Chapter 120 Hot Things

Of course, she didn't want to come back to Mo Yunxuan for no reason, but she just got back that jade seal. In this palace, she didn't know where else to put it except Dongfang Ling's room in Mo Yunxuan.

Until now, Murong Xue didn't know why she kept this hot thing. Speaking of it, there was no benefit in keeping this thing by her side. The Prince's Dragon Robe was an example.

But she can't throw this thing away, let alone put it back where the third prince came to pick it up.

I always feel that I will use it sooner or later, and even use it to save my life.

She didn't sleep for too long this time, and Dongwei had to get up early, and she woke up in about an hour.

After dressing and washing, he took the thing next to his pillow in his hand, and really thought about where to put it so that it would be safe.

She didn't plan to hide Dongfang Ling anymore, she even felt that the news that she came to Mo Yunxuan in the middle of the night had already spread to Lingwang's mansion outside the palace.

This is a troublesome object, if it is not hidden well, it may harm Dongfang Ling.

Although Mo Yunxuan is King Ling's residence in the palace, who can guarantee that the servants here will be loyal without exception?
It's okay to put things away properly, but if they are found by servants, it may be a disaster.

The officer once said that in this world, except for himself, no one can be completely trusted, including him.

Murong Xue has always believed that the words of the officer are correct. Human beings are the most fickle creatures. The structure of the human brain is so complicated that often it is only a sudden jump of the nerves that may cause that person to have an inexplicable behavior. .

Therefore, you can choose to trust the other party, but at the same time, you must be prepared.

It is a fool's way to entrust all the life of the birth family.

After thinking for a while, she decided to hide this thing in the dark room of Dongfang Ling's study.

She once heard him say that no one is allowed to enter that place, including Biqing.


Today's update is complete, thank you for your support to Nini. For those who like to read the conclusion, I recommend you to watch the first two parts of Nini's "Secret Agent Series": "Secret Agent 1: Feng Laiyi" and "Secret Agent" 2: My Concubine Is an Agent", all of them are finished texts, you can enjoy watching~!

(End of this chapter)

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