Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 109 Revenge?I'll help you!

Chapter 109 Revenge?I'll help you!
He raised his arm again, rubbed Murong Xue's hair with his big hand, and patted it lightly.

This is not the first time that this kind of action has happened before in Mo Yunxuan's time.

It's just that this time, it made her inexplicably feel at ease, and... safe.

That's right, since she was with Dongfang Ling, she was safe.

Unless you make trouble for yourself, like this time.

"Be careful yourself." He spoke again, and after throwing out this sentence, he turned and left.

Murong Xue didn't know where the impulse came from, but she suddenly blurted out to the back——

"I want revenge!"

The walking man paused, but did not stop.

As if her plan was already in his calculations, he just waved his hands behind him, and then said loudly:
"Go! This king will help you!"

Murong Xue couldn't see it. When he said this, Dongfang Ling showed a rare smile without any negative emotions.

That's right, he laughed, just because of her sentence: I want revenge!

This is Murong Xue, this is the girl he first met.

People's minds are always unpredictable, not only unpredictable for others, but often even for themselves.

Sometimes Dongfang Ling hoped that Murong Xue would stop being killed and bloody.

He hoped that this dazzlingly beautiful little girl could grow up happily like a normal child, and he even thought of giving her peace to the best of his ability.

But many times, he was afraid that Murong Xue would really become comfortable and add to the sentimentality of a woman.

He couldn't figure out what it was before, but when she yelled out the words of wanting revenge just now, he suddenly understood.

It turned out that the most reliable thing between him and her was the five-year agreement.

The most reliable thing is that he is the master and she is the servant.

He wanted to keep her, and he'd better hope she never changed.

(End of this chapter)

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