Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 112 Traveling in the middle of the night

Chapter 112 Traveling in the middle of the night
Murong Xue ate dinner in the room, although she explained the truth to Dongfang Ling, but when people really came into the palace, she still felt that she should try not to show her face in front of people.

After all, if one more person sees her, one more tongue will be born.

The imperial palace is a place of right and wrong, let alone her, a person of right and wrong.

Yin Yi cooperatively did not come to bother her, but sent a girl to tell her when to wake up and leave tomorrow.

She squinted for a while, until it was dark, and then sat up again with her eyes focused.

Years of working as an agent have made her very able to adapt to this sudden change in her own state. Even if she was still in a sweet sleep one second, she can immediately regain consciousness the next second.

The weather in Yanchi Country is extremely cold, and people all go to bed very early.

She guessed that if it was calculated according to the time in the 21st century, it would be less than twelve o'clock now.

But the whole palace has fallen into silence, the only ones who are still awake are the dots of palace candles and the occasional soldiers of the Imperial Army passing by.

Murong Xue didn't act immediately, he knew that no matter when people fall asleep, this time is not the time when they are most sleepy.

The officer said that the time when the human body is most relaxed and its sensory functions are weakest is two o'clock in the morning.

Although she is only going to fish out something in the frozen lake now, she is not dealing with people.

But anyway, this is the imperial palace, and we have to hide from the imperial guards who are patrolling back and forth along the way.

She just wanted to get things done without anyone noticing, and she didn't want to have side effects.

Two hours passed quickly, and she couldn't help laughing when she sneaked out from the back window.

People wear night clothes when they move at night, even if they are not so strict, at least they choose dark clothes.

Who is like her, all in white!
But in fact, there was snow on the ground, and her body blended with that snow color impartially.

(End of this chapter)

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