Chapter 1 Wedges
The National Security Agency has a total of nine branches, three of which are the most important, namely the First Command, the Fifth Intelligence Division, and the Ninth Operations Division.

She is an A-level agent of the Ninth Operation Division of the National Security Agency, numbered 009, code-named "Scorpion".

Together with "Lightning", "Death", and "Civet Cat", she is called the four kings of the action department.

Her name is Murong Xue, and she comes from the ancient and mysterious Murong family.

The Murong family is proficient in ancient martial arts. Even though they live in the technologically advanced 21st century, they still do their best to pass on the martial arts skills passed down from generation to generation to future generations.

Murong Xue is talented and intelligent, whether it is the ability to accept ancient martial arts or absorb modern knowledge, it is beyond ordinary people.

With an IQ above 200, her brain is like a master computer, capable of handling everything in this world.

It's a pity that the Murong family, which has been hidden in the mountains for generations, is still unwittingly involved in secular disputes.

At a family gathering, a big explosion came out of nowhere and blew up the entire family, as well as all Murong Xue's relatives in this world.

She is the youngest among the four kings of the Operation Department, but also the most silent one.

From the first day the officer brought him to that building, the words "cold as ice" have been with him.

But she can kill without even being taught.

While the other three companions were still practicing shooting, she was already able to use the ancient martial arts passed down from generation to generation by the Murong family to break the neck of an enemy who was trying to invade the National Security Bureau building.

Without relatives, she no longer cared about it, even if it was injury or death, it was only her own business.

Therefore, her code name was dubbed "Scorpion".

And her person is just like the name, taciturn and vicious.

But people will always die, no matter how powerful or clever she is, she will still follow in the footsteps of lightning and death.

Maybe there is a prophet. When she saw the lightning being destroyed by the micro-controlled bomb in her mind, she understood that the country would give them freedom after many years, and that was all empty talk.

Agents will not be free, never will be.

It's not that she's not afraid of death, it's just that sometimes there are things that she has to do.

When a bomb was found on the helicopter that had already flown at an altitude of [-] feet, when they had no way to dismantle the thing before the plane flew over the Atlantic Ocean, when they found out in despair that there were only two parachute bags for the three people on board— —

Scorpion resolutely chose to stay...

(End of this chapter)

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