Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 115 Jumping into the Frozen Lake

Chapter 115 Jumping into the Frozen Lake
She went all the way, turning left and right.

Occasionally, soldiers who have been patrolling will feel that there is a gust of wind blowing around them, but when they look at it again, there is only black night and white snow left.

Hermit followed closely behind, carefully keeping a fixed distance from her.

Murong Xue is slow, he is also slow, Murong Xue is anxious, he is also anxious.

He couldn't guess what Murong Xue was going to do, he thought she wanted to go to Mo Yunxuan, after all, she lived there before.

But after following this way, I felt that the route was wrong.

Later he thought that Murong Xue was going to sneak out of the palace, but on second thought, it didn't make sense.

If she doesn't want to enter, she can do it if she doesn't agree, and she can't forcibly kidnap someone from Lingwang's mansion.

Finally, when the figure in front of him stood still, Yin Yi looked again, but he put the question to the extreme.

by the lake?

He was puzzled.

Seeing Murong Xue looking left and right at the frozen artificial lake in front of him, he simply gave up guessing and just waited for her next move.

This place is very secluded, surrounded by dry forests, and the forbidden army will only patrol between the palaces and courtyards, so this place is considered a blur.

Let's say that Murong Xue stood in front of this small lake, and after finding out where she dropped her things before, she silently calculated in her heart.

Calculate where it will sink after it falls, and calculate whether it will be washed away by the unfrozen water at the bottom of the river if it exists in the water.If it rushes, which direction will it rush to and how far will it float.

After a while, I already knew it in my heart.

Then he turned his head and looked around, seeing that no one was paying attention, so he bent down, lifted a big stone by his feet and smashed it towards the ice.

The ice layer shattered.

The ice hole that was knocked open was not too big, just enough to accommodate her small body.

Murong Xue looked at it with satisfaction, and then began to undo the cloak on her body.

Yin Yi, who was watching from a distance behind her, stared blankly at everything she did, and suddenly seemed to understand something.


Strongly recommend the sister article of this article: "Concubine Secret Service 1: There is a Phoenix Laiyi" [End]

Introduction: She is an A-level agent of the Ninth Operation Division of the National Security Agency. She has no relatives, no reason, and is cold-blooded.Once time travels, it coincides with the big wedding, and after killing the prince and husband in the bridal chamber, he fled in a hurry.She thought her new life would be easy and comfortable, but she didn't expect that the court and the public were also filled with gunpowder, and her life was still full of blood and rain...

(End of this chapter)

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