informant saw Yang Fan twice, and the time coincided with the time when Tianxi disappeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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