Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 132 Biqing is also one of them

Chapter 132 Biqing is also one of them
He said so, no one is willing to change.

If it is changed, it is the benevolence of a woman.As a master, he can't bear to be a slave, what's that called?
Seeing that everyone had no objection, Emperor Wu waved his hand, and immediately several powerful eunuchs rushed forward, grabbed the slaves around the princes and nobles one by one and threw them into the center of the arena.

There was a loud cry for a while, and there were men and women among the slaves, and many of them were even young children.

Hearing that he was about to be hunted and killed as prey, how could he not be afraid, each of them cried and begged his master for help.

But at a time like this, who master is willing to help?
The person who was taken away next to Dongfang Ling was Biqing.

She is Dongfang Ling's close servant, and it was not until Murong Xue appeared that she spent less time by Dongfang Ling's side.

Now that Murong Xue is at Yin Yi's place, the mission of the attendant is naturally to pick it up again.

When she was escorted away, Biqing didn't cry like the others, but she was also afraid.

No one is not afraid of death, even if she has been with Dongfang Ling for so many years, she is used to seeing killing and being ruthless, but in the face of crisis, she is still a weak woman.Standing in the middle of the empty field, the body has already begun to tremble.

When he looked at Dongfang Ling again, the other party was also looking at her, then nodded slightly, and shook his hand again.

Biqing understands that it means to tell herself to rest assured that nothing will happen.

So she stood in the center of the field with peace of mind, watching all this with cold eyes, without any panic.

Dongfang Ling has such ability, as long as he says it's okay, then it will be fine.

Neighboring countries have heard about slavery in Yanchi Kingdom, but seeing it with their own eyes is another matter.

Yin Yi has learned a lot this trip, but the killing in this episode still shocked him a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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