Chapter 138 Dongfang Han

"Don't be afraid!" Seeing that Bi Qing's whole body was trembling, Murong Xue had no choice but to remind her: "The more you are so afraid, the slower you will move. In this case, if you run slowly, you will die. "

Biqing nodded, took a deep breath, and said:

"I understand. But..."

Seeing another horse chasing her, Murong Xue couldn't listen to her anymore, pulled her wrist, and said flatly:

"Follow me, don't look back!"

She tried her best to grab Biqing and run deep into the woods, Biqing couldn't run as fast as her, but being held by someone like this, coupled with the deadly arrows chasing after her from time to time, actually triggered the potential in her body, Raised the running speed to the fastest.

Finally stopping in front of a tree trunk, Biqing's legs gave way from exhaustion, and she knelt down on the ground, panting heavily.

Murong Xue was not much better, this young and hungry body was so unbearable, after running for a while, her calves started to spin, followed by dizziness for a while.

"Who is Han?" Seeing that Biqing couldn't run away for a while, she simply asked the question in her heart - "Who is called Han among the royal family?"

Biqing raised her head feebly, thought for a while, and said:

"It's the third prince."

"Her name is Dongfang Han?" Murong Xue gritted her teeth, the first arrow was shot by Dongfang Han, she remembered it.

Biqing just nodded and said nothing more.

Presumably only Murong Xue could say the prince's name so naturally.

"Can you still run?" Looking at Biqing who was in a panic, she had to urge again, "If you don't run, death will come soon."

Bi Qing was helpless, hearing Murong Xue's words made her feel cold all over.

Struggling to stand up, but said:
"Can you not be so cruel when you speak? Sometimes you are even more... and..."

(End of this chapter)

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